I was out today to hunt some morels. I wasn’t sure what to expect..we got a ton of rain, but it hasn’t been all that warm lately. I started out under a few familiar elms at a creek bottom. Here i found 4 morels, but all were so tiny. I left them to grow bigger. I bet the biggest one was no more than an inch.
My next spot was an area of forest between two county woods. its not very big and wide but we usually can get a few in there once in a while. I found a morel right when i stepped into the woods and it was a real nice one. I looked around and started finding 1 here, another there. Soon I came to an area where i found 1 and then looked around some more and realized that they were plentiful in the area. Using a stick, i pushed away ground cover to reveal several morels. I moved to a dead elm next were i spotted a few morels. After looking more closely, i realized there were a lot of them here. I picked probably 25 or so and covered the area extremely well before moveing to one last dead elm. This one was the real jack pot. There were probably 30-35 in this spot and they were surprisingly good sized yellows. my bag was pretty heavy at this point and full, and there was no more woods to go to so i went home. I counted them out and found i had 82 morels. i left behind probably 20 more to grow, and a few that looked mushy. it was really a blast. Anyway, you know how it goes, the grunt work comes after you are done. I spent the next hour chopping and cleaning them, putting them in the fridge and then everybody wanted morels when they got home.. including myself so i spent about another 25 minutes preparing and eating morels. Man was it worth it though. What a blast. Don’t you love this time of year?
May 2, 2006 at 2:01 am