Creek Chub Trapping

  • luke_haugland
    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Has anybody ever done this, I tried using the sein, they are just too fast. What would be the best attractant to put in the box trap?

    Thanks all!

    Mesa AZ
    Posts: 178

    I use a ultra-lite rod/reel a small hook/bobber set up and fish for them. It’s a great time, and you never know what else may grab your bait. Usually doesn’t take long to catch enough for an outing.

    Posts: 149

    Rod and reel fishing for them is a blast and will get you plenty of chubs. But they seem to die pretty quick that way. When seining them do you walk up stream? Another trick that works is to plant your sein in the bank stretching it across the creek. Place it so that it makes a big U shape. Go up stream and start to splash your way down to the sein. This takes two or more guys. Three is the perfect number. Then once you reach the sein swing one end over to the bank that has the shallowest water and lift it up. In a good creek a couple of these trips should get you mare than you want. This only works in smaller creeks. In larger creeks where your sein does not reach from bank to bank then try and only concetrate on the holes. You will have to take lots of short trips and usually have to work much harder than if you were on a narrow stream.

    Now to the baiting question. The minnow traps will work just fine make sure the entrance hole is the size you are looking for. Bait with corn or bread balls. Place in the deeper hoels in the stream. Try and keep the trap close to the bank as they seem to use the bank as cover. Check daily and you should have plenty that way as well. The only problem here is that you usually get tons of small minnows and do not get much for size. That is my experience with traps.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Luke the best way to get creek chubs is do a drive for them. I put out several funnel traps and then go way upstream with a dip net and float box. I dip out what I can on the way down. When I get the the funnel traps they are usually full of them. If you can find an area where the bank is washed out, put a trap under there. They like to cruise those areas.

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Dogfood or bread works good.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    Trapping your own minnows is a blast. For creek chubs I use funnel traps with dogfood for bait. I usually leave them for a day at a time. Scouting helps tremendously. I found a lot of spots last year during pheasant season and I will be heading out in a couple weeks to put the traps out.

    south dakota
    Posts: 29

    If you use bread or dog food, do you just put some in the trap or is there a way you package it and then put it in? thanks

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    I set traps–I have atleast six of you want to use one–works great. I use catfood as bait and the only bad thing is finding a trap full of water snakes!


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    funnel trap with dog food……..tie it up with a rope and throw it out. On a good day, I get about 10 dozen rainbow dace………all between 3 to 6 inches!!!!!!!

    I love my little secret creek!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595


    If you use bread or dog food, do you just put some in the trap or is there a way you package it and then put it in? thanks

    I have no idea if this would work, but could you leave it in the can? Just punch holes in the side of the can and use that to attract them, or does it need to be something they can actually get at to eat? Someone please tell me if this would work or if its the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard.

    I’ve always caught what I need using a light rod and reel with a 1/16oz jig and no bobber and put a few kernals of canned sweetcorn on the hook. Just let it sit on the bottom for a few seconds and then lift up. If you dont have anything, let it sit a few more. With two of us catching them this way, we normally have what we need within 20 minutes.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    Find a deep hole in a stream and toss the funnel trap in. No need for any food. Most deep holes have so many damn red tails they will fill the trap up in 1 day.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Anybody got a pic of a funnel trap? I don’t think I have ever seen them before..? I am going to go try with a jig and corn tomorrow, as I don’t have funnel traps..

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Check at Pauls (across from Fin and Feather)in Iowa City. I THINK???? they have minnow traps there. If not,Fin&F or Scheels might have them.
    I have a wire one but they make a clear plastic type too.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Luke you can use one of my traps–I have atleat six.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Luke, if you need a spot to get chubs let me know. Ive got 3 spots here in the area that have alot of chubs, some big enough to eat with the norm around 3″ to 5″, some really nice creek minnows too.

    Posts: 525

    If you are going to use minnow traps in the IC area, and you don’t have access to a creek on private land, you need to either hide your traps very well, or expect to lose them in short order. I have had good luck trapping and seining chubs around Johnson County, but I gave up on funnel traps after having several of them stolen. BTW, the law requires that you place your name on minnow traps with a metal tag like that placed on animal traps. It won’t stop someone from taking it, but it will save you a potential fine. Oh, and bread works good as bait.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Thanks all for the tips! Whitey- I think I am going to pauls (thanks geeman)..and just buy a few, a buddy of mine has some(normal box traps) that we are going to use..
    I don’t know if they have them (the funnel traps) at pauls though- as I have looked everywhere and have only seen box traps, nets..etc..
    Mossy- check your PM!
    Vike- I will be doing it on a private farmer’s creek- but thanks for the heads up, I had no clue-
    Who would steal minnow traps…?

    “Hey guys I have an idea- lets go down to abc creek, and see if there are any funnel minnow traps…then we can steal them…that will be fun”
    ….seriously what the heck…????


    Hey bud. Idk if you’ve already heard this in your thread but in rivers just find a deep hole off a corner of a bend and you’ll have crazy luck in most spots… Also if your in a lake… I will find a void in weeds (in front of beaver runs especially) in spring and fall and put my trap down so there’s kinda 4 walls around my trap… And I’ll pull in 30-50 dozen rainbows 3″s can only keep 12 dozen at a time so most go back lol seriously no bait even needed… If ur not getting minnows or ur getting mud minnows tadpole and stickle back ur in the wrong spot ya know nad just find a different spot… Hard ground under weed patches with soft bottom most other spots seems amazing too…. Along with old beaver lodges have a different bottom due to beaver activity and they seem to pile around those areas as well… Summer time I haven’t figured out (or tried as hard) but I keep my minnows alive for the whole winter and summer… Then I feed em dog food at night and clean it out in the morning time once a week and keep em in coolers with cold water… No airators or anything lol… Mostly fatheads suckers and rainbow chubs… I’ll go and trap shiners sometimes just for an outing but they’re ALOT harder to keep alive and without a good flowing system it’s pointless… But that’s what I know helps

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1589

    Water snakes?!?! I’m out!

    Posts: 1499

    Make a small box out of .25″x.25″ metal mesh and put dog food in that and hang it in trap with a piece of wire.

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