need some help

  • JonathanTegeler
    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 127

    Hey everyone, i am looking for a nice bag to keep all of my softplastics in, i bought one at wal mart and it just didnt seem to hold as much as i had it also spilled all my bags when it fliped over. But i looked on bass pro and wondered if any one knew about the “Bill Dance File Bag”? i would like to know about how many bags this could hold,or if any one has any other good product, throw it my way, thanks for any help


    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I have a soft sided tackle bag that holds the plastic plano boxes, what I did was remove 2 and buy a double deep box for my plastics. I leave them in the bags in the box so far its worked great. I still also have a compartment box for the older style mister twisters in assorted colors.

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 127

    That is a sweet system brad! to bad i dont have a boat lol but ill book mark this and show my parents for their boat lol, thanks for the tip

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 127

    Hey Shaley, that is a great idea because i do have the soft sided bag, but i only have 4 boxes in it and im using them all already thanks for the tip incase i upgrade though

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I bought a couple Tackle Logic books last year and they have worked great for me. You just slip the bags of plastic onto the rings and they are right there for you.

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 127

    Hey Gator hunter, i did buy one of these from bas pro, just not of that size i filed it the day it came in the mail and i love it. my brother has one that is large and he loves his also. it seems like a good set up and i may buy another, Thanks

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