Immigration Walk Out

  • derek_johnston
    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Anyone hear of this? I guess there is some group that is asking all illegal immigrants that have work passes to walk out on the job on May 1st to show how much they are needed.

    My buddy has many legals working for him. He told them if they walk out on the job, they will be fired.

    Maybe now I can get that part time job Ive been wanting for the past 6 months.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Derek. I always think it is funny, when I hear, they are doing the jobs that Americans will not. Its more like, they are doing the Chit jobs, for little money, that Americans will not fall for. All this just to make the big business owners more profits to line their pockets. JMO.

    big g

    Posts: 5130

    Out in Colorado, you will find many of these immigrant seasonal workers. They do work that we as Americans feel we are “too good” to do. I also supervised up to 17 immigrant workers. They worked harder than any of my white employees. Believe it or not, most Americans take for granted what we have here in the U.S. These people come from a poverty stricken country where there are few jobs and the ones they do have, are very poor paying. I am in total support of them working in the United States, as long as they have a green card. If it wasn’t for them, a lot of the agriculture undustry would be on their knees and we would be importing more food and fiber instead of exporting. If the younger generation of Americans would learn to work for a living instead of expecting things to get handed to them, we wouldn’t need these people. But the sad truth is, it will never happen.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Post deleted by Lntony2

    Posts: 5130

    When I hear people say they are doing jobs for less money, please explain how they are doing the job for less money? Many of the field workers are making more than minimum wage, just the same as an “American”. The mexicans that are working on the dairies in this area are making more than minmum wage, typically starting out at $8-10 per hour. I would be offered the same job for the same money. How many here would honestly work in a sugar beet field in the middle of summer hoeing weeds by hand for $6 an hour? I am betting very very few. The ag industry is not the highest paying occupation and we are losing many of our youth and family farmers to corporations and jobs in the “city”. We still need the food, so we need people who are willing to do the job. I wouldn’t do it for that kind of money, that is the main reason I got out of the Agriculture industry. If I were still in it and had the chance to hire an immigrant laborer, I would in a heartbeat. The goal in business is to make money, not feel sympathy or pity for the worker. They make the conscious choice whether to take the job or not

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    Immigration seems to have worked quite well for the USA over the past several centuries. I know I wouldn’t be here without it.

    Sure, there are some illegals who are not good people and take advantage of the system at the expense of others, but I bet there is a higher percentage of “citizens” who do more harm than that.

    Most recent immigrants, legal or otherwise, have to work very hard and very smart just to survive as they don’t have the support system that many natural born citizens do (family, friends, easy access to governmental assistance programs, etc.). For many of these folks it is sink or swim and they work hard to make ends meet and scrape by with the hopes of someday working only 40 hours per week. For most of them, they know they are not entitled to anything here other than what they can do on their own.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I realize that this post may not be PC but the simple fact is they are criminals. They could have taken the proper steps to come here legally but they chose not to do that. Now they are trying to hijack the system by showing their tremendous numbers. It is BS in my humble opinion.
    My two cents.

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    Why does every person wake up in the morning and get out of bed? The answer on most days probably is to make a buck so we can enjoy life. Contractors or coperations are in the business to make money, same as the workers. Bottom line is treat the workers with respect, pay employees a livable wage to support themselves and their family, provide or make health insurance affordable so the people who do have insurance don’t have to pick up the cost for employers that don’t provide it, and remeber that your body does not last forever so some form of retirement should be mandatory. Even when you retrire you still need money for minnows! In a perfect world we would have these things but, who said the world was perfect. The color of your skin should not make one differnce on how any person working in this country should be treated. I also know first hand how hard immagrant workers work. Funny nobody mentions if they are willing to work hard and do things others choose not to, maybe they should be paid more instead of less. I have also seen first hand what happens when immagrant workers stick together and negiotate there wages, they have some of the strongest workforces in the industry.

    Holmen WI / New Berlin WI / Pelican Lake WI
    Posts: 65

    I think we are looking at something that is alot more in depth than how hard they work and what they or we are worth.

    What about taxes and health care and the costs of them being here and not paying thier way. If we all stoped paying taxes and for health care and the other things that we are paying. We all could live on the pay they live on.

    Maybee we should limit the amount of them we let in this country. Start holding them accountable for the things we are held acounable for.

    Think of it this way supply and demand.

    If we have to much supply the demand goes down and so does the price. If we have to many people to do the job the people will do the job for less just to get the job.

    We need to close the flood gates then work on solving the problem.

    Then we need to contol the inflo to make this country a good place for my grand kids to raise their kids.

    Just a little back ground for you
    I employ 47 people none of witch are imagrants but all of witch have relation that that had been at one time.
    My former job I had over 200 employees and some of them were imigrants they were good employees just like the others.
    No matter what good help is hard to find!
    River Hunter

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I did read the other day that the senate did approve a bill that would allow citizenship after 11 years on the follow:

    Must learn English and be fluent
    No criminal record
    Must pay taxes, even all back taxes
    Must pay a $2,000 fee out of pocket

    This I would support.

    Harlan, Iowa
    Posts: 31

    wow, How does one start on such a intense subject.

    Well They want to be citizens, but they start out by INVADING, yes invading my contry.

    If our forefathers would have entered this country “illegally” during WWII, they would have been shot. And rightfully so. They are not citizens of the USA, They are citizens of another counrty and fully chose to sneak their way into this country. They deserve no citizenship because they are lawbreakers. They do however deserve human rights and that is all.

    Why do people have a problem understanding this issue. It is not black, white , red or yellow. It is about right and wrong and the concequences we must pay as human being if we break the law. Therefore they should not and can not be trusted.

    I work in a meat cutting Plant and I have seen the illegal workers and there arrogance about not learning the English language. I have seen them use this to say they do not understand only to have a legal card carring worker say the person fully understood. I have seen them reading the English newspaper, but can still not speak english? Come on, they only look at the pictures? Where have I heard that one before??????? The legal workers are great, but they are outnumbered by the “illegals”.

    The reason for this, it is my understanding they can not get a green card unless they hold land in Mexico, and the reason they are here illeglally is because they are to poor to have land. Catch 22 huh.

    The “illegals” I have seen are unreliable as workers, but the Hispanics from the south are very good workers and good citizens.

    Another thing, why do we have to pay for all the health care for them, if they get sick patch them up and send them home.

    We can not charge them a tax because in the United States you can not have taxation without representation.

    They do pay Social Security, but that is an insurance plan. The government knows they will not collect S.S. because they are illegals and they can not use there real name and address. Therefore the US is happy they are supporting the S.S. system.

    If they were legal green card carring workers they would be intitled to retirement compensation, even if they were citizens of another country.

    IF you believe the illegals should be given citizens rights because they earned them, you probably believe in all star wrestling also

    As americans we are in a bad situation do we give a person who has commited a crime citizenship. Maybe, we allowed a a pardoned felon to be president.

    Do we send them all back at once, and close the borders? Then tell them if they cross the line(border) they will be shot? Sounds alot like the old Iron Curtain, doesn’t it?

    I pray we will find an end to all this. It is driving a wedge between all people of this great country.

    I leave you with this thought. How would your dead war vetran relatives or our fallen soilders feel about letting foreigners enter this county illegally?

    God bless all of you and this great country.


    Posts: 5130

    The “illegals” shouldn’t be in the packing plants to begin with. That is a fault of the company who hired them, and the company should and does get fined for hiring the illegals. I spent my fair share of time in the beef packing houses as well. The large corporate ones can not and will not hire them without a work visa or green card. The smaller plants will, and get caught on a regular basis. The illegals are then rounded up, deported, and the company is imposed a fine.
    My question is are we talking about illegal aliens or immigrant workers with valid visas or green cards? If we are talking illegal aliens, I will agree send them packing. If we are talking legal aliens, then I stand behind my arguments of they have a place in our country

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1630

    what really ticks me off is you take a family of 15 of These illegal immigrates and they shingle a roof for pennies on the dollar and they pay no taxes they all live in one house and lets not forget that there not even suppose to be here, i don’t care how hard they work there are criminals, and the best part is they can go down and minnesota care and get better health insurance then you and me because they have no money, and it gets better we have to teach them because they have a right to a education and they you can’t understand them so then you have to hire interperters, they said ther is roughly 80,000 illegals in minnesota, thats like the whole city of rochester not paying taxes, and taking jobs away from americans, just my two cents…

    Harlan, Iowa
    Posts: 31

    I have been in over 15 packing houses.
    The problem lies in that they do have green cards, but with the imagrationlaws being what they are. The green cards are fakes.
    Like I said, the problem lies in the laws for them to get a green card. Why doesnt our government change those laws first?
    I called on many IBP(Thyson now) plants and this is a very lucrative way for Thyson to make about $1,000,000 per plant per year. Because they do not pay Federal Taxes neither does the packing plant. I really should say you and I lose about $1,000,00 per plant/year on our tax loses.
    You are right about the INS rounding them up and sending them home. The packing houses do this on a regular basis.
    There are tricks to this also.
    I too wish we could sort out the legals from the illegals, but how? I hope someone comes up with a good idea.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    The Government could have solved much of the problem this weekend. With many of the protesters being Illegal they could have just had them all march south. WAY SOUTH!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    For all of you who think this is a black and white issue… Here is real senario that is happening to a good friend of mine and one of my favorite fishing buddies.

    Tito (ok.. made up name… not about to use his real one) was brought to our country illegally by his parents when he was about 10 years old. His father was a legal worker at the time and his family moved to California to stay with him. Through the years… he went to school… his mother obtained legal status for herself. Some years back, the government instituted a policy for a short time where “illegals” could become legal. But that provision did not allow for minors. He was about 15 at the time. He had moved to MN with his older brother who WAS and adult. His brother gained legal status at that time as well. So, now… at 23 years old… Everyone in his family is in the US and are legal. Except for him. He has consulted lawyers time and time again to try and obtain legal status. He has no family or relatives in Mexico. He was brought here as a child. He speaks fluent english… even graduated high school. He has a child with a white mother. Is Engaged to be married… but will not on account of the chance he could get deported and leave the mother fending for herself. He is a stand-up guy. Willing to do anything to help you out.

    Now, should he NOT be allowed to obtain legal status? Here at 10 years old and has NEVER had the opportunity to get legal. He pays taxes… and social security (thought not to his own SSN of course). He contributes to society. he has NO family or freinds in Mexico. Should we send him back to Mexico?

    To those of you that think this is black and white… be careful of how you lump all “illegals” into 1 category. My friend is a law-abiding citizen and hasn’t had as much as a speeding ticket. he works hard and provides for his family and considers himself American (since that is how he has lived for 13 years).

    Oh… and I am sure that those who think this probably are not native american… so, if you are so high and mighty and holier than though… remember that you were NOT here first. I am the opinion that, while we are at it… we ship you back off to the country your heritage comes from (germany?)

    America… LAND OF THE FREE….
    “Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free”

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    How many here would honestly work in a sugar beet field in the middle of summer hoeing weeds by hand for $6 an hour? I am betting very very few

    Very true Wats………Nobody would………

    So, if we didn’t have the illegals coming in to do it, the business would have to pay higher wages in order to get people to work……..

    By all means, I’m not targeting you with your statement.

    But my reply is that the illegals are lowering down the cost of a fair wage to the common citizen.

    The same thing happened about 75+ years ago……That is when the Unions came into play. Now albeit I’m not a union fan today, but back then it was necessary.

    For example:
    An group of illegals come in and do your roof for $0.50 to the dollar as compared to a regular contractor. The problem is that the contractor is:
    1) legal
    2) licensed
    3) bonded
    4) insured
    5) pays workmans comp
    6) pays unemployment
    7) pays benefits
    8) pays a fair wage

    Now, when you roof leaks a year later, there is no warranty for work and you are stuck with a bad roof. With the contractor, it won’t happen.

    Illegals are skewing the “common wage” for the American worker.
    Illegals are abusing government programs set in place for the American Citizen.
    Illegals are criminals by breaking the US federal law by not entering this country legally.

    I have absolutely no problem with immigration to this country. If we wouldn’t have immigration, probably 99% of our IDA member would not be here. My assumption is that we may have 1% that are American Indian who are true native to this ground as IDA members.

    Illegal immigration is wrong.
    There is no justifiable reason for it.
    It has nothing to do with race/color/creed/religion.

    one question:
    How would you feel if Islamic fundamentalist from Syria were entering this country illegally? Why is it ok for one race to enter the country illegally and not another?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 57

    If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime, TRY THIS.

    Enter any other country illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas,
    international law, or any of that nonsense.

    Once there, demand that the local government provide
    free medical care for you and your entire family.

    Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

    Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc.

    Procreate abundantly. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly
    irresponsible reproductive behavior with, “It is a cultural thing. You would not

    Keep your American identity strong Fly Old Glory from your
    rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

    Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your
    children do likewise.

    Demand classes on American culture in the local school system.

    Demand a local driver’s license. This will afford other
    legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence
    in that country.

    Drive around with no liability insurance and ignore local
    traffic laws.

    Insist that local law enforcement teach English to all
    its officers.

    Good luck, You’ll be demanding for the rest of time or soon be

    It will not happen in any other country in the world
    EXCEPT right here in the United States.

    Does anyone else see a problem with this? Maybe I am biased because I lost a very good job this year as a licensed technician, and was replaced by unlicensed general labor from other countries working both here and all over the world. Meanwhile my government not only allowed/enabled regulations to be broken and public safety to be compromised on a daily basis, but turned a blind eye to me and thousands of co-workers that were thrown out on the street. They say a recession is when your neighbor is out of work, a depression is when you are out of work. How would you feel?

    Iron, mn
    Posts: 247

    Do not try to make this guy seem innocent because his family brought him here. he needs to step up to the plate and become an american citizen the way every other immigrant does.. HE IS HERE ILLIGALLY….

    Posts: 3


    Right on! No other country in the whole world is as stupid as the USSA (United Socialist States of America) to have such an immigration policy. If the criminals succeed, this will mean that any group that makes enough “noise” will get what they want. America is a republic, not a democracy (mobocracy), and is supposed to be ruled by law. If the mob wins on this one, America’s done.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Im all for having them come here if its done legally. How about telling them that once thier employed a certain amount is withdrawn from thier checks to pay for healthcare that they may need. A million workers that have $15 a week taken out is $15 million a week in health revenues. Maybe we should look at this program too for the uninsured here but that another subject. Forgiving the ones that are here illegally isn’t the answer. Maybe set up a program at the borders that when they want to come here and work they file for thier pass in this building and wait until thier needed for work then issued a temp. card with terms. If they work here for a certain amount of years and haven’t done anything wrong then issue them citizenship papers for filing for citizenship. If we close the doors this is just going to keep happening and strain the law inforcement system and constant deporting is the only answer. They are going to come here and try to get in anyway, thier conditions and hungry stomachs are the reasons why. I can’t see anything wrong with putting up stations along the border where they can fill for temp. work permits, atleast it will take some of the pressure off the system on trying to find the illegal ones that don’t want to mess with the present slow system. If all they had to do is file at the border and wait until they were told where they could work alot of them would use this system. If they already had a place they could work the border check could get in contact with thier purposed employer and check to see if its ok. A simple system will be much more effecient than the slow system we have in place now. 10 million mexican workers here with $15 dollars a week taken from thier checks for health care is put in a nation general immigrant fund is $150 million a week and alot of problems will be solved at the border when trying to cross. The reason why thier here illigally is because there isn’t a good processing and filing system for temp. work permits and because they are hungry and want to be able to take care of themselves, they are going to come here anyway so why have a system thats unproductive considering the circumstances. Because were all human the present system is umproductive, if i were mexican i’d come here to work too. Theres was a beef kill and packing plant here an immigration showed up and all the workers left except for about a dozen workers, we need a better filing system for temp. workers, they are going to come here and we need them here to work thats it in a nutshell. Making it a felony is totally ridiculous when things could be done diffrently, this is another stupid politicians way of gaining favoritism for thier district and isn’t going to slove anything, its completely umproductive when a simple temp. pass system could be put in place at the borders then we could keep track of whos here and whos hiring them and they would be paying taxes too.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Did you not read the entire story I wrote??? Did you miss the part where “he has consulted lawyers time and time again to try and obtain legal status”??? How fair would it be to send him back to Mexico when all he has known is the American way of life. He has no family or relatives in mexico.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Hey Cletus;

    There is a simple way for him to become “legal” in this country. Unless he has a criminal record, something is “missing” here.

    Sorry, but I know the immigration system very well.

    Since he has contacted lawyers, it appears he didn’t contact the right ones.

    What your buddy needs to do is re-locate back to Mexico and have his wife, his brother, his mother, his father “invite” him here. Once he is here, then he can get a temporary work visa. Upon having that, he can work his way into green card holder and eventually citizenship.

    If you need assistance with this, I can offer the websites to support and also have close contact with a good immigration attorney.

    Let me know if I can be of help.

    Iron, mn
    Posts: 247

    i read it in its entirety, you wanna talk fairness?? how about paying his fair share for using the roads, streetlights and all the things taken directly out of our checks? what about the people coming in here legally and doing it the right way? is that fair to the law abiding people in or entering the country through proper process? Unless “your friend” has done something to keep him from getting citizenship, he shouldnt have a problem….best of luck to anyone trying to do it the right way!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Obviously, you didn’t read it. He pays taxes… they come out of every check. He pays SSN… not to his own SSN… but he pays it nonetheless. He has a drivers license… and pays for tabs on his car. Come to think of it… he probably pays in more than what he takes back from the good ol’ USA. I bet you get a tax return each year, don’t you? He doesn’t. Govt keeps that money because he can’t file anything. You want to talk about fairness??? I would rather have 10 million of him walking around than the good-for-nothing welfare familys that do nothing but sit on their all day and do nothing. And he DOES have a problem… the fact that his parents brought him over illegally is what is preventing him from getting citizenship.

    You know… it really irks me that my ancestors fought and died to make this country free… just so that those who enjoy it’s freedom can be snobs and not allow anyone else to enjoy that freedom.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Him being brought into this country illegally as a minor should not stop him with the recommendation I gave you.

    If you really want to help out your buddy, shoot me a pm…….

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Thanks for the suggestion… but he cannot relocate back to Mexico. As I stated… he has NO family, freinds, or relatives back there. The only ones that remained were his grandparents… since passed on. As much as he wants to be legal… I can’t imagine ANYONE moving to a different country with NOBODY there… no job, no aquaintences, no home… that just can’t happen. He needs to find a way to do so… while staying here.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    He can!!!!

    You have a PM

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    Don’t mean to stir the pot, but how is this guy able to get a job, pay taxes, etc, etc. without legal status. My understanding is that illegals are “unable” to be hired and if the company hires him , they are in trouble.

    No disrespect intended, as I can tell this topic hits home with you.

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