Ive got a big tree in the back yard with a big root about 10 feet long and 6 inches round. Its about half way out of the ground. If I cut this sucker out, will I kill the tree? Or should I bring the area up to grade and bury it?
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Ive got a big tree in the back yard with a big root about 10 feet long and 6 inches round. Its about half way out of the ground. If I cut this sucker out, will I kill the tree? Or should I bring the area up to grade and bury it?
I would geuss you will not kill the tree. That root is just a sucker that is getting moisture from the top. The important ones are growing downward and not outward We chop a lot of roots out all year and haven’t killed any trees. have fun though, them suckers are tough to cut unless you have a chainsaw
I’d be concerned about cutting the root from a perspective of losing it as an “anchor” for the tree …. if the tree falls in a strong storm, what gets busted?
Caution: I’m not an arborist, nor do I play one on tv.
Thanks Wat
Good point Yoda.
The tree is leaning towards my house and that root is the anchor.
I am not a tree hugger myself , but, trees have a lot more “anchors” than what we see on the surface. A little 6″ diameter root is not holding that tree up. I will still say you are more than safe in cutting that sucker root out
You could just dig around it to see exactly how big it is. I am going to guess that it is bigger than 6″ and probably has quite a few other roots going off from there. Cutting roots out is one of my least favorite jobs. We are constantly tearing these buggers out when we set up concrete jobs. We have cut out some HUGE ones with no ill effect for the tree. If you just put dirt on top of it and raise the grade, it will still heave that ground as well in the future. Just my opinion
I’m just sick of mowing around it. I might just dig it up and see how big it is..
Thanks Wats
No idea. Elm maybe? Its not a birch, oak or maple. How many more are there?
I’m just sick of mowing around it. I might just dig it up and see how big it is..
Thanks Wats
Digging it up may be more work than mowing around it! Maybe you should just go fishing and not worry about mowing.
If that’s not an option, I would bury it and bring it up to grade, plant a little grass seed and call her good. Those types of roots covered with dirt are hell on your chainsaw anyhow. Good Luck, don’t ya just love all the little projects a guy can find?
I’m just sick of mowing around it.
Mowing gets in the way of fishing anyways.
first off, what kind of tree is it…just by the root description I’m guessing some sort of Maple, but anyways your decision should depend solely on species. Some trees take root loss better than others. If it is indeed a Maple, by all means whack it off On the other hand, if it is an Oak, do not cut the root off! A better plan for you would be to bring in some wood chips and go about 6″ deep around the entire perimeter of the tree as far out as the root goes. This does 2 things; A: covers your exposed roots, B: Less grass to mow! Raising the grade around a tree is never a good thing because it can lead to soil compaction making it difficult for the fine feeder roots to pick up oxygen, and water has to drain into the soil even further for it to be picked up by the roots. One other thing about raising the grade. You have this root that has been acclimated to being above ground and being fairly dry. Well when you put soil on it, its going to give a new moist environment making it very open to all sorts of neat fungi which is I would say the #1 tree killer. Theres your lesson in arboriculture for today…hope this helps
I like the wood chip idea too. How about some flowers also. Maybe time for a few pictures so we can help with this project.
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