depth finder values

  • cweber01
    Posts: 95

    I just put a new lms 334 and installed in on my boat this weekend . Now I have a used Garmin 250 that I bought at the beginning of last year and also a lms 160 that’s probably 3 or 4 years old. I don’t need either one now, and I was wondering what they are worth. I have everything the came with including the transducers and gps antena for the lms 160. Anyone out there know what I should be asking for them?

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    eBay is a pretty good indicator of what price you can get. The LMS 160 sold for anywhere between $230-350.depending what you have with it. The new Garmin 250 is on there for $179. and they can’t sell them. Hope this helps.

    Posts: 95

    thanks for the info…I had looked on ebay but could not figure out what they had actually sold for, only current bids. I’m not looking to get rich, just recoop some of the expense of the new locator.

    Posts: 50

    Looks like TBO did the ebay research for you. Sounds like you could get $250 for your LMS160 and $150ish for your Garmin if you aren’t looking to get rich. I have an ebay ID, swing by if you want to use it for further analysis.

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