what size trolling motor do i need?

  • jason-pitts
    Des Moines, IA and Hager City, WI
    Posts: 196

    I may have found a boat to buy, but it doesn’t come with a trolling motor with is a must for me. It is a 1997 16′ Lund Rebel. I definately want to purchase a bow mount, but how much thrust and how long of a shaft do you recommend for this type of boat?

    Thanks in advance,

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Where do you fish? Rivers / lakes. etc and what type of Fish?

    That would help identify a little better the size you would need.

    Posts: 5130

    If you are on the river much, go with a minimum of 65# Thrust in 24v, 74# would be better
    With the Rebel, I am guessing a 54″ shaft would be plenty. A little loger would be good if fishing in really rough water so the motor head doesn’t keep popping out of the water. That is just my opinion and one I would go with

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Hi Jason,
    which Rebel are you looking at? Is it a full V or a semi V? If you need to go with a 24 volt system ( 2 batteries ) the Rebel in a semi V has limited storage space, no room for two extra batteries. I use to have a Rebel but was only able to use a 12 volt trolling motor because there simply was not room for the extra battery. This is one of the reasons I traded up to a bigger boat. If you fish rivers a 24 volt TM at the minimum is a must IMHO.

    Des Moines, IA and Hager City, WI
    Posts: 196

    It is a Rebel Adventurer. I’m pretty sure it is a full V. The only thing I will be using the trolling motor for is slow trolling on smaller lakes for panfish. It has a 25hp motor that I will use to troll with on the miss river or for trolling cranks on lakes. Not sure how much storage it has upfront. I will check and see it 2 batteries will fit.

    Posts: 7

    I don’t think you need to go that big. I have an underpowered motor on my 16.5 alumicraft. Only 35# thrust and I fish the river all the time. 95% of the time 35# is more than enough. We bought the boat with the motor set up and have never upgraded in seven years. I do have a 55# thrust unit on the transom, and rarely use it.
    For your boat I would go with a 50-60 # thrust. My boat is a little wider and heavey than yours and you should be just fine with a 50# thrust. More power is great if you can afford it though. Auto-pilot is a must for fishing the river with ease. Good luck

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    If it is a full V it should have room for 2 batteries, if you are only going to fish small lakes with it then you should be able to get by with a 12 volt but like Suageye
    said “More power is great if you can afford it”

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Minimum motor I would get is the 54″ 55lb Minn Kota -12v

    If you plan long days of trolling, then I would consider the 65lb 24v with the 54″ shaft.

    Reason being, my 12v tends to wear out after a long day of running it. I will be hard pressed to get a 12v motor ever again.

    Davenport, Iowa, USA
    Posts: 293

    I have to agree with some of these guys, I beleive you will use your trolling motor on the river as well. I have a Lund 1700 angler, with a 80lb minnkota maxium. If your fishing above wing dams, you don’t want to be under powered, I know a guy who has a 16′ with a 55lb thruster, and it’s a wrestling match on some days to maintain boat control.
    Ron Lamar

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 30

    I would recommend a 74# 24 v Maxxum. I have never heard anyone complain about having to much thrust.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I have a friend with the same boat…you will never regret buying the biggest output you can if fishing the river. For lakes I would never go back to 12 volts…Lakes; minimum 24V 65#….Rivers 24V 70-80#

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