Some Thoughts on Aging

  • putz
    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    As I was leafing through a medical pamphlet which came in the mail the other day, one particular article brought some thoughts to mind.

    As we mortal males pass through our waning days, we come to realize that the time to achieve our dreams has grown shorter and that these dreams will now become more difficult to attain. The body no longer responds as it used to and the mind is not as sharp as it once was. The hair is thinning and turning gray and the previously flat areas of our bodies are now sagging. We are now paying for the frivolities of youth with the aches and pains of earlier injuries, the wear and tear on the lungs and liver, and the heaviness of heart due to the loss of previous generations. The nerves have been frayed with the roller coaster of emotions connected with major life events. Many paths have been taken and not all of them were paved.

    But, I digress. This thought provoking article was titled “The Maturing Male and Menopause-Fact or Fiction.”


    Thr article goes on to say that beginning around the age of 40 a man’s body produces about 1% less testosterone each year. (Good thing I started with double the normal amount). The article goes on to discuss some of the symptoms of declining testosterone as:

    Irritability and depression. (I’ll kick someone’s butt if they call me irritable……….after I get done crying)

    Decreased interest in making whoopie. (?)

    Decreased concentration or memory.

    Where was I? Oh.

    The article went on to say that there may be certain benefits to a hormone replacement therapy for mature males. These include:

    Improved muscle mass and strength.

    Increased bone mineral density.

    Thicker hair and skin (?)

    Improved sex drive.

    A boost in energy.

    Decreased irratibility and depression.

    Improved cognitive function. (What? What did he say?)

    But as with all good things, there are some downsides to this therapy also:

    Cause or aggravate sleep apnea.

    Stimulate benign growth of the prostrate.

    Cause or aggravate urinary symptoms.

    Enlarge breasts. (Even more?)

    Stimulate excess blood production. (Where does it go?)

    Cause acne. (Again?)

    Ufdah! No wonder they conclude this article by saying to carefully weigh the potential pros and cons before considering this therapy. Personnally, I think I will just keep on trucking instead of risking a bra and Depends any earlier than I have to. Actually I wasn’t depressed until I read this article. From now on it’s In-Fisherman only.

    I cannot see.
    I cannot pee.
    I cannot chew.
    I cannot screw.
    Oh my gawd what can I do?
    My memory shrinks.
    My hearing stinks.
    No sense of smell.
    I look like hell.
    My mood is bad, can you tell?
    My body’s drooping.
    Have trouble pooping.
    The Golden Years
    have come at last.
    The Golden Years
    can kiss my a$$

    I’m going to go down kicking.

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    I see your getting the subscription to AARP BrianK had sent your way! LOL

    I know how you feel. While you all are aging 1 day at a time I feel I’m aging weeks everyday.

    What I don’t look forward to!!!

    Jim K
    Mpls, Mn
    Posts: 192


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Gee, thanks Putz for bringing me back from dream land of catching walleyes to reality. Sure glad I’m not old enough [haven’t signed up yet] to join AARP.
    Thanks, Bill

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I think you just came up with a new OF motto


    I’m going to go down kicking.


    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    C’mon guys. This was supposed to be a tongue in cheek deal. I’m looking forward to the upcoming years. Retirement, grandkids, lake home, more fishing time, ordering young punks around, harrassing daytime store clerks, etc.

    To anyone who’s day I wrecked, I apologize.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    A little Roid rage there Putzy?
    I hear Lutey causes those same symptoms in the Norwegians.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I agree totally Putz. If im supposed to be like they say i sure as hel- can’t find the evidence because i’ve learned to make my life comfortable and relatively problem free like were supposed to. Im pretty darned satisfied with the way things are going now and will be in the future as i and we grow into an older fart(s). Im sure glad as heck i’ve been through enough to learn to make sure i don’t listen to all the hype about all the problems im supposed to be having, i cant see or feel any of them except old bumps and bruises and maybe normal ageing and the things that go with it. Its not a bad boat to row and im pretty sure the future looks pretty good. If things go wrong i’ll probably know what to do so i can relax even more now about then. A persons got to keep in mind whats important to them and what makes them feel good instead of worrying and just enjoy life the best they can ( not getting to overly involved with things that won’t do him any good) and do things that he enjoys doing, all this makes for a healthy mind. Ive gotten phamflets or whatever they call them from aarp and an old accountant friend of mine told me its pretty much bullroar so i took the advice and haven’t opened up a letter yet. Theres supposed to be bargains on camping, air fights, even cottage cheese and whatever but the places i like to camp and places i like to go probably aren’t in the phamplet plus alot of these places are probabaly filled with nerve wrought campers still trying to figure things out and get thier nerves to relax, good for them though, got to start sometime. Im going to stay away from all the jibber jabber and just hang around the rivers and lakes like i’ve always done, those things have made me the way i am and im staying that way. Ive seen alot of beauty in those places and I’ve made my mind up to do the things that make me happy instead of taking thier trail and after many trips finially figure out that the things thier talking about aren’t for me, im pretty sure i already know. Hel- getting older isn’t all that bad, infact its fun, boy do we have alot of places to fish and hunt. My insurance man is pretty reasonable so im not even going to worry about things, makes the nerves bad. As long as i can drive or walk to the places i like i think im going to stay the way i am, im pretty glad aarp didn’t have anything to do with this eigther. Got a pole and some bait?

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