bunch of people have mentioned this on the site as per fishing pools 2,3,4. how do you do it?
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » what is “handlining”?
what is “handlining”?
March 17, 2006 at 6:22 am #430894
You can think of handlining has vertical 3 way rigging, , instead of using a rod, you hold the line with your hand. On the other end of the line is a weight around 1 lb. This keeps your line vertical. On this line you can attach leaders at different depths and several lengths. Most commonly used are stickbaits, huskyjerks, or I like the rogues. Its more common in river systems because this technique keeps the bait at your choice of depth in currents and rapidly changing structures.
March 17, 2006 at 2:12 pm #430945Or you can ask Kooty, our resident expert on the subject.
It is his and Grow’s favortie past time
March 17, 2006 at 3:26 pm #430968Handlining is essentially a self spooling reel which is spooled with 200 feet of heavy cable. Connected to the cable is a five foot shank with clips attached every six inches along its length. At the bottom is a heavy weight. (I am using 1 1/4 LB.)
Drop lines are run off the shanks at various heights depending on how far off bottom you want your bait to run. Most people run two or three baits off one reel. (check your state’s regulations as each bait is considered a line in the water.)You then pull you rig upstream slowly all the while bouncing the weight off bottom by pulling on the cable with your hand.
It is an effective way to present your bait in a precise depth range regardless of the bottom contour or current flow.March 17, 2006 at 3:35 pm #430970Handlining is a method designed to keep your baits down in the water column by using a spring fed reel and cable and a heavy weight. No rods are involved, just your hands. It is a tecnique made popular by Detroit river anglers due to the heavy current. You can learn more on the subject by visiting http://www.anglingadventurestv.com Pat Cavins has some interesting insight on the subject.
DannyMarch 17, 2006 at 3:37 pm #430972Check out this link for articles on handlining. http://www.dwfonline.com Click on articles and take a look.
Here is a crude pic that shows the general jist of it.
March 19, 2006 at 12:53 am #431279so what happens when you get a fish? I think that would suck in 30 feet of water! and also how does the spool reel up? sounds like a pain!
March 19, 2006 at 2:08 am #431289When you get a fish you pull the cable up. The reel is spring loaded and reels up the line by automaticly. Just like those yo-yo reels they use down south. It looks like a fairly simple way to put fish in the boat.
March 19, 2006 at 5:37 am #431315Actually it’s not a pain at all…it’s pretty fun… The wire you’re holding gets heavy when a fish is on….yes the spring loaded reel helps pull the wire in…..it is really neat feeling the fish and knowing there’s just wire or line between you and it…no reel and no rod…. once you get to just the line and the wire’s been retracted….it can get fun when a big one is on….
……. it’s honestly not hard to get them in deep water…..it’s so easy to get the lines down fast with the heavy weight on the end of the wire…. it’s awesome how quickly you can adjust and keep your lines down when the depths change quickly….great for going over humps or across contours….
hopefully you’ll get to try it some time!
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