Minnow Buckets….. Which One To Get?

  • impalapower
    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939

    Just getting into this fishing stuff and I need an aerated minnow bucket that is insulated. I like two of the Frabill models, the 1409 five gallon bucket type that can be plugged into your boat battery and costs $70. The other one is the 1404 and is like a small cooler, however, I’d have to buy an aerator that plugs into the boat battery. I was at Gander Mountain and was told they have had problems with both and recommended another bucket type one made in Wisconsin (sorry, don’t know the name) and it only took batteries and was cheaper. I could go out and buy rechargable batteries but would rather plug it into the boat and then put in the 110 volt aerator when I get home. What do you use and what would you suggest?

    NW, IL
    Posts: 884

    I’m a crappie fisherman, and I’ve tried a bunch of different buckets. I own both the 1404 and 1409 from Frabill. The 1404 is too cumbersome with the way the aerator is hanging there, and the lid makes the whole thing bulky, even thought the unit is small.

    The 1409 is a nice quiet unit, but that thing is a monster. It is very quiet but that thing is so deep, I need arm extenders to scoop out a minnow. The option to power the 1409 from a variety of sources is very nice, and the light is a nice feature. The lid on mine is very difficult to get open, but that may be because I haven’t used it enough. I hear a lot of complaints from people that say it breaks down easily, but thus far, mine has been fine.

    I also have a Frabill 1425, just in case I need another source and that thing is very quiet as well. That’s just the aerator, not a system.

    The one I keep coming back to is the Aerobait bucket with the built in aerator. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it is rather difficult to keep water from getting into the aerator. Water is bad for the aerator. If you are dilligent and pay attention though, you can keep your unit running a very long time. I’ve had my latest one for two seasons and it runs great. When I first got one, I wasn’t very careful and went through two in a matter of months. You need to make sure you don’t let the “scoopers” dip the bucket, and when I empty mine, I leave it upside down to make sure any water that got behind the insulation drains before getting down to the aerator.

    I bet you didn’t ever think that getting air to your minnows could be so complicated.

    Genoa Wi
    Posts: 267

    Problems with the Frabill buckets have been going on for years. They had problems back when I was on their pro staff in ’99 which haven’t been fixed yet.
    There is problem with the aerator stone, and the styrofoam liners tend to get water behind ’em and float up.
    I had a “cool bubbles’ bucket for years, going thru several aerator pumps. It was pricey, but a good bucket.
    For the past several years i have used the basic Plano bucket with the orange top. Bucket has a slot in the side to tuck in a portable aerator and a hole in the top to feed the air hose thru..much less expensive, cheaply up-gradable with any portable aerator and every bit as effective.
    For the last several years I have pretty much sworn off minnows for walleyes except after extreme cold fronts or in very high water conditions.
    Broke down and bought a couple dozen last nite to use on Rock river today and tomorrow. Just checked on ’em happily swimming in the Plano bucket unaware that they are about to have a real bad day.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I made my own out of an 18 quarte ice chest and a 12 Volt submersable airator. Cut a small slot in the lower lip of the cooler to run the cord through. Cooler weather I never have to run the airator. Total cost about $20. Used it for 15 years never had a lick of throuble. Also doubles as a malt beverage cooler when not used for bait. SPACE MANAGMENT

    Good Luck

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939

    Great idea Tom! Thats something I could look into.

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