Another one I do is put Ranch dressing on frozen pizza.
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Strangest food combinations!!
March 15, 2006 at 6:08 am #430142
Is it just me or is it possible the peanut butter makers of the world aren’t properly marketing it’s true potential???
March 15, 2006 at 12:15 pm #430162StillaKid2, your a real snackmaster. Ever thought about writing a “late night, lets see what’s in the cupboard Gourmet cookbook?” I enjoy a good peanut butter, banana, Braunschwiger, lettuce, Miracle Whip on buttered white bread sandwich every now and then myself. Used to add raw onion slice too, but just can’t handle that anymore.
March 15, 2006 at 2:07 pm #430203Banana sandwich – buttered toast with a banana smashed inbewteen.
Fried potatoe sandwich – potatoes sliced thin (like chips) and fried with salt and pepper served on buttered bread and ketsup.March 15, 2006 at 2:32 pm #430212Well some of you sure eat strange things. Makes my enjoyment of head cheese and blood sausage and lutey seem uneventful.
March 15, 2006 at 3:10 pm #430224Quote:
ripple chips, banana yum yum brunswieger and raw onion sandwitch
The BEST sandwich of ALL TIME!!!! Don’t forget the horseradish.
March 15, 2006 at 4:23 pm #430256Sarge! Where do you get good blood sausage from? I haven’t had that is years.
March 15, 2006 at 6:28 pm #430309I spent some time in sweeden last year and from what I can tell the hotdog is a staple food item over there.
Anyways the first thing I ordered when I made it to Stockholm was a hot dog at the main train terminal on my way to Habo. I think it was called hotdog supreme or something goofy like that. What I get back was a hotdog bun with instant mashed potatoes on top of that, hotdog on top of that, and topped off with shrimp sauce with baby shrimp in it.
I was there for 2 1/2 weeks and I bet I ate 2 dozen of those things. I’ve been a making them like that ever since I got back.
March 15, 2006 at 8:18 pm #430356I pick it up when I get back to WI. Konop Meats near Denmark makes a good one. These MN Norwegians just can’t make a good sausage. Putz: With or without raisens??
March 15, 2006 at 8:24 pm #430362My wife said I should make a recipe book with all these foods.
Not sure it would sell though.
March 15, 2006 at 8:51 pm #430372Omigawd. I’m drooling all over my keyboard here. Look at the wonderful smoked color on those rings and links. That’s the way our blood sausage looked also. Can’t tell the difference between the head cheese types there but they all look good.
Thanks Sarge.
BTW, never tried raisins but we experimented with brown sugar as a sweetener once. Only so so.
Where’s that pic from?
March 15, 2006 at 10:20 pm #430412for sarge and putz, if ur ever in the mille lacs area meat on mille lacs has lots of that kinda stuff(disgusting)
ok some of my favorits,
-fried fish (any kind) dipped in katchup
-venison steak in ketchup
-mac and cheese with salsa,spaghettos,or any kind of spicy seasoning
-tortialla chips on bread with franks red hot sauce(AWESOME)
-mayo and cheese with a little garlic salt on the bread.
-pickels dipped in ranch dressing
-corn sandwitches
-egg,ramon noodles,and cheese mixed together
-speghettos or any kind of chefboy r dee cold right out of can.
-snow with honey mixed in
-and finally a glass of milk with so many oreos in it its more like drinking a cookie. great stuff.March 16, 2006 at 3:00 am #430509Putz: Go back and click on the Usinger link and look around. You can mail order.
Posts: 525March 16, 2006 at 6:41 am #430541I (vaguely) remember one night in my late teens or early twenties when I used to partake in a fair bit of cannabis sativa .
I came home wanting something to eat, and what I had was canned tuna, lettuce, and salsa. At the time, the three items thrown together actually tasted pretty good. Who knows, it might taste good now…
Another night back in my hard-living wreckless youth, a buddy of mine and I had the munchies, and we ended up eating an entire 32 oz. container of Miracle Whip straight from the jar with spoons.
March 16, 2006 at 2:11 pm #430576Just spent a half hour in the Usinger pages and added it to my list of favorites. Now when I’m down and out, I have a place to drown my sorrows. I’d like to try every one of those except the low fat liver sausage. Yuk.
Looks like I missed the call on blood sausage pic. #4 is the way we used to make it.
March 16, 2006 at 2:20 pm #430579Just tryed peanutbytter and onion last night and must say it was good.
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