Printing Digital Photos?

  • LimpFish
    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Curious to see how many of you print your own digital photos verses taking them in to be printed. We take a zillion photos of the kids (hopefully more with fish now that they’re getting old enough to get the bug). I guess I’m wondering how the costs play out once your’e past the initial investment of the printer (photo paper and ink cartridges). We currently take them to Sam’s and pay fifteen cents apiece. Any thoughts?

    Also, for those of you who do print your own, any recommendations for which printer to buy if I decide to go that route.

    Thanks for your input!


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Hands down I’d believe sam’s to be cheaper, quality wise??? It may be better to do them at home, I also like the ability to print pictures when I want them instantly, for me I accept the additional cost, (rough figure) for the option to print them when I want. I have had some pictures printed for me at labs, and I’d say my printer prints at very least as good as the best pictures I’ve had printed, and better than most cheap “store printers” (walgreens). Inital investment, cost of ink, cost of paper, I highly doubt would ever make it cheaper. I’m running an Canon i960 the printer got good reviews on printing quality and speed, I also like that I can print straight from my camera without a computer with the picbridge option, though it’s conveinent, the picture quality suffers when printing directly from the camera. I also like that my printer has 6 seperate ink cartridges, so you only have to replace what you need, I’m about 2 ink cartridges to 1 on photo magenta and black to all the rest. The downsides to my printer is it’s not a very good text printer, because it tends to use a lot of ink for text and it’s slow for text, even though its one of the fastest picture printers go figure.

    If I want to print a bunch of pictures for people, I can just have someone else print them for cheaper. I have a co-worker who figures it cost around $.30 picture to print on his printer, though I don’t think mine is that high, I would expect it to be around the $.20 mark.

    Posts: 35

    I have not been to a photo shop in 7 years, I take about 1500 hundred + pics per year and use HP photo printer if I want great/good quality. To put them in albums for general view I copy them into W tamplete, thus I can get 5 or 6 pics on one side of a cheap photo paper. When I have time, I burn pics and videos to a DVD.


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 35

    I use an Epson R300 with the extra viewing screen. Quality is amazing, just like they came from a photo shop. I don’t think you save any money doing your own, but I do it for the convenience. If I don’t want a picture, I don’t print it, or if I want a double of a certain one, I can do that too.

    The Epson I have can take any kind of media card, plus you can hook the camera up directly if you want. It seems to burn up a lot of ink, but if you get the packs from Sam’s club, it is a lot cheaper than buying them individually.

    I personally think it is the way to go.

    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Thanks for the responses!

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I used to print all my own until I found out about Walgreens photo. I can go to thier website and download the ones I want printed and set a time to pick up. Cost .19 per picture, which in the long run is cheaper than ink and photo paper. Its a quick download too!

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    I know Sma’s club and Wal-Mart do these also, i am not sure on the cost but I know that you can take in your memory stick and card and plug it in and they will make the copies right from that, pretty slick, and yes it is cheaper then paper and ink

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I had 5 SETS of 30 some pics made at Walmart from my memory stick plus 2 cds of the pics for around 40.00 or less of my oldest sons wedding last December. Alot cheaper and better than printing them off on a printer from your computer.

    Thanks, Bill

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    I’m running an Canon i960 the printer got good reviews on printing quality and speed,

    I have a co-worker who figures it cost around $.30 picture to print on his printer, though I don’t think mine is that high, I would expect it to be around the $.20 mark.

    I have the same printer it’s great for Photos I bought mine from BB after talking to the Canon Rep he said it’s about 37 cents a photo and of course that varies depending on how much you payed for your paper and ink.


    I use an Epson R300 with the extra viewing screen

    I have the R200 I don’t need a viewing screen because I would never print directly from my camera I like to see what I am printing on my PC and make my adjustments before printing.

    The Epsons take decent photo pictures the Canon is noticably better, I use the Epson to print directly on to CD/DVD’s.

    I go to Sams for bulk printing..

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