Can I Just mope for a moment

  • micah-witham
    Posts: 604

    recently i found out that my wife is pregnant with our second child. for which i am thrilled! we are so excited to participate in the miracle of birth again. i recognize that a lot of people struggle to get pregnant and it can be a very painful process, so i am very grateful to have this opportunity and joy. the difficulty lies in the fact that just recently i realized we are due on or around October 7th. for those you that fish mille lacs in the fall, you will quickly realize this is in fact the weekend of the full moon and the most looked forward in the entire fall. when i realized what i had done, all i could say was “what were you thinking?”

    the obvious problem is that i wasn’t thinking…i had been planning my 7 day trip up to mille lacs since about december and had a camper lined up that was heated and fully equipped. the wife was going to her parents house with our little one for the week, and my brothers were planning on coming up to join me. needless to say, i am still moping a bit in the midst of my excitement for our new addition. i have vowed to steer clear of any monkey business in the future february’s to make sure we don’t have this dilema again.

    so for all you who will be up there this fall pounding big fish, i will most likely be in a hospital somewhere with my wife. good luck to all parties involved.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The Oct full moon is too early this year. There won’t be much of a bite going on until the full moon on Nov 5th.

    Hope that makes you feel better……


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4525

    Does she have a male Ob/Gyn? If so, explain the situation and have him induce in mid Sept.

    Posts: 3229

    Someone should come up with some sort of calendar to let a guy know what the ramifications of not wearing your guidewear in the bedroom on a particular night might be.
    “hang on honey, let me check my calendar and I’ll be right there”.
    I’d say the tradeoff of missing a fullmoon night of fall fishing to being there for the birth of your child is one of the easiest things you could do. Chances are good that he/she will be under 22″ so you’ll be able to take this one home.
    Next time use the fish/hunt/pro-create calendar and we won’t have to put up with this moping.

    All in fun,


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Yeah, the worst thing is Valentines day is in February. That puts our Misses due October 14th . Smack dab in the middle of October

    Now you guys wonder why Mike W. and I were out fishing Pool 2 on Valentines Day Night And you guys thought we were the dumb ones

    Fast forward to October Full moon………
    Lip: Hey Mike what you doing?
    Mike:Oh nothing.
    Lip: You want to go fishing on the pond? The big girls are coming to the boat 10 lbs at a time.
    Mike:Sure sounds good. What about Micah?
    Lip: No he can’t go, he fell for the Valentines Day trick earlier this year.

    Don’t you guys ever wonder why Valentines day is in February???? So come October in Prime Time Hunting and Fishing, they have a way of trapping us to stay home It is a hidden huge conspiracy if you ask me.

    Note to self. Don’t ever make yourself eat these words

    Micah, think of this in October. My brother was born November 7th. Two days later my Dad left my Mom with a new born and a 3 year old and went Deer Hunting.

    Now, I know where I get my passion for the Outdoors from

    Congrats on the new one in the oven Micah

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    I feel for ya Micah, but rest assured fishing takes a back seat to something as special as child birth. That just means the next Oct full mooon will be that much better!
    Congrats to ya!

    I agree with Jon J that the Nov full moon might be a better choice if it was up to me.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Congrats buddy!!

    You could always bring her to the Mille Lacs hospital in Onamia..

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    First Congratulations to you and your wife
    Now as Jon said full moon Nov a month past due date. This is your second child most likely won’t be overdue. Here’s my logic, oh those many years ago when my daughter was born, Sept 8th. we spend the week of Oct 3rd with daugher and her older brother, and family in a cabin in central MN, fishing. Had a BLAST. Don’t give up hope


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    Its always great to be on the water no matter what but the fish will always be there, and your family may not!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374


    Its always great to be on the water no matter what but the fish will always be there, and your family may not!

    phish Exactly. I might of had some fun above, but you nailed it right on the head.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Congrats Micah!!!!!! To you and the Mrs!!!!

    Just plan on hitting the pond in about 10 years with your two kids!!!!!! That will be the start of great memories, catching big tunas on the pond at night with your kids!

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 116

    Trust me when I say that I have been there…besides being an avid fisherman I love deer hunting… Our second son was born on November 15th which was very close to the due date…

    And while I didn’t get to hunt all the days I would have wanted to, I think someone was looking out for me…It just so happened that the zone I hunt in was one that had an early doe (rifle) season in October where I was fortunate enought to take 2 does before 8 a.m. the first morning. I was also able to go opening weekend with one stipulation…my cell phone was on in the deer stand.

    Our first boy is almost 2 years old now and came within 2 hours of arriving at the hospital. Our second boy, almost 4 months old now did the same, but I had more concerns with our second as my wife underwent emergency surgery to remove her appendix 7 months into the pregnancy. We are blessed to have 2 healthy boys who will undoubtedly spend many days with me on the water and in the woods! May God bless you the same way…you can fish anytime, but the birth of your second child will only happen once!

    Take care and God Bless!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2516

    Lip: You need to work on your calculator better or you will get in trouble when the time comes for you!! A Feb 14th conception would put you into prime whitetail rut of Nov 11th birth.
    (It is believed the average length of human gestation is approximately 266 days from conception. Assuming the average woman has cycles that lasted 28 days and that she ovulates on Day 14 of her cycle. Based on this here is the data to come up with a mathematical calculation for due dates:

    ((LMP + 7 days) – 3 months) = Due Date

    I know this is way more than you guys needed to know. But take the advice of a guy who missed WI deer season for this exact reason and then the kid was two weeks late. I’m just waiting for him to become part of the deer camp tradition. And then when he does something to tick me off I will be ready with this quote. “Hey you screwed up my deer season x years ago when you were born. Are you going to screw this one up too?” I love him to death and wouldn’t trade him for all my deer seasons.
    Congrats Micah!!

    Posts: 1399

    I understand your dilemma. I’ve had a dream-hunt planned for British Columbia for a couple years now. At the same time my wife and I are trying to have a child, but in the back of mind I keep hoping it doesn’t happen this september. Let me tell you, I stayed away from her as much as humanly possible the whole month of December!

    Anyhow, to make you feel better, sure you might be a little inconvenienced this fall and maybe a couple more, but imagine the day to come when you and that child can share the boat together during the full-moon of October. Now that should make ya smile? Congratulations, by the way.

    Posts: 3835

    Your mind does awful things to you when you start thinking about negative aspects of outdoors activities you won’t get to do. I haven’t been flattie fishing since my wife dropped twin boys on me a year ago valentines day. Life changes a great deal. One fishing trip is not that big of a hit. I am sure your brothers will be happy to hold the new arrival.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Congrats Michah! There is always plenty of time to fish…
    With that said…my wife and I are WAITING FOR A LONG TIME..

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 30

    We had our first of three daughters on October 4th 1998. (same bday as mine, talk about a great birthday gift). Look forward to the future fall full moons and spending time with your new fishing partner.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318


    I feel for ya Micah, but rest assured fishing takes a back seat to something as special as child birth. That just means the next Oct full mooon will be that much better!
    Congrats to ya!

    Well next year will be the “First Birthday”, and Mama aint letting you get away with that one either Micah!
    Congrats in any event! I had 6, and love ’em all! Well, except the ugly one…

    I agree with Jon J that the Nov full moon might be a better choice if it was up to me.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13340

    Congrats. Dont worry. There is fishing after children. Our first one came as I was loading the tackle into my neighbors boat. She came waddling out the front door holding her stomach telling me it was time. I then had to tell the guys I couldnt go with. Thos where the days.

    It was nice meeting you at the landing the other day.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Tuck? Don’t we have anyone on Pro-Staff that’s well versed in deliveries?

    I say, bring her along…with some extra towels. At some point you’ll be allowed two extra rods in the boat.

    Congrats Michah!!!

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