recently i found out that my wife is pregnant with our second child. for which i am thrilled! we are so excited to participate in the miracle of birth again. i recognize that a lot of people struggle to get pregnant and it can be a very painful process, so i am very grateful to have this opportunity and joy. the difficulty lies in the fact that just recently i realized we are due on or around October 7th. for those you that fish mille lacs in the fall, you will quickly realize this is in fact the weekend of the full moon and the most looked forward in the entire fall. when i realized what i had done, all i could say was “what were you thinking?”
the obvious problem is that i wasn’t thinking…i had been planning my 7 day trip up to mille lacs since about december and had a camper lined up that was heated and fully equipped. the wife was going to her parents house with our little one for the week, and my brothers were planning on coming up to join me. needless to say, i am still moping a bit in the midst of my excitement for our new addition. i have vowed to steer clear of any monkey business in the future february’s to make sure we don’t have this dilema again.
so for all you who will be up there this fall pounding big fish, i will most likely be in a hospital somewhere with my wife. good luck to all parties involved.