Support In-Depth Angling

  • paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    Good Morning

    Just a quick shout to all who enjoy this site. As Spring draws near and the open water bug is stinging deep, there will be increased use of this site for reports and other useful information. I started to think how many times a day I log on to see what new stuff has been posted and I am surprised to see the many members and guests that are surfing this site so I sent a small donation to help keep this site up and running and I would encourage anybody who is able to do the same.
    Thank You to the IDA staff for sharing your knowledge and time for all of us to enjoy.


    P.S. The thank you gifts are quite nice too

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1209

    I totally agree with you and sent James a donation about a month ago. He sent back a note telling me it was just in time to help pay for the new server he was ordering. I “too”, find it amazing, to see how many times I log on each day to see what is new, what is happening, who was out fishing, or what is new in the classified ads. This is a great site and a contribution to help support it “felt right”.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1209

    This is specifically directed towards James….I notice some guys on here are “bronze” sponsors. What $$$ amounts correlate to these levels of sponsorship? Give us some words James…we’re here to enjoy the site and help where we can.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    I too am wondering the different levels. I sent in a small donation also and felt great doing it! This site pretty much rules my life now! I can’t say how much I enjoy the site and appreciate everybody who puts the time and effort to run it. Great job fellas!

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    I also sent a small donation a few weeks ago and received a note from James as well regarding the new server – nice touch. I totally enjoy this site. My wife wants a second computer now because of it I wondered the same thing as far as the donor levls. Thanks IDA

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    this post is probably better served in the general discussion area.

    I can move it if you want it to get more views

    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    I’ve sold two boats through the IDA classifieds so I thought it was time to send a donation to help support the IDA staff. Thanks again IDA for providing the best fishing site on the web.


    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I have a check ready to send. I talked to James at the Madison fishing show and he said he had moved to the cities, but the address listed in the member support area still lists the Bay City address. He said he was going to update the address so I’ve been waiting to send my donation. I just want to make sure my donation gets to the right spot.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Oooops. Sorry about that address. I have it changed now.

    This is going to be a short reply. The new server arrived at 1:15PM today and my head has been spinning since. We should have this site running off the new server some time early next week. And things should SCREAM along. I bought a top-shelf machine to allow for continued growth of the site… all of the help people have shown in support of the site have gone a long way to making this possible. To those that have contributed, no matter the amount, you have my heart-felt thanks. Some time this coming week this site will be a lot more fun for all to browse. Know that you had a hand in making it happen!

    I’m off to prep for a new server!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks to those that have helped and also for those yet to help but do. It is VERY much appreciated. I’ll probably get shot for this but for the new server and software it cost James over $8,000 Alot of money especially when he doesn’t have the money laying around to pay for this. Its needed [must have] due to to the increase in growth which is fantastic but also expensive. I know we ALL gain alot from this site not only for fishing information but we also gain alot of new friends here too. Its a place we can come to and feel comfortable talking about our love of fishing. I call it a special place, a part of me and a part of you. Making sure this place is always here is very special to me and I’m sure its special to you. Thats why I willing donate my time and a contribution of money to make sure its always here. Again I say ”THANK YOU” for helping James to keep the site here for us.

    Thanks, Bill

    To answer the questions in above posts click on the link below to see what you get as a ”Thank You” from James and IDA for contributing to help support the IDA Site.

    Supporting Your Fishing Site

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1209

    Bill, what about that Bronze level question? Does it start out as styrafoam, paper, plastic, aluminum, tin, bronze, silver, gold? Please let us know…thanks

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Alright, alright checks in the mail!

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    LundgEYE you are too funny

    styrofoam, paper, etc…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    Bill, what about that Bronze level question? Does it start out as styrafoam, paper, plastic, aluminum, tin, bronze, silver, gold? Please let us know…thanks

    I’m Bill for an evening!

    The levels are gone although there’s some around (grandfathered in sort of). One level, SITE SUPPORTER!


    You choose the amount. You choose the method. Every little bit helps and ALL donation go back into the site to maintain and improve YOUR on-line community!

    New THANK YOU gifts for 2004!

    Supporting members that donate $20 or more get a free IDA hat as a thank you gift!
    Supporting members that donate $50 or more get a free IDA hat & 2-full color IDA decals as a thank you gift!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    I Pay-Pal’ed my donation a few days ago and already received my hat and two boat decals.

    The hand-written note of thanks from James was nice, but I really appreciated him giving me two pages of GPS coordinates for all of his honey holes! OK, not quite true on the GPS info, but I do feel some good fishing karma headed my way.


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