Another one for you…report it or not???

  • hgeren
    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    This also has nothing to do with fishing (come on Mothers day) but I enjoyed reading everyones opinions on my last post. This is in no way associated with the post I made Friday about the police stopping by my house the other night (by the way I choose to let everything slide), must just going to be a wierd spring. Anyways I was out letting my dog enjoy his favorite pastime of chasing the local rabbits in a small wooded area less than a block from my house. I dont know why a Rottwieler would like to chase rabbits but its seems to be one of his favorite activities.

    During the pursuit of all things small and furry I happened to come accross an area where someone decided to dump the remains of their marijuana growing facility. Approx 30-40 large planters each with a really good sized and freshly harvested weed plant in them. Pretty sophistcated soil mixes and drainage subtrate in each pot. Freshly dumped within the last day or so. No tire tracks in the mud, but you could see footprints under the recent snow from Sunday morning so I assume it must belong to one of the neighboring houses. The whole area smelled just like my old house in college…wait did I say that.

    Personally I dont have a problem with some recreational use of the stuff but this would have been a fairly large quantity of hippy lettuce. More than a guy could smoke in a month but probably not really enough to sell. (At least it wasnt a meth lab) I know the right thing to do would be to inform the police about my discovery, however here are the issues leading to my indesicsion.

    1. I was out there in broad daylight right behind the house where I suspect it came from, did they see me pulling a few plants out of the pots?

    2. I’m back there everyday with my dog and usually the only one who ever goes there. I know everyone along the woods knows me and my dog and probably have a good idea where I live. If not the, puzzle pieces are not to hard to put together. Given the number of guns in my house it would be a bad idea, but would/could they retaliate somehow if they put it together.

    3. I’ve never noticed any suspisious activity in the neighborhood.

    4. I’m generally of the opinion that what you do in your house is your business, but the trash was deposited off the property.

    If it was a meth lab the police would have got a call right away but for some weed I’m not so inclined. Just curious what others would do?

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    Did you pull plants from the pots and take them home?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Given your description and the proximity to your home
    (and loved ones) I would pretend it never happened. Just my 2 cents.

    Iron, mn
    Posts: 247

    there are much worse things the cops could be dealing with than trying to track down some smalltime criminal.. i would just forget about it!… good luck

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I also don’t have a problem with it, but if you could happen upon it, what about a couple of kids? I would hate to see it in their hands. And what kind of dumb would throw that stuff that close to their house? At the very least, report some illegal dumping to the city maintenence office, and let it go from there.

    My $.02

    You might also just want to confiscate the evidence

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I would also stop taking your dog there for quite a while. Why take any chances? Just avoid the whole situation.

    Posts: 525

    If it were a meth lab or crack pipes, I would turn it in. Not only are those substances both illegal and very damaging to the people who use them, but meth labs and their leftovers are toxic, and dangerous after being dumped.

    If it’s just cannabis, though, I would let it slide. I smoked a lot of tha chronic back in the day, and while it made me lazy and dumb, which is why I stopped smoking up, I think it is no worse than alcohol, and should be de-criminalized. A lot of law enforcement officers will agree with me on this if asked off the record, as chasing down small-time weed dealers takes time away from investigating more serious crimes. I agree with those who say to be careful around this area where the set-up was dumped, as you don’t know that the individuals in question aren’t also involved with meth or coke, and those people can get crazy.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    I dont know why a Rottwieler would like to chase rabbits but its seems to be one of his favorite activities.


    I happened to come accross an area where someone decided to dump the remains of their marijuana growing facility.

    Well, not sure what to tell you what to do… but I can tell you this… I think all of us knows the answer to the why the rottweiler likes to chase things back there…

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I dont think it is from one of your neighborhood houses.. If someone is trying to get rid of some evidence, their not going to dump it in *their backyard*. I wouldnt doubt it was someone familiar with the area… probably has friends around there somewhere and some reason to know of the area they dumped it in.

    I dont think reporting it to the authority would ever get anyone caught(even if you wanted them caught). The only thing it would do is get the area cleaned up.

    I’m not getting into the marijuana debate.. I think 60% of the population smokes it, or has smoked it in the past. Many of the people I do know smoke, I used to.. still dont have anything against it. It will become legal the day the government figures out a way to control it and tax it. In Vermont.. I think the possesion charge for pot is still $5.. I think that says a lot.

    I guess turn it in if you dont want to clean up the planters yourself. Otherwise I would just dump them out and dispose of the empty planters myself. I would make someone aware that you are cleaning them up if you do decide to go that route.. I wouldnt want to see you incriminated for handling them.

    Posts: 36

    Turning your cheek the other way and ignoring it is not the way to go. This sends a message to whoever did dump the stuf there that it is o.k. and nobody cares. Do you have children? Are there children in your neighborhood? By saying nothing it is an invitation to those drug dealers and pot smokers that your neighborhod is an o.k. place to hang out. Sure, it is just a little pot, but what’s next. The bottom line is that it is illegal and needs to be reported! Do the right thing!

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    whats your address my stash is getting low

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    whats your address my stash is getting low

    Den….it looks like you are in sales, and sales must be good

    Bring on the open water so we can all get back to what we love…….fishing…and more fishing

    Posts: 973

    Call the police and thanks for the post. As far as I know the general discussion topic is wide open. This is also the less opionated board I have even been on. Seldom are opinions rendered personal in nature, albeit a few times I wanted to render a personal opinion.

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