Toby Keith Made in the USA

  • muskygator
    Foley MN
    Posts: 71

    Hey just got back from Vegas where the weather was warm, and the winning was cold. The wife and I went to the Toby Keith Bar in the Harrahs casino. Nice place to see so I bought a shotglass for my collection. When we got home I took the tag off the bottom and it was made in MEXICO. I just think that it is ironic that the man who sings so much about the USA has his soveneirs made outside the country. Just wanted to give my .02 worth and thought that maybe made in the USA would have been more appropriate.

    Preston, MN
    Posts: 220

    Maybe, I still believe that he is good for the troops and sings about the USA for a reason. I am in the military and buy things made over seas all of the time as we all do…

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Sorry but that is a non-issue in todays world!
    I still support our boys! And Toby!

    mazeppa mn
    Posts: 177

    They make stuff in the USA

    Posts: 1455

    Toby Keith has to be one of the worst supposed “country” acts ever! Dumb redneck!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    The guy is tops in my book. He and Ted toured Iraq to entertain the troops. He is oneof the good guys, just because his name is on some shotglass made in mexico, don’t trash him, thank Billary for NAFTA.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I can see the obvious irony in the shot glass example. I’m sure I’d have felt the same upon seeing it. But even if his shot glasses were made in the USA they’d still be delivered by a imported delivery vehicle.

    Good act or bad TK isn’t a bad person. He’s done more to raise support for our troops than most anyone else. He is also about the only entertainer willing to put himself out there and speak (or sing) his mind about the terrorists.

    Billary only allowed what may well have become necessary. Imagine trying to afford stuff made here in the good ol USA that would be sold at prices to accomodate our wonderful union salaries. Without that imported stuff out pocket books would be even lighter IMO. What a vicous cycle…

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