should women register for the draft?

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I understand your point FB, but disagree. I was in a combat artillery unit for 9 years. Never once did I wish for a cushy job, I wanted to be up front.

    We need those folks behind the scenes getting supply shipments ready, driving forklifts, load ammo etc… All jobs any woman is capable of. I did not want her in the back of my 548 humping 200lb C4 rounds about though. We all have a place in the military in my opinion!!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    For the Men and Woman that are brave enough to serve;

    Thank you and we owe you a and a big pat on the back!

    I could not handle living a life like that!

    I think it is a non-factor what gender you are. As long as you pull your own and support your comrads (sp?) you are doing your part!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I gotta area here, US troop are stretched thin right now. The National Guard’s mission is pretty much that. Guard this nation. I don’t think a lot of they guys who signed up prior to 911 had any intention of over seas duty. Further more, as a former full time US Marine, I can say a lot of us would not want a bunch of weekend warriors showing up to cover out behinds.

    With that said, anyone who enlisted after 911 knows exactly what they are in for.

    And finally, getting back to women in service. If I’m stationed in Iraq right now, I don’t want them around me or around anyone who is going to be covering my a$$. Plain and simple, women are a distraction. Distractions kill.

    And one last thought. I have no problem with a draft in the US. I think it would be great to see every able body US citizen do 2 years of service with 2 more years on call. We would be a better country for it.

    Ok, fire away!


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    And one last thought. I have no problem with a draft in the US. I think it would be great to see every able body US citizen do 2 years of service with 2 more years on call. We would be a better country for it.

    Actually, I think we would save some money…….money going to the colleges for government assisted tuition……I think alot of the colleges would be empty due to the sudden flock of people heading for Canada…….

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4539

    Since there is not currently a draft, why leave women out and stop making men do it too.

    Just give everyone Natl ID cards and install micro chips in our skulls for tracking. Then call up who they need if things change.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Just give everyone Natl ID cards and install micro chips in our skulls for tracking. Then call up who they need if things change.

    Thank you sir……I’ll be paying for my one way ticket to Mexico in Cash……My name? My name is Ron Mexico…….

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I think the prison population would drop significantly too. Many of these kids would get that kick in the rear the so desperately need……


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    You’re right Jon…..I never met so many people (both inner city and very rural) who was escaping their neighborhood to “get away” and start fresh and clean…….And many of those people became great leaders in the military….

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    I think alot of the colleges would be empty due to the sudden flock of people heading for Canada…….

    Darn, so what you telling me is that we would not have any selfish people who don’t support America here anymore? Ohh but what would we do

    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    I never served, but if I did…I am in 100% agreeance with Jon.

    St Peter MN
    Posts: 37

    As a former Marine (77-87) I am in complete agreement with Jon. Firing up the draft and putting people in uniform for a couple years could be something this country needs. Selective service and ZERO deferments. Get rid of the college and my daddys rich deferments and level the playing field. Limit deferments to medical or dead only.

    Genoa Wi
    Posts: 267

    Station Paducah, Ky for the short haul. A -school in Va. in June, then on to California at a small boat station

    Genoa Wi
    Posts: 267

    Thanks for all the input on this thread!!! My wife read all the thoughtful responses, and her jaw dropped. She was most impressed with the honesty and diversity of IDAers and the complexity of what on the surface appears to be a simple issue.
    That’s the beauty of the USA! Thank God we all live in the greatest country on earth, with the best military in the history of the world !
    Our troops, our cops and firefighters…all stepped up to serve, and continue to serve!
    The neatest thing I saw in this thread was NO WHINING!
    EVERYBODY who posted showed the strength of conviction of Great Americans
    Of greatest interest is the change of perspective which comes with time…hard to pass fair judgement when you haven’t walked a mile in the other’s mocassins first!
    Special thanks to all the Vets who posted! One of my biggest regrets is that the military wouldn’t take me because my arm went thru a table saw at age 21 causing a fair amount of nerve and muscle damage.
    By age 27 it healed enough to get on the job as a professional firefighter.
    Two kids–both girls–were given the option of either having old dad pay for college or getting the car of their choice if they went in the military.
    My kids chose different paths. They both turned out just great and are part of the solution and not part of the problem.
    With the perspective that comes with time I now believe–and this is just my opinion–that young Americans should be required give two years of SERVICE after high school…not necessarily military…but SERVICE to this country, which by its nature fosters both appreciation and maturity.
    But that’s just my opinion ! Thank God we live in a country where we have this kind of freedom!

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