
  • newtson
    Posts: 87

    Last summer i experienced something that i hope nobody has to but unfortunately im sure it happens more than it should. After a trip down to my cabin on the Mississippi River i came back home for the night being it only a 45min drive. I was planing on going back the next day and do some more fishing so i left my tackle box in the back of my car. The next morning i awoke to go to church, than went back home to get ready for the River, but there was one big problem my tackle box was nowhere to be found. Somebody must have opened my car door and popped the truck, and took it, along with towel jumper cabels, cdplayer and some change. I know that it happend at my house because my truck also sitting in the driveway had some change stolen. Whoever decided to walk across my acre long driveway and yard to get into my car to take my tackle box and ruin my fishing for the rest of the summer must not have a soul. i dont know about you but almost anything else would have been better. Anybody unfortunatly have an experience like this?

    Posts: 5130

    Back in 1992 I had someone steal my firearms from my house. I lived 18 miles out in the middle of no man’s land. Whoever it was took a .357, ..22-.250, .22, and my crossbow. I was ticked and still am. I miss the .22-.250 more than anything. I reported it, but I knew I would never see them again

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I feel your pain!

    Sounds like kids when you start talking about change missing. They rarely THINK anything through to the point of understanding what thier actions cause to others.

    If caught, do you think a judge would go along with haveing the kids buy one muskie bait per week for a year..for the victim? After the originals were replace I mean.

    Posts: 1399

    Sorry for the pain you had to go through. I’ve had stuff like this happen often enough that I’ve considered giving up the outdoor pursuits. Once, while attending the deer classic at the state fair grounds, someone broke my back window and stole my auger and all my fishing equipment….I can’t imagine how a fellow “sportsmen” could do that to one of their own. I’ve pretty much lost all trust in everyone except my closest family, now. Hopefully you are on your way to rebuilding your tackle supply? It’s not much of a consolation, but lately there has been a lot of baits for sale on this very site….something to consider as a low cost alternative to buying all new stuff.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 233

    Sorry for your loss, that stinks. Not quite the same thing, but last winter after a local ice fishing contest I had two nice trout sitting right on my car bumper. I went in to grab a beer come out to put my gear away, Trout gone. What kind of people steal fish?

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    In broad daylight I had a locator, tackle drawers full of cranks, 7′ spin casting rod/reel, two other less expensive spin cats, and an unopened bottle of Dr. M stolen from my boat that was covered. The very next day my cover was again opened but I had what was left locked in my garage. I watched pawn shops for the next year and a half and nothing ever showed up. I hoped the [censored] got drunk, fell and jammed a rod tip into his eye killing him. Same person (I assume) also entered neighbors garage and cleaned his boat out the same day. Not a clue ever turned up and I had to fight my insurance company as they had “a hard time believing anyone would have $1700 of “stuff” in their boat”. After showing the adjuster what I had in my garage that wasn’t stolen he said a real intelligent “oh…huh”. Thankfully I save all receipts too.

    Posts: 50


    I am sorry for all of your guys’ frustration’s and losses, but you have given me a great idea and could possibly help out others. We all need to lay out our rods/reels, and all of our plano lure container, opened of course, and take pictures of everything so that we have proof of what we have worked so hard and paid so much for. I just bought a G-Loomis bronzeback spinning rod for $210 this winter, I have a $80 okuma spinning reel with it, that is one of 8 rods and reels (curado’s and St. Croix’s) that would add up pretty fast. Now imaging 4-5 plano’s full of 5-6 dollar rapalas, you can have plano boxes alone with $100 in cranks in just one of them. Lure’s are too dang expensive today to not know what our inventory is. Thanks for the valuable lesson.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    We live in the country in 98 someone came onto the farm went in the shed uncovered my boat and stole 4 tackle boxes and 9 rods and reels. I told the wife they never touched the depth finders or trolling motors, her reply was they don`t own a boat. Well duuuuh on my part.

    If it wasn`t for my insurance agent the company would have really gotten me. And still never received any where near the real value. They depreciate fishing gear just like every thing else. One might want to check with there agent and see how theres handles the value, mostly depreciation or replacement cost.

    Here is a question for everyone. Why after you have purchased a newer vehicle and paid the higher insurance because it is newer why dosen`t insurance go down after the vehicle is worth less as it gets older? They get us coming and going.

    Stacy, MN
    Posts: 21

    Some ahole came into my drive way and stole my trailer hitch. How sad is that. My new hitch is now locked as is everything else I own. My boat is in my garage along with the wife’s vehicle. My truck sits outside, but there isn’t anything to steal in it. I figure it is kids doing most of the stealing. Hopefully they will learn a lesson someday. What goes around comes around.

    Can’t wait for open water.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I used to work as a Carpenter before I decided to have the great idea of changing careers. We were working in Farmington on a new construction site. At lunch we always would drop our work belts with all our tools that we used. We also just left all of our air guns, everything right there on the job. We went to the gas station to get a cup of joe and a sandwich. We must have been gone for 10 min. We could see the house from the station. We came back and someone took everything that we had! I could not understand it! They took my TOOLS! I had just had bought a $125 hammer! WOW I just got all over again thinking about it. I always wondered what I would have done if we would have seen them in the act?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    Tom P, to answer your insurance question, the cost of repairs typically go up, with inflation. While the value of the vehicle goes down, the body shop repairs stay in line with inflation, as do parts. Once a vehicle reaches a certain lower value, then they take into account being able to total the vehicle and hence lower premiums. I think a thief is of the lowest life forms around. I remember a guy in Wisc. that had a 4 wheelr stolen from his shed at his cabin. He rigged a .410 on a string, to shoot a knee cap out, and sure enuff, the thief wanted his new 4 wheeler too. He got his knee hit. I remember thinking great !!! The guy did get in huge trouble though, as they said “what if your shed was on fire, and a fireman opened the door and bang ?”

    big g

    Posts: 151


    Once, while attending the deer classic at the state fair grounds, someone broke my back window and stole my auger and all my fishing equipment….I can’t imagine how a fellow “sportsmen” could do that to one of their own. I’ve pretty much lost all trust in everyone except my closest family, now.

    Don’t lose all faith. It most likely wasn’t a fellow sportsman. Even if it was at the Deer Classic. The fairgrounds is pretty centrally located and the “Meth Heads” know enough about stealing stuff to know that the sportsmen parked at any Sports-Show-Type-Of-Event can be good targets for easily pawnable gear.

    Even if it was taken by a “fisherman”, he sure as he77 wasn’t a “sportsman”.

    Posts: 1514

    4-5 summers ago i had bought a new boat and me and my father were going to go fishing the next morning. i stayed up until 11 pm respooling poles and getting everything ready out in the driveway.put everything in the boat had it hooked to truck and backed it in garage. i woke at 3:45 am to leave and get my dad. pulled the truck out made the final walk around and all of my rods and tackle were gone out of the boat 8 rods 4 full boxes i called the police and they said they’d do there best….its real hard to buy rods at 4 am on a sat morning i’m still waitng to see someone fishing w/ one of my rods

    Posts: 1399

    Ecellent idea! That should go for the rest of the house, too! That will be my next rainy day project, thanks for the tip.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 89

    Thanks for the tip, I am going home and take pictures tonite.

    St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA
    Posts: 272

    I can feel your pain brother! About 5 years ago some knucklehead reached in my boat and took all my tackle, I mean ALL my tackle. I didn’t have so much as a plain hook or splitshot left!

    Talk about pi$$ed off! I had just stocked up on cranks the week before at a sale, to the tune of about $250!! I just wish I could have caught that creep in the act. The cops would still be trying to get me off him!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    One tip too. If you can, video your stuff, along with narration. Describing what you are taking shots of. This helps alot, you can quote pricing and where bought and when, to try and help repurchasing the items. Real helpful with something as tragic as a fire too.

    big g

    oh yeah, keep a copy of the video tape at a friend or relatives house, or safe deposit box, in case of a fire.

    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 278

    Yep, I had my auger stolen out of my truck this last weekend! That sure is a good way to put a damper on my fishing. For some reason luckily they left all of my other stuff (fish trap, rods, and tackle)

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    I am not sure what is a lower life form…..a thief or a vandal. We all have stories…..here’s mine. When I was 8 years old, that’s about 32 years ago, my dad had built a canoe by hand. Built it with wood strips and covered it with a clear fiber glass. We had it on the water a time or two before we decided to take it down to Dresbach for some real fishin. At the time we lived in Mantorville…..outside of Rochester so this was a fairly long haul. My dad grew up in LaCrosse so this was going to be a lot of fun for him and my brother and I. We parked the car and walked about a quarter mile down to the river to find a good spot to put in. We walked back to the car to get the canoe and as we got closer we could see that someone had taken a hatchet and put 15-20 holes in it.We weren’t even gone for 10 minutes. Kind of makes a kid want to cry but I don’t think we did. Spent the day at the police station. Dad was one pissed off guy.

    I can only hope that bad things happen to this person for the rest of his life. As a side note, I was hit by a drunk driver shortly after I graduated high school…..I hoped for bad things to happen to him too…..a couple years after he hit me, he rolled his car in a ditch and now spends his time in a wheel chair. Hmmmm, seems like fair punishment to me!

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Last summer I had a Turkey and a dear archery target leaned up against the back of my house and someone took both of them, and I lve right in town in a well lit neighborhood. Just 2 mounths ago my neighbor wich some of you may know as Bucktail Wayne had a G Loomis GLX and A St. crox Legend tournament that was personalized stolen right out of his garage. Don’t know how you could even take out a rod with somebody elses name on it without being worried the guy was going to see you somewhere. I know I sure would be.

    Posts: 1957

    Been there! A few years back we got cleaned out, we had someone come into deer camp while we were out hunting and steal a generator, 6 full propane tanks some of wich were connected to the campers, 2 chainsaws, 2 deer stands, grill and some other odds and ends. To top it off they took my cousins beautiful, perfectly even 10 pt.(Approx.170) and a 6pt. off the hanging tree!!


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    that there was done by one sick SOB. what did they get out of that ?!!! geez. sorry is all you can say to that…

    big g

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    2 years ago someone broke into my garage and cleaned out my boat i was picking up my father in law in the morning so they made quite a haul 12 rods and three tackle boxes, had very strong suspicions on the kids responsible and told the police, a lot of good that did, never did hear back from, ins. co. was great however and never questioned the 3500$ replacement bill. i kept the receipt and all future receipts now as an inventory list. the kids were even smart##### about it and left one pole, one split shot and one hook in the boat. still to this day i keep my eyes peeled at all times to try to locate some of it. i just pray that someday word leaks out. you know what they say about paybacks

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    About 5 winters ago I was out icefishing on a local lake. I had my quad with to pull my gear etc.. Anyhow , while me and my buddy were out on the lake ( He had his quad too ) sombody stole the trailer right off my truck in the parking lot. My truck was new and I was unable to buy a locking receiver pin that day as the store I bought my hitch and ball was out of them. They ( the store )were going to get the right sized locking pin the next day so I decided to wait till then. I NEVER figured having my trailer stolen would ever happen to me ! WRONG !
    WHAT A HASSLE getting all my gear home but in the end , I did PISSED OFF to no end and SURE I would never see that trailer again.
    Fast forward 7 months. One Sunday afternoon I just happened to glance out the living room window and saw what looked to be my stolen trailer go by behing sombodies pick up. NO WAY! Unbelieveably , the vehicle pulling the trailer pulls into a driveway about 3 houses down from me so I decided to take a littel spin to get a closer look. I saw the truck/trailer parked behind the house loading up junk. What to do ? I was’nt %100 sure it was my trailer so did’nt think it wise to go in there and cause an embarassing fuss IF the trailer was’nt mine. So I did the next best thing and called the cops. I had filed a report when the trailer was stolen originaly and when I noticed the ID tag was still on the front of this trailer,identifying it would be relatively easy?
    So there I am, waiting for the cops to show up when I see the truck and trailer pull out of the driveway and head on down the road. Figured that was my chance to posatively ID the trailer so away I went. Sure as heck , when I passed them I was %110 sure it was indeed my stolen trailer.

    NOW WAHT ? The cops are comming to my house and I’m following these guys to wherever. My G friend was gone and I was the only one who knew what was going on basicaly. I decided what the heck and followed these guys to see where they went and let the cops catch up later.

    A mile or so down the road , they pull into another driveway out in the country. I now knew where the trailer was and who owned the property. I pulled into another drive about a quarter mile away and waited to see what happened next. Well here comes the truck with 2 dudes in it minus the trailer. Thy too pull into the driveway , get out and walk over to me in my truck. They were worried that somthing had fallen off the trailer and punctured or damaged my truck ( YEA RIGHT ! ) Bottom line was , even IF they did’nt swipe the trailer they sure as heck knew it was hot.
    Anyhow , I was steamin about now but figured at 2 against 1 a physical confrontation would only end in me getting me getting my lunch handed to me so remained as calm as I could. Finaly , I told the guys that the trailer they had was stolen and it was mine. OF COURSE they both played dumb and came up with some lame story how they bought it off some dude yatta yatta yatta. BS ! The one guy offered to sell me the trailer back for what he paid for it – $200 ! How’s that for stones eh ????? GRRRRRRRRR
    I told em I’d be right back with the cops as they were no doubt at my place by now. The UH-OH look on thier face was priceless !
    Went home and there’s the county boys talking to the G friend. She’s pretty freaked cuz she has no clue what’s going on. LMAO
    Long story short , I go back with the cops in tow. The ID tag is now scratched off. Thanks to my original ,detailed report I got my trailer back but no hitch or ball or pin etc. Since nothing could be proved that these guys actualy stole the trailer no charges were ever filed. Oh well.

    Within the last 3 years , both guys ( brothers ) bought about 40 acres of property where I found my trailer. VERY NICE places each. It AWAYS bugged me as I had to drive by there too and from work. Now for the best part. About a year and a half ago , the powers that be have picked thier property as a potential location for a hwy bipass. IF thier place is selected , the Hwy will run right near if not through thier little slice of heaven.
    What goes around comes around anyone ? LMAO !

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    OK, here is mine. I have had things stolen, but the vandals are just as bad. About 4 years ago our entire neighborhood kept getting shot with paintballs. This was bad enough, but it came to a head when the punks broke my garage window and shot the inside of my boat and back of my truck with paintballs.

    Being genious kids, I figured they would come back again in the same pattern they had been using. The bad thing was that I caught these two kids on my property and proceeded to call the cops. These kids shot me with the paintball gun on my property so I took the gun from them and held them down as the police came. Just take a guess who got handcuffed.

    The parents of these little SOBs actually had the nerve to press charges because I held the two 13 year olds to the ground. The charges never held up, but you can bet those two kids never came near my neighborhood again. I can tell you this, if that would have been me being held to the ground, I’d pray the guy killed me so my parents didn’t find out. What’s wrong with parents today?

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