4-0 After 1st period- Gopher Hockey

  • derek_johnston
    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    4-0 Gophers after the 1st.

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    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    On ESPN’s website, It shows the Gophers lose 4-3? What’s up with that. Also Shows Denver and Wisc. losing too.Are those correct?

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    From Gopher website:
    February 24, 2006 – Tied at 3-3 entering the third period, freshman forward Blake Wheeler re-directed a Phil Kessel pass for the game-winning goal to help the top-ranked University of Minnesota men’s hockey team to a 4-3 win over Alaska Anchorage Friday night at Sullivan Arena in Anchorage.

    ESPN has thier head in thier again.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    They seem to be peaking at the right time…….AGAIN!!

    It should be a great playoff run again this year!

    You know the Gophs are rockin’ when Sid Hartman leads his colume (Monday) with hockey. His guy couldn’t pick out a hockey puck if his life depended on it. However with both the basketball teams (Wolves & Gophers) playing like grade schoolers, the Vikings busy telling us what they do is none of our business (just build us a stadium and shut up)and the Twins just starting this week he really had no choice.His only options were Olympics, womens sports, or hockey.

    Now that Dante’ has stuck his foot in his mouth again we won’t see anything about hockey again until next year. (Unless of course we build a stadium for the Vikings and the Gophers can play an outdoor game against Wisconsin. Then it would be another reason we must build a stadium for these guy’s) He can kiss my……….. well you know.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Even Glen Sonmore has risen from the grave. He was on K-fan and predicted the Gophers will win the title.

    Sid needs to retire already.

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    Hey Brian, you shouldn’t beat on Sid like that.(alone anyway)…..let me help. What a hack, the guy hasn’t had an original byline in his career. He is the biggest homer in the world, and being that, he can’t even use his own words in 99% of his columns. If there is an @ss out there to kiss, Sid has kissed it. All of his close personal friends out there all look the same to him, a crack with a hole in the middle, he has never seen their faces. The guy makes me sick……..

    PS: Then there is the Little Sid at WCCO…Mikey Max. Don’t get me started on that sickening fool….

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    OMG……..Are we long lost twins?

    Yep between Sid and the little “Wanna Be” I no longer can listen to ‘CCO before 9 pm. (At least Dark doesn’t take him self seriously) Too bad to, being 50 years old I grew up with ‘CCO now I can’t listen anymore.

    BTW, Dave Lee is getting better on the basketball games, but he is still brutal. Is he the best they can afford?
    Mona, Lee & Thompson, no wonder there is no interest in Gopher football.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    Also Shows Denver and Wisc. losing too.Are those correct?

    Yes they both lost…

    Gotta Love Sid!….

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    Bucky bites the bloody bull bag….MSU 7, Wisconsin 3..If you watched that game, you have to ask yourself..”How can Wisconsin be ranked #2…WOW!!! Can you say “SWEEP”

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    4-0 Gophers after the 1st.

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    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    Rodent sweep, Badgers get swept and Denver splits.

    Yee Haw Gophers! Looks like a WCHA title is headed their way! And they weren’t supposed to finish any higher then middle of the pack. What a young crop of super studs!


    United States
    Posts: 1430


    Bucky bites the bloody bull bag….MSU 7, Wisconsin 3..If you watched that game, you have to ask yourself..”How can Wisconsin be ranked #2…WOW!!! Can you say “SWEEP”

    I resent this post, there is no need to get mean, beleive me I am holding in.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 35

    What has happend to the Badgers Hockey team?? They were the team to beat and its almost painful to watch them ..they got swept by MN State..ouch!!!!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    They lost their goalie to injury and they have a freshman in the net…

    United States
    Posts: 1430

    As with most sports, it is how you are playing at tournament time. Their #1 goalie was out with a knee injury for 8 games. Since his injury, the team has lacked the form they had earlier in the year. Since his return ,he has not yet regained game form and may not this year. Shows the importance of having good goaltending. I give credit to MSU for playing inspired hockey. They could cause some problems if they can put some games together like that on the road.

    Posts: 973

    Doesn’t seem mean to me and I an a Badger fan; Gophers next so if either do well going forward I will be happy.

    Beyond the Badgers losing there #1 Goalie in some of the games they lost the team also had trouble scoring. So the problems go a bit beyond the loss of their goalie.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Agreed, but the loss of the goalie was the begining of the trickle in the dyke.

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