I know a lot of you on here use PowerPro so I just thought I would pass this along to anyone that uses PowerPro or might be tempted to do so by the unusually low price. This came straight for the PowerPro website (www.PowerPro.com)
JT Bagwell
Counterfeit PowerPro has been spotted on the internet, in Asia, and now in Europe. The counterfeit line has only a fraction of the “strength to diameter” ratio of genuine PowerPro and performs far below the rated strength listed on the box label.
The packaging is replicated with such detail that it’s nearly impossible to spot a fake spool. However the counterfeit line is being sold at about half the price of PowerPro’s suggested retail price.
At this time, the counterfeit line has not been spotted in the United States; however, it is best to be cautious of any PowerPro line being sold at a drastically low price.