Smoker Craft Boats

  • markmoran
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    Just some general questions on Smokercraft boats, would or could you compare them to Lund or Alumacraft? Anyone that has had one or has one share some info please

    Posts: 112

    I have a smokercraft. Compare the specs and then compare the prices. I think you will find Smokercraft is a quality boat with an attractive price. If I remember correctly, Alumacraft has a double hull system (good idea), but I think Smokercrafts hull is thicker than most, at least when I purchased my 16 footer. All three are good boats.

    Posts: 4524

    I have a 17′ pro angler full windshield with a 115 4 stroke loaded from Linc rec, it was about 4 grand less then a lund and 8 grand less then alumacraft, and I thought had a better fit and finish on the inside, there an nice boat for the money. Any ? PM me

    Posts: 87

    my dad has a 16′ and a freind has a 17′ and both said they will not buy another one after fishing out of my lund

    Posts: 167

    I had a 16.5′ Northwood Kingfish (hull built by Smokercraft – same as a Pro-Mag). Biggest differences would be width of the boat, and storage space when comparing similar models. I now own a 17′ Crestliner Fishhawk and would never go back. I used to have to decide what I wanted to use before going out and pack the boat accordingly. Now I can carry gear for all types of fishing on board (casting, spinning, fly gear, etc) and it can all be stored out of the way under the deck and in rod locker.

    This is based on a 1997 Smokercraft design. It may very well be that they have changed the deck layout quite a bit since then. Worth cheking into.

    Take the time to really go over the features before you buy. Otherwise, you will end up buying something else in 2 years because you are not happy (thats what happened to me ).

    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    I have had a 99 162 pro mag for 3 yrs. now with absolutely no problems. As said above the storage lay out isn’t the best I have seen, but it fishes three guys pretty well on Winni each year. If price is a concern, you owe it to yourself to give Smokercraft a serious look. Try to find people with similar boats to what you want that will take you out for a trip then decide.


    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    I have a 92 Smoker Craft Resorter that I bought from fellow IDA’er Bret Clark about 7-8 years ago. For the money it is a good boat with decent compartments and storage. I like the long live well. I’m in the process of shopping for a new motor for it to replace the 50 Force it came with and convert it from a console to a tiller which is more suited to river fishing. I liked the console for lake fishing but learned real quick that it’s not the hot setup for the Miss. river.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    Thanks for all your comments, I truly appreciate it! If anyone has more advice would love to hear it!

    Posts: 40

    I had a 94 Smokercaft 17 ft Fazer with a 115 merc until 2003 when I went to a Lund 1700 Fisherman. Overall it was a good boat but the lund takes the big waves of Mille lacs much better. Saved alot of money when I bought it, which was important at the time but will stick with Lund or Alumacraft from now on. Maybe I need to change my name!

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    I had a 99 Pro-mag with a 25 hp yammy and for the price it is a good boat. Drawbacks on my boat: 1) narrow and a little unstable 2) rivets leaked and screws vibrated out (easily remedied). I did like my smokerkraft although it was upgraded to a Lund Angler SS.
    P.S. I did fish it hard and it made many trips to Canada….up and down a few rapids….thus the leaky rivets.

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