Today I got an unsolicited phone call from Ducks Unlimited asking for money. I have not belonged to DU for over 20 years..ever since the percentage of funds going to DU staffers rather than to the ducks started to rise. DU isn’t as big a rip-off as the Red Cross or Girl Scout cookies yet…but if the money was going to the ducks instead of to some telemarketer I have to believe the resource would be better served. I DO support Waterfowl USA and Wings Over Wisconsin. You can SEE this money at work…and a larger percentage of your dollar goes to the resource. True, DU has done great things for the resource over the years. But make no mistake–this is big business, and a few cats are getting very, very fat off of money that I believe should be going to the ducks. Just logged off the DU website and let them know that i disapprove of this phoning to solicit funds tactic. i believe if you want to give to a cause, any cause…that YOU ought to be the one initiating the donation. Just my 2 cents…but it will be a cold day in the marsh before DU gets another dime or kind word in print out of me!!!
February 9, 2006 at 10:54 pm