Anyone watch Dateline last night?

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I’m not a big fan of Dateline normally, but I got suckered into watching it with the wife last night. It was the 3rd show they have done trapping sexual predators. This one happened in a county in CA. In three days, they arrested 50 pervs(all men) that thought there were going to have relations with a minor(boys & girls). I was sickened and frightened at the same time. I know this stuff goes on, but I can not understand how.

    If you watched this, were you as sickened as I was?? In my opinion, these guys need to be eradicated(sp?).

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Seriously, I had to change the channel half way through! UNREAL! This was one house in one city!

    Talk about STUPID?!?! If you were a Perv, wouldn’t you know that most likely EVERY 13 year old on the internet is a cop?
    What killed me was these pervs were brining oh, let’s see, Pie, Tums, Contraceptives, whipped cream…. Yep, got it all for the big date!
    Thank God the cops were the only date they got!
    Sick. That was just sick.

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    I saw it and what a joke… I have my first one on the way and I am scared of the unkown.. I can only hope that I direct them in the right direction. Its sick and scary out there.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I did see that show. Mostly the last hour. I was shocked as well at how many guys came over in such a short time. If that is just three nights with one example being used it is scary to think of how many pervs are out there. Gross.

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I really could not believe they could get so many perverts in one area, even if it was California. It really makes ya wonder how many of them are out there across the country.

    I think some public hangings would discourage this practice. Hang every other one, send the rest to prison with a “child molester” tatoo on his forehead. Would not take long to eradicate the sick creeps.

    I have a thirteen year old daughter who got a very in depth refresher on what is and is not allowed on the internet. We had her watch some of it, made her very uncomfortable.

    Just unbelievable how many sick people inhabit this earth!

    gunflint trail, mn
    Posts: 100

    I don’t know why everyone is so surprised. It’s California that you’re talking about. The state where guns are banned and the rights of child pornographers are considered sacred.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Sick basturds indeed. Public hangings wouldn’t be good enough. I suggest we put them in Old barns that need to be torn down. Put their privates in a vice, hand them a rusty old steak knife or a piece of jagged glass and then set the barn on fire.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    My wife and 15 y/o daughter watched. What they told me is unreal and can’t imagine the anger I’d feel if this ever happened to a loved one. It never ceases to amaze me how so many people’s brains have not developed one ounce from the “cave man era.”

    If you think this kind of behavior only happens in Califonia you better pull your head out of the sand soon as the tide is rising rapidly…..

    Stay involved in your kids life and that includes seeing what they do when on the ‘puter……..

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    My remedy is forced sexual reassignment! Anybody got a hatchet? No permit required!

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    You are so right Kurt. It is happening all over. I watched this show before where there was a set up exactly like this. Same thing different area. Unbelieveable the guys that come to the house. Old and young. The next day came over the Today show that these guys were to be prosecuted.
    Glad I don’t have to worry about dealing with this anymore. But still have grandkids and greatgrand kids think think of.

    Iowa, Knoxville
    Posts: 525

    Do you spell Casterate with a C or K ?? Suppose it really dosen’t mater as long as it gets done.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    All these harsh punishments that you all are throwing around is exactly whats needed. None of this will ever stop, be it molestation or homicides, until there is some real punishment/consequences for the perpetraters (sp) they will keep right up with it.

    St Peter MN
    Posts: 37

    Anyone ever heard of the Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP)? This program is split between St Peter and Moose Lake sites. The MN civil committment law allows MN to scoop up sex offenders at the prison gates when they complete their sentences (which are amazingly light). They are then committed to a “indeterminate committment” which means life or until they are ready for a nursing home. The MSOP has a list of priorities;
    1. Make sure the public is safe – zero tolerance for security breaches
    2.Maintain as safe as possible enviroment for staff and patients
    3. Offer enough treatment to keep the courts from releasing them.
    This program is expensive and growing. The up side is that it is keeping 250+ mostly pedophiles off the streets and away from yours and my kids and grandkids. This law has been copied by other states and it’s use in MN has been on the increase over the past 3 years. We now commit an average of eight per month with spikes of up to five per day! You can not cut off anything on a pedophile (besides his head) to stop this behaviour. Mn has had this law on the books since 1936 and has had 0 (zero) successfull treat to release patients.
    I work at the St Peter site and have it as a personal goal to ensure that none of these SOBs ever get out.

    Davenport, Iowa, USA
    Posts: 293

    I know a cure for this, spread plastic tarps all over the kitchen floor. When they knock at the door, say I’m in the kitchen, when they enter the room, introduce them to Mr. Glock 40, after a certain number of house guest making the news, the other pedifiles will get the message maybe this isn’t going to pan out. Just my two cents. Ron

    Randolph, MN
    Posts: 244

    It is just a disturbing world out there, that people would commit such wrong acts. Makes you wonder what is going on in their head that makes them even think of doing some thing like that.

    Best solution is a combination of two above:


    I suggest we put them in Old barns that need to be torn down. Put their privates in a vice, hand them a rusty old steak knife or a piece of jagged glass and then set the barn on fire.

    & to those who actually come out of the barn, use rlamar’s Mr. Glock 40 and finish it.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 280

    I think more states and cities need to set up stings like these to get these creeps off the streets and preying on our kids!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ive been keeping in close contact with whatever news and laws i can find to get the correct outlook on this type of situation. These guys are a breed all of thier own, they are sick and need anything from counseling and help for the first time offenders to long lifetime mandatory jail sentances for the older and more agressive pedafiles. Its a fact that the older more serious pedafiles are incurable, this is a proven fact. These types need to be locked up and the key thrown away. Here in Iowa theres been proposed legislation for these guys to wear ankle bracelets as a warning to those who have children and to let the people who are monatoring thier movements know when they have gone somewhere they aren’t supposed to be. Ive seen evidence where those with Multiple offenses that these people are very hard to rehabilatate to those who can’t be rehabilatated no matter whats been done for thier help. These types of pedafiles need to be locked up for life because children are in serious trouble when thier around. Theres diffrent offenses from what could be called minor to the ones that help won’t do anything for. When it comes to the ones (multiple sexual offenses meaning 2 or more on little children) that are going to have sentanceing passed onto them for thier sickness and crime my advice to the judge is throw away the key befor it gets worse on the repeat offenders, theres no other choice. If intense help dosen’t work then these people are diffrent and theres nothing we can do to help them. Alot of our reprasenatives already know this and that they are dangerous, now all they have to do is pass laws for mandatory sentances to keep our kids safe from these kinds of people and i’ll be happy.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I didn’t see this show, but saw an earlier one. Revolting is a gentle term, but one of the things that I find amazing is the people that are caught, many are what would be viewed as “normal” citizens. i.e. business professionals, family men, clergy, etc. It is truly scary what goes on in our world.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Damned good idea Marty! i hope they start soon.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    If you think this kind of behavior only happens in Califonia you better pull your head out of the sand soon as the tide is rising rapidly…..

    Stay involved in your kids life and that includes seeing what they do when on the ‘puter……..

    Kurt is so right check out these web sites………

    Go to this link and enter your street address…it will show a “house” in the middle of the map, that’s your house… all the little colored boxes are registered Sex Offenders… click on them and you get a, name, address & picture of the person along with his crime… pretty amazing and scary…it shows you where they live in proximity to your home and the local schools.

    Here is another good site to check out


    Jay Jones
    Onalaska Wi
    Posts: 107

    My wife showed me that site a few weeks ago and EVERYONE should check it out and send it to EVERYONE they know.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    I did see all three episodes of Dateline’s work with this topic. TV brings a lot of problems into homes, but it is very nice to see this program that will hopefully wake up a lot of families.

    I work in an elementary school and I know of many families who let their kids have their own computer and internet connection in their bedrooms. Keep your kids safe and put that computer out in the open so a kid’s curiosity won’t get them into a situation where they can be hurt or worse. There are plenty of sick people in this world. Let’s not give them an opportunity to ruin the life of a child.

    Keep yourself informed about those people who live near you.

    Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry

    Minnesota Sex Offender Registry

    Iowa Sex Offender Registry


    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Wow, talk about an eye opener, I counted 18 regestered offenders in a 5 square mile area surrounding my home! Astounding!!

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    I live in a very small town of about 1,500 people. We have 5 sex affendors just in this area near me. I found this out last fall already.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I have to interject this and i do know the importance of the sex offenders registery. Heres one example of a guy that dosen’t deserve to be there. This happened in a state, i forget which one, but there was this old guy, in his late 80’s and he was bed ridden and couldn’t walk in this nursing home. A nurse came in and tried to clean him up and make him feel good and as she leaned over to do this he inspected her melons with his hands. She got pissed off and told the head of the floor and because laws are so damned dumb with thier automatic mandatroy reporting on everything where they just hallway everything into a general program they had to report this guy. Well the sad part is the nurse couldn’t take this as a joke and he was put on a sexual offenders list and because it was close to a school he has to leave this care facility in this small town. This is how absurd these laws can be intrepreted. The serious multi time sexual offenders need to be locked up for good not simple guys.

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