Conceal/Carry Bill VETOED!

  • Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Not sure what you are so happy about, but thanks for posting Krisko.

    I feel stabbed in the back by our own party; but let’s not dwell on this b/c living in WI, we are used to it…..Let’s keep lobbying and voting in the right people (trying anyway), and we’ll have our constitutional rights back sooner or later.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364


    Not sure what you are so happy about, but thanks for posting Krisko.

    After all of my postings you don’t know why? I’m just glad they listened. I know my represenative in my area didn’t and I can almost bet she will not be elected again. A lot of the people in my neck of the woods did NOT what this bill passed.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I’ve read your reasons, but will NEVER understand it….but I’ve been taking beatings all last week and this week for my opinions, I don’t care to get into this one now…like I said above, we (as a party) will try to move on and lobby to get our constitutional rights back.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I also don’t agree with ya Krisko, and yes, read your views. But I’m not going to slam you for having an opinion

    I also feel stabbed in the back by my own party. I do believe this State is becoming more liberal. The article posted in Madison was a crock. Talking about everyone carrying tazzers, billy clubs and guns. Get a grip Tell me that is not a liberal statement.

    But as you have yours, that’s my opinoin.


    Taylors Falls, MN
    Posts: 68

    Slop Bass Keep up the good fight for your right to bear arms! It will pass later if not sooner.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    That really is too bad. But LIke croix said,….it will happen sooner or later. Just keep at it.
    Slop I had to chuckle about your “opinions” remark. You’ve been taking some blows around here. I commend you on your patience and tight lip of the sneered remarks.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    If you are looking for someone to blame for the failed veto override in Wisconsin, blame Jack Reid from Virginia. Reid gun accident.

    Let me state my own background before I ramble. I’m not affiliated with either party, but I tend to vote for Democrats because of their usual support for K-12 public education. I am a hunter and former NRA member.

    A while back I asked if anyone knew of any research on gun violence or gun accidents in states after right to carry laws were passed. I did a little looking on my own and found that the most refereed study is from Lott and Mustard and they found that in states with concealed carry laws, violent crime (rape, murder, etc.) went down after the right to carry laws were passed but property crimes (burglary) went up. Their speculation was that criminals were fearful of people carrying guns so they went after property instead.

    Other studies were done on the same topic–some upheld Lott and Mustard and some said they were wrong. Most of what I read found that there was not a significant decrease or increase in crime or gun accidents. Let me repeat that. There was not a significant decrease or increase in crime or accidents in the states after concealed carry laws were passed.

    The studies I found were the results of a Google search so I know that state lawmakers in Wisconsin had access to this information as well. If there is no solid scientific evidence saying that concealed carry laws make a difference one way or another, why push this law through?

    My theory…

    This is a gubernatorial election year so this is a good topic to polarize our voters when thinking about Doyle. Depending on your political slant, one could say “Doyle takes away constitutional rights.” or “Doyle keeps more guns off the streets.” Concealed carry laws are a lot like abortion and gay marriage laws in that they effect very few people, but they do ellicit a strong reaction from many people. Political candidates tend to move toward the center during election years, and an issue like concealed carry makes you take a stance one way or the other.

    John McCain, please run for President in 2008.

    That’s my $.02.


    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    Bang Bang Bang! I like the idea of living in the wild wild west there would be shoot outs all the time if this bill passed is that what we want? granted i love to shoot guns i don’t think we need to bring them into our community. Knives on the other hand those should be fair game! if your within machette range of an attcker i think thats all youll need to take em out theres always the faithful pepper spray

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Everyone is indeed entitled to their own opinions, as I am mine.

    I do not feel as if I was betrayed by my party. I am not a party man. I am a “what’s right” man. That is a distinction harder to make each time our elected idiot plasters his ignorant smile all over TV telling me this concealed carry bill is not important enough to spend time on, that it is more important to solve our energy crisis and stimulate the states economy. I have yet to see any action from him solving or stimulating anything. In fact by vetoing the CC act he has taken millions of dollars of tourism dollars and threw them in the face of those that would have spent them here. But that is not my biggest issue with Dyles lack of leadership.

    Simply put D has refused to vote the will of the people. Anytime a hot topic comes up he is quick to reveal his feelings and make claims how he will vote, long before he can get a feel for what the people that elected him want. The feral cat issue quicly comes to mind. This time around he has again trumped my basic American right to defend myself and family at anytime by again ensuring my right to bears arms is squashed. Mr. Doyle, you ignorant heap, self defense is the most basic RIGHT! And criminals don’t give a rats rear that the governor says they can’t carry concealed!

    There is little boubt in my mind Doyle will not see re-election in this great state. He will be a by gone in due time. Wisconsinites will get the CC bill enacted before it is too late. Before the lawsuits challenging the 130 year old law get the entire law thrown out repealing the whole law as it now stands. Should that happen any Tom, Dick, or Sally can carry conceled with no backround check and no training. Has Doyle even realized there are several lawsuits waiting in the docets to challenge this now absurd law?

    Obviously I’m not happy about this, most all who truely understand why this law is important feel exactly the same way. This is simply a stepping stone to further erode Americans rights to bear arms. It has been widely proven.

    I’d much rather be carrying when needed in todays world of meth addicts running around taking people hostage for $15.00, killing them violently if they so much as make a peep. Read the papers, it isn’t uncommon. For that I’d much rather be judged by twelve than carried out by six. You do the math!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I personally know 11 guys that have carried for over 15 years each, and they have never used there gun other than practice. Their job? Police Officers.

    Loyal, WI
    Posts: 28

    Hey Brian K, Make that 12. I wasn’t going to post on this because I am a fence sitter on this issue. I really don’t believe it would affect how I do my job one way or the other. Like it or not I just assume people are armed with some sort of weapon at all times. Keeps me vigilant and aware of whats going on around me. If any thing I am probably for the law for several reasons.

    I work in a large rural county and early on in my career I was sent to a burglary in progress “out in the sticks”. I met the caller at the end of his neighbors driveway and while talking to him I could hear the bad guys walking down the drive way towards us. 5 of them in all several of which had taken firearms from the residence during the burglary. It was 3:30 in the morning and the next nearest officer was about 30 minutes away. I threw my keys for the squad to the complainant told him where the M-16 was and asked him if he wanted to be a deputy. Unfortunately when he returned I could see that the magazine well was empty, but I asked him loudly engough for our bad guys to hear me “do you know how to use that?” His response- he racked the slide and yelled back ” it’s on Rock and Roll.” Gladly the would-be bulgars complied with my commands and we stayed behind cover until my back up arrived. Sure wish he would have loaded the gun. He mentioned that he almost grabbed his Govn’t Model before meeting me. I would have had no complaints if he had.

    Secondly, I’m a firearms instructor for our department. I very seldom carry a firearm when I’m not working even though I know I should be. I remember watching the videos of the beheaded Iraqi hostages. The first thing that came to my mind was “sheep” and then I will never be a victim. They may get me, but I’m taking as many of them with me as I can. That’s a personal thing and I’m sure many of you out there feel the same. The other firearms instructor for our department and I have talked about putting on the required classes if and when the law does pass. It would be important to me to know that people are being trained correctly and are aware of the consequences for taking on the responsibility of carring a weapon.

    I do have one beef about this whole issue though, its with Mr. Zien. It seems like his only purpose in State Government any more is the CC law. Not budget issues, health care, schools systems, property taxes etc. I would hate to see him sell out other important issues when it is likely that it will eventually happen any way.


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 272


    A lot of the people in my neck of the woods did NOT what this bill passed.

    It depends on who you ask. In this area (Eau Claire/Chippewa Falls/Durand) we have a lot of people who are for this bill. Everyone deserves an equal say, no one’s opinion should be held above anothers.

    I am most disappointed in the party line voting seen both at the state and ESPECIALLY at the federal level lately. Dump the entire contents of state and federal congressmen and don’t allow them to run again. It’s time to clean house since the non-corrupt become corrupt via the others once in office.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I’m very dissappointed. It’s not a problem in Michigan or Minnesota but Wisconsin just has to be different.

    B f’n S

    I cant wait for this ridiculous law to be changed there.

    Posts: 172

    With the chance of making a political statement, here goes:
    I personally am happy the bill didn’t pass. I do not see what positives will come from this. The stats that the NRA uses to show decreased crime are not accurate and biased. Most police officers do not want this bill passed, just one more thing for them to worry about when they pull some over for anything. Making it easier for us law abiding gun owners to carry them in public will also make it easier for people who WERE law abiding citizens until they use the gun for a crime. I suppose the advocates would say that the rest of us gun toting law abiders should then use our guns to stop that criminal. Great, back to the old west. As long as there are people, there will be criminals. I believe that if this issue were put to a referendum it would be voted down by a huge margin. Don’t think it is necessary.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Great visual there Slop

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    States that allow concealed carry are indeed lower in most types of serious crime than non carry states. Just look at Washington D.C. crime rate before and after 1976, the year that all weapons were banned. That is one of the most dangerous areas to live-period!

    As for law enforcement not wanting us regular Joes to have concealed I have really only run into the “elected” officers that are against it. Same reason (IMO) the governor is against it.

    I just need someone to convince me how taking away our second amendment right will make the streets safer? It has long been known the criminals have no regard for the law. If three people are walking down the street with a robber behind them, is the robber going to me more or less likely to try to rob them if A: none of the three are armed or B: possibly one, two, or all three are armed? It’s common sense.

    Saying that because I might have a weapon in my car makes it more dangerous for a cop to pull me over is unfounded. People try to show that by having a gun it is a gateway to crime-That’s crap. How many hunters that are pulled over in Wisconsin in Novemeber decide to have a shootout? I don’t recall it ever happening.

    I said it before and will again. It is an American RIGHT to bear arms. The criminals don’t give a rip that the law says they can’t. I will not now, or ever support anyone that is trying to erode my Constitutional Rights!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I’m also disappointed that the attempt to override the veto did not succeed. Keep in mind both the WI house and senate voted to pass this law two times now. The writing is on the wall. Doyle and his kronies will lose their jobs come November and the new leaders in Wisconsin will get the job done. Just a matter of time.

    Also something to consider…. Every attempt to change a shall issue carry state to a no issue state (Like WI) has NEVER passed. These are good laws.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Well said Riverrat!

    Also consider this….. What kind of country would this be if the only people who had guns were the Cops and the Military?

    Scary thought huh? Thats what the founders of this country were thinking too. That’s why it is a Constitutional right.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622


    Making it easier for us law abiding gun owners to carry them in public will also make it easier for people who WERE law abiding citizens until they use the gun for a crime.

    smsmith I don’t follow your logic, could you clarify that statement please?



    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Very well said Riverrat you change my thought a bit!

    Jon you can own/have guns! But carrying them down town is where I see the ????’s

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    From today’s tribune:

    MADISON — Supporters of a proposal to allow hidden handguns are aiming for Gov. Jim Doyle and two Democrats who switched their votes to uphold the governor’s veto of the bill in an Assembly vote Tuesday.

    National Rifle Association lobbyist Darren LaSorte said his group would make unseating Doyle — a Democrat who has twice vetoed concealed carry bills — and passing a new state law its No. 1 goal for the November elections and beyond.

    “We have our (national) annual meeting in Milwaukee in May, and there’s no doubt that Wisconsin, of all the 50 states, is going to be our top priority,” LaSorte said.

    The bill would have allowed state residents who pass firearms training and get permits to carry concealed weapons in most public places, except for schools, taverns and police stations

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Jon you can own/have guns! But carrying them down town is where I see the ????’s


    You not only have the right to “Keep” arms, but under the US Constitution you also have the right to “Bear” arms.

    Straight from the Oxford dictionary, the first definition of the word >bear: carry, bring or take.

    By the way, don’t see many “No guns allowed” signs around town any more. Why? Because it was never an issue for legally licensed citizens to carry.

    Continue to not exercise your rights and I’ll guarantee someone will be more than happy to take them away from you.


    Posts: 172

    Wow, I own rifles, shotguns, and handguns and live in WI. Yet apparently my second amendment rights have been taken away. Huh, who’d have known?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Wow, I own rifles, shotguns, and handguns and live in WI. Yet apparently my second amendment rights have been taken away. Huh, who’d have known?

    Stap your holster/hand gun on and take a walk around downtown Milwaukee, let us know how that works out for you….

    Sorry, your right to bear arms in Wisconsin were taken away.


    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Very well stated Jon and Riverratt! I am not surprised that this got shot down Here in the Peoples Republic of Wisconsin. Next will be the banning of handguns and rifles. It is more than the conceal and carry at issue. I have a hard time understanding how people so easily give up their rights!
    Doyle is a big time anti gun and anti outdoorsmen. Anyone who supports him is supporting the same beliefs.
    Up until this year I used to donate to the state troopers and sheriff charities. Since law enforcement is so against law abiding citizens, that money will now be donated to the dump Doyle foundation.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    It’s been a couple of years since they instituted C&C here in Minnesota and nothing has changed. Life if the same. Nothing bad has come of it. Realistically it’s a non-issue and it should not alarm anyone.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Just trying out my new smileys

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