Wis DNR enforcement abuse story help sought!

  • pittmd
    Posts: 181


    The person in the original situation was deamed guilty first

    Sometimes that is the correct response/assumption by the LE.
    This kind of pains me to tell but it should be told. I have a relative that is and always has been one to ignore bag limits, season limits, shooting hours etc. The CO’s where he lives know him well. He has been stoped a few times and chased many more. Now when they see him they stop him. I listen to him urine and moan about his rights being violated and to someone that does not know the whole story it might look like its true. I am not implying that the person in the original post is like this. I just wanted to point out that there are times when the CO’s have reason to be concerned when ever they see someone.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    Just wondering if you are going to write the story, and if so, can you please post it here, or link to it so we can read it. I am very interested to hear how it turns out.

    And I too have read your articles in the past, and found them very good. Keep it up

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    After my post i think theres a few things i have to talk some more about. I don’t want anyone thinking that i think all the CO’s are bad and are stretching the limits of the laws they inforce, im not. Im like Ted and things like this should be brought to light, whats wrong with it? Its these types of actions by the few that need to be brought to light so something gets done about it. Theres alot of violaters and these guys need to be caught as soon as possible and the CO’s are trying to do this by the skilled ways that they’ve learned. To me theres nothing wrong with bringing light to this type of situation because of the problems it causes. It makes the positions of the dnr. look bad because a few aren’t doing thier job right. I for one like to know these things so i can keep my eyes open incase im stopped by them. These guys give the good CO’s a bad name because some can’t say that most Co’s are doing thier jobs right and do care and try not to make mistakes, most guys know that the majority od the CO’s are honest and doing thier jobs within the limits . These guys know thier not supposed to be doing what thier doing and sportsmen just can’t set around and wait until somethings done about them, thats what taking care of things is about. Like many have said, report them if you think thier not doing there jobs correctly, it helps get them on the right path of law inforcement and throws less dust in the air. We all stand up for our rights and theres nothing wrong with bringing light to situations that need to be corrected, violaters and law inforcement.

    Posts: 973

    Unlike police officers, it was always my understanding that CO’s and Wardens did not need “reasonable suspicion” to search your person, boat, car, etc. or check for licenses. I have been checked several times on the Mississippi, yet have never violated any fish and game laws, and the DNR had no reason to suspect I was. I have also seen the Wardens doing routine checks for duck licenses on more then one occassion. Finally, a year ago or so I read an article that stated the Wisconsin DNR and State Park Officers actually do have more powers then a Police Officer.

    With that said, I have never has a serious problem with a CO.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Darn it Matt, how many times do I have to tell you! You can’t use my picture without permission


    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    Some of your articles show it I’d have to say too. But you are a SPORTSMAN! You of all people should be doing an article on how good the CO’s are and law enforcement. They are doing everything they can to save resources and protect the creatures and environment that can’t protect themselves from us. CO’s and law enforcement have a hard enough time keeping a good image because of the few that work in it mess it up. Just like the example of bass fisherman. Do yourself a favor Ted…forget the story…hearing this stuff gets old on how someone was wronged. Do something on the guy who lost his fish house and do some good with your writing instead of being an

    This is just my 2 cents and I’m like Slop, I’m not afraid to speak my mind. Also Ted I mean no offense and think you still are an OK guy

    I don’t think that Ted wanting to do an article about 1 specific CO who abuses power is going to far. I think your attempt at quieting/censoring him is. Ted is defending a guy who almost lost something based on the improper actions of a CO who overstepped his boundaries. Are we to bury our heads in the sand because this guy is a LEO? Absolutely not. What you’re saying basically is that this guy is above criticism because he is a CO. That’s exactly why this article should be written. Abuse of power is not right. We shouldn’t have any reproach because someone was harmed in some way by a CO or LEO? That’s not what I want from my officials who are supposed to enforce laws. It’s not a do as I say not as I do thing here. The CO must be willing to play by the rules also. You can’t come to the table with dirty hands. That’s one of the first principles of law.

    I don’t think writing something negative about a CO makes Ted an , anymore than someone who criticizes the government is unpatriotic.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    oh come on now there Rootski,….you’re as young as you feel

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721


    oh come on now there Rootski,….you’re as young as you feel

    I’m in trouble now….

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    “The officer’s record of service with the La Crosse Police Department demonstrates a poor attitude, lack of respect for supervisors, failure to follow orders, and although various opportunities have been given to the the Officer by the Department, the evidence demonstrates that he has failed to make necessary improvements in the way he does his job,” the commission said in its report.

    During the hearing, the officer was characterized as “a marginal employee” who should be fired for mishandling a domestic assault investigation, resubmitting a report on a car damage incident without including information his supervisor instructed him to add, and having a poor work record and bad attitude!

    Now there you have it! Just as I thought, Vic Macki clones do exist! I feel totally vindicated!

    Genoa Wi
    Posts: 267

    I have been following all the posts on this thread for the past couple of days with great attention, and just wanna say thanks. Krisko, we need to talk. I think I know where you’re coming from.
    After doing this outdoor writing stuff for over 30 yrs. I’ve finally realized a degree of maturity. At this point a column/story on the ‘fisher’ incident is on hold. The guy who lost his fisher has been made whole…pretty much… cause he got his fisher back. The warden admitted he could have done things better, which I think shows a lot of class.
    Dozens of you IDA folks have offered input on something which obviously touches a lot of us in different ways, but it does touch us.
    I thank you for the passion and input. You guys are great. And Krisko… if you want my job, its all yours. PM me if you want to carry the ball!

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    If you want my job…I’ll take yours… You do have mail though.

    Posts: 1

    I am frustrated also. Being a 25 yr police Sgt, I have had my wrestling match with the Barney Fifes too. My wife and I put up a webpage after our ordeal. http://www.DNRABUSE.COM Deals with Wis DNR and their antics around the state. No spam, no login, no cookies, just visit the site and read of some of their bull****.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Nice site, thanks for posting and welcome to indepth-angling, you’ll like it here!

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