After reading everyones post i can see a few things that a CO definately needs to do tooooo be a good CO and do his job like hes supposed to do. I care enought about what im doing that if im doing something wrong i need it pointed out to me and so do they First of all don’t take the fisher if theres not a total complete cause to do so without a doubt, not just a hunch, and next give a citation or warning with a reason why hes doing so if he thinks the guys done something wrong so its official. Who wants a Co to do his job halfway. Heres something thats always written in stone and should be followed, if there isn’t enough proof to ticket the guy that WOULD hold up in a court of LAW, not out in the field somewhere but in a court of LAW, NOT just his opinion, then the guy keeps the fisher or the CO should end up in court if at all possible with a good butt chewing from his boss if hes got any integrity. Heres the reason i think so, if he thinks im doing wrong and issues me a ticket and i have to spend the money on a lawyer and take time off from my work to go to court to defend myself when i shoundn’t have too, then he better be able to prove it or he needs to end up in court and be ready for a good rheeming from me and my lawyer and maybe an honest judge. I used to take things with a more gentle nature and try to overlook things because i had the attitude that we all make mistakes and have bad days, not any more. If im doing my job wrong then i don’t need my paycheck and need to be told by someone im doing wrong and to correct it as soon as possible. Because of our civil liberties which are slowly being eroded away, some of the younger guys can’t see it as much as us older guys but its happening slowly everyday which i will tell you of a few things in a minute. I see this thing happening all the time on a regular basis where Law inforcement is useing thier clout and supposed power to do what they want and don’t ever think about what thier doing or what would happen in front of a jury in a court of law after he issues a ticket wrongfully or just simply takes a fisher from some innocent trapper whos trying to make some pocket money and have a few extra bucks which is even worse. Im sorry guys i can’t overlook this type of thing, especially because its sounds like so simple of a situation that might not be an offense in the first place, what the heck would happen on a more involved offense? If a Co’s this darned dumb he wouldn’t stand a chance to prove anything in a court of law infront of a good lawyer. I know of a county sherrif and he told me that he pulls over people all the time on the local interstate that have out of state plates on thier cars and asks them where thier going, what thier doing and if they have any drugs aboard. Next this happens all the time around here, how do i know it does? its because i know of another person that works at a hotel here and they told me that they have had people more than once (more than once now) tell them they will never come back to this area because they have been stopped and asked the same thing and hasseled. Darn it, these guys are supposed to follow the law, they aren’t the Law. Is this a coincedence? heck no! the law of averages says its rampant here and alot of guys here with a position of power and has a badge will press thier point of view and what they think is right and what they want to do when ever they feel like it, they live in this country with laws that are supposed to come from the constitution, not make up laws as they go. They don’t care about the constitution or the bill of rights or they wouldn’t do these things, this is why i can’t stand it when someone of this type of position does this, they totally abuse thier power in thier jobs, end of story. Isn’t this what just happened to this guy with the fisher? Im sure Ted was smart enough to ask his questions right and listen for the right answers from this guy to see if its a full truth or if there was any room for doubt befor he typed what he did. Ive learned to break things down and see what the situations are and what the evidence says and how it points to where and after doing this what seems the most obvious to do. For very good reasons that comes from things thats happened in the past to me and my family im to the point where i can’t tolerate simple mistakes that are a no brainer especially when anyone else would be capable of making this decesion, theres absoultely no excuse for it, none and this Co should take this to mind and learn from it. Sure everybody has bad days and gets ticked off but im sure not going to make someones day rough on them because i’ve got something eating at me especially to make a wrong decesion and take someones fischer when it wasen’t even justified in the first place. Another thing im really tired of hearing is how rough thier jobs are, some times there jobs are rough and very demanding but if they can’t control themselves get another job that they can handle. Alot of those guys don’t have any idea what hard work is to the point that you end up with permant injury from the job. Yes some have ended up with permant injury but if they learned anything from it they wouldn’t take it out on anyone and wouldn’t feel sorry for themselves. This kind of thing really ticks me off, especially because its a no brainer in the first place and one that my 19 year old daughter could use better judgement than this guy did. Heres something for all you younger guys to remember and too fight for in the future that i’ve seen posted here alot about loosing rights. Its not the liberals or the conservatives who want to or are taking your rights away, its the zelous minded people in both parties, if they have a party to hide in, who are paranoid of freedom and the rights that freedom produces. Why, because they want things to go thier own way for thier own agendas. Thier are many who are in constant favor of repealing our constitution in whole, not in part but in whole so they can have things thier way and they all want us to do things they want us to do. They are subtly trying to change it in thier favor and our founding fathers knew this would happen and hoped that people whould see this and take action . I dont want to make anyone paranoid or put the wrong thoughts in anyones head but thier are alot of people who want it thier way, not the right ways that freedom produces. When it comes to the point where something is made into law that they don’t like they sui and try to repeal it. It dosen’t make any diffrence what party they are, there are pros and cons from both sides. If the extreem left liberals had it totally thier way it would be a too much of some things that we would consider completely loose and none guided. If the extreem conservatives had it thier way we wouldn’t be able to smoke, drink any alcohol at all, no birth control and we’de all have to put up with our mistakes from not having birth control and we’de be cast aside because we didn’t do it thier way. Am i being extreem, no. Im always on the lookout for anyone who wants it thier way only on all topics when it comes to my individual freedom to have some fun in life and to be able to protect myself from dangers that others have created by thier agendas. No room for anything else in my opinion. If anyone even comes subtley close with anything similar my eyes are open. Hey we all stand up for freedom and we all want it to stay that way with no excuses or bullc–p agendas, everybodys got to do thier jobs right and think whats for the benifit of others or it creats problems that can’t be lived with or over looked by someone else. Whats best for everybody, living with permanent mistakes or trying to stop them befor they happen. We all make mistakes and i don’t want my mistakes infinging on others, if they don’t want it that way, turn thier heads and leave me alone and look the other way. I think we need a thread on what everybody thinks our right as Americans are, what they think it takes and will take in the future to keep it this way. I know im tired of the lawmakers and ill informed telling us what ideals they think we ought to live by. Anyone want to start a thread where we can get everything out in the open for those that think diffrent than us and they can read and see what we really think like and how were not going to stray from these ideals. I like the way im living for my safety and protection. I think its good medicine that might not taste so good to some if we did start a thread.