Costa Rica Fishing

  • TomSchmitt
    Waucoma, IA
    Posts: 17

    Wondering if anybody has chartered out of Quepos in Costa Rica, Going there in 2 weeks fishing on bluefin charters 2 days and looking for another one. Any info appreciated

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Camodog, let me know how you do. I’m heading down in March for Business, but I’m sure I will be busting out for a few days for some Fishing

    Waucoma, IA
    Posts: 17

    Business of fishing or business/business. I thought it was a preety 3rd world country so to speak and all the have is fishing and tourism. I guess I was wrong. Have you heard anything about security issues etc. will be taken my girlfriend along.

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