Bigger, Better Batteries

  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Well I will be traveling north in a week or so to do 3 days of fishing. What if we can not charge the batteries for the vex and underwater cameras. does anyone know a way to use larger batteries on these units or do you have to stick to the 7-9 amp ones? My backround in limited in this area so help is needed.

    We will be in a deluxe sleeper so maybe they have a plugin for this? Anyone know?

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 13

    to the best of my knowledge, you can use any 12 volt battery.

    I have used my flasher for 2 day on a 7 amp battery and was at the tail end of power. I don’t have any experience with the camera, so couldn’t tell you how a battery lasts.

    Electronics are fuse protected. 12 volts is 12 volts and electronics draw from the available amperage as they need.

    your welcome

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    So it sounds like I can hook it up to a trolling motor battery and get the same results then. I am guessing they would run a while off something like that.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    John, I have a Aqua-View Scout, that is new, and the battery lasts about 4.5 hours of continuos use. Found that out the hard way last weekend on the pond. I run it in my boat in the summer, and use a 12v Deep cylce, with no problems. I just went to Wal-Mart and bought this pack of different plug in’s, found the one that worked in my camera, and hooked it to a cigarette lighter end and use in my boat that way. I have used the camera for 10 plus hours in my boat, and the radio on the same battery with no problems. I will be bringing the BIG battery for this weekend. You can really see alot in Mille Lacs, as the water clarity is real good. I would say I was seeing 20+ feet to the side, in 24 fow, with limited sunshine last weekend. Good luck.


    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    When the weather is too warm for ice fishing, like now here in S.E. Wis., my vex is mounted on my Lund and hooked to my universal sonar and on board battery. Runs forever.

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