Does any one watch American Idol?

  • cherilovell
    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    If so, what was the song the second set of male twins sang to Paula on last night’s show?

    Posts: 5130

    Not sure of the song, but I do watch American Idol I picked Carrie to win on the last one and of course the wife fell in love with Bo They sure had some winners on there last night

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    My wife and daughter watch that crap, so at times I get stuck with it. I know its entertainment, but those who suck are set-ups. The arguing among the judges everything all set-up and scripted.
    I have a friend who was trying out and you go through several “preliminaries” before you will ever see the big 3.
    I guess just like every thing else just to see good singing does not make good TV.
    The worst part is my daughter at age 6 picks up on the sarcasm that Simon uses. Guess it’s time to keep her away from that too.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 60

    Haywood is right. The avereage people get cut out in the preliminarys. Only the really good and really bad make it to the final rounds.

    Posts: 1647

    After watching the INXS contest where they started with actual undiscovered professional talent, American Idol seems even even more contrived and hoaky. William Haun is what made that show. Their winners are more of a punchline than anything alse. The INXS show, now there was a show with some great talent.

    Did you hear about Seacrest buying a Hollywood Star?
    I hear that anyone can buy one for like $12,000.

    Paula Abdule is about the only reason I can even tolerate that show being on anymore.

    I do have to admit it is better than watching ballroom dancing.

    My SO really likes it,
    and she suffers thru football games and boxing matches,
    so it’s all good, I guess.

    Posts: 973

    My lord, who cares. That crap per AM Watson is right on.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4066

    I watch the first couple shows every season. I love to laugh at the crazy people that think they are good. I taped that first show for my girlfriend, so I will look tonight and get back to you.

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495


    My lord, who cares. That crap per AM Watson is right on.

    I wasn’t looking to ruffle any feathers here, just looking for the name of a song. Geez……..

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