Feds still trying to take away or rights to access the refuge. I was pleased that those of you who came and voiced your opinions in the middle of the winter on a monday. Thanks! I can not live with alt E,they have not proven their case and I believe they are violating states rights. They have a 4mil$ budget and spend 90% of it on wages for staff to make plans. No more plans-address sedimentation,invasive species and plants.No need for restrictions,observation decks,new bldgs,canoe trails,hiking trails and signs.Any rights we loose now we will never get back! Upper Mississippi River NW&FR,CCP Comment,Room 101,51 EastFourth St. Winona, MN. 55987 to make written comments by 1 Mar 2006. Web to view plan http://www.fws.gov/midwest/planning/uppermiss/index.html
Posts: 15