Border Water License Clairification?

  • TroyR
    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    I live on the Wisconsin side of the Mighity Mississippi, have my WI fishing license, but was wondering if I am still legal to cross the bridge in to MN, and fish from shore? Can someone please clear this up for me?

    Posts: 277

    As far as I know as long as you are between the train tracks you are legal to fish with your WI license, however you have to abide by the border water laws

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Yes you can if you stay between the stated boundary markers listed in the laws.

    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    Thanks guys!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just don’t bring any live bait! Can’t transport live bait into our Great State of MN!

    Guess we don’t wany yellow headed fatheads.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    Guess we don’t wany yellow headed fatheads.

    There is one holding a pike in the Catfish Forum right now!

    Posts: 54


    Yes you can if you stay between the stated boundary markers listed in the laws.

    I don’t know where that is up there but here Illinois\Iowa they are very strict on this issue. The states are divided down the middle of the navigation channel and the word contiguous is used to clarify the law.<not very clear if you ask me) My friend and his wife both recieved tickets in pool 12 because they were fishing in a feeder creek from a boat not anchored but on the Iowa side of the main channel. I asked a DNR(Iowa) what the rules are because I have Illinois and was taking someone with Iowa license. The officer said “don’t anchor” So the bottom line for me is I stay out of any feeder creek coming from Iowa and will argue contiguous in court if I’m ever anchored above a wingdam on the Iowa side of the navigation channel. OR I could spend the $50 bucks and buy an out of state Iowa license. My problem is my cousin lives in Wisconsin so I allready buy out of state for up there and I go to Florida and have to buy Salt and Freshwater license for there totaling without Iowa liscence 99.50 ouch.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I hear ya Jason! Along the St Croix Border waters, WI says follow WI rules on WI side….MN doesn’t reconize a boundry (in the middle) and says if you have a mn lic. follow MN rules all over the river.

    I’ve had WI CO’s tell me I could use 3 rods knowing I was from MN…(not allowed here).

    Makes a person just want to stand up and say..CAN’T we all just get along!?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Minnesota has reciprocity agreements with all states it borders. (Not Canada) A Minnesota license is good on all border waters – shore to shore.


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