Hostel- a new Quinten Tarrentino horror movie

  • jwellsy
    Posts: 1695

    I just heard about a new Quinten Tarrentino horror movie called HOSTEL.
    Supossedly at it’s premier an ambulence had to be called two different times,
    once for somebody feeling faint and falling down
    and another time for a heart attack.


    This will probably become another cult classic.
    I’m not sure if I can wait till it comes out at the video store.
    I may have to break down and go see this one at the theater.

    Posts: 1695

    To get to the movie trailer, free downloads, etc
    be sure and click on the ‘Elite Hunting’ business card.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    he was on either leno or conan 2 nights ago and he sayd kinda jokenly that most people come to promote their movies but he was coming to warn everyone about his. he showed a clip and i can bet this movie aint for the faint of heart

    Long Lake IL.
    Posts: 350

    He is 1 strange dude trying to do something different. Have you ever noticed the female foot fetish in his films?

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    I have seen the comercials for it. It seems like a torture chamber type of deal? Not sure or if so or not but that I can do without. Not that I am squeemish, perhaps I have seen my son go through enough pain with his own treatments to no longer interest me.

    Just my $.02

    Zumbrota, MN
    Posts: 176

    Hey guys. Some friends and I went to see this last night, and I’ll have to say it was pretty good. There actually isn’t that much gore, but the stuff they do show is pretty gruesome. The movie is based on a creepy, but mind-blowing, story line, and the ending is pretty good. I would recommend it to anyone that likes movies like Saw.


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