I’ve got a secret!

  • chappy
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I’m privey to a huge secret about something going on. It concerns someone on this site that I ran into at Cabelas yesterday. Sorry I can’t come out and say something till he comes out of the closet about it,but he’s a buddy and I’ll let him break the secret!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Or BrianK buying spinnerbaits?

    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    Hmmmm! Secret! Comes out of the closet! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 725

    Chappy you dirty dog. Start some thing like this. I know it wasn’t me.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Or BrianK buying spinnerbaits?

    Now that will happen the same day you bring home a Ranger with twin 250’s on it!!

    I know what it is too…Putz it taking up fishing!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Although it could be Brian picking up some spinner baits.(I saw him at Fleet last week rummaging through the close out bin)That’s not it. You will have to tune in later today to see if or what it is! Ilove keeping you people in Suspence!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Can you buy diamonds at Cabela’s?

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    Is it the fact that they found the guy that stole Mike W’s van impailled on a steel fence post with the crows pecking out his eyes, and the maggots making a new home in his fudge pipe.????

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224

    Fudge Pipe??????????????WOW- Thats a new one for me.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    If Cabela’s had golf clubs, I would guess Brian K.
    Obviously, the two don’t go together, so that can’t be it…And if it is a buddy of Chappy, that would narrow the list down dramatically!

    Yep, it had to be Putz!
    What’d he get? Sticks for his “Lutcicles?”

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I bet it was Buckshot

    NO!??? Ya think?

    Could this mean the demise of the infamous “drinking pants” right before the PDC GTG?

    NO! Say it’s not so!!!!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I bet it was Buckshot

    OMG, he didn’t do it did he??

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Nope, He was in Rochester standing in a heated pit waiting for some geese! Keep guessing guy’s.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    You’ve turned to the good side and are going to bass fish this year?

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Are you insane??????

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    Congrats NK…when are you due?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    At least the drinking pants are safe….

    Posts: 249

    I think NOT!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 249

    Hmmmmmmmmmm…….what could it be

    Posts: 5130

    I know the secret !!!!!!!!!
    I can’t say what it is, but it is hidden on this site and you may even find it, but I am not going to say where it is

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Am I the only one waitng for the host to say, “will the mystery guest sign in please”


    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    It was not me. I do spent a lot of time there with the little man, he likes the store alot, what can I say fishing is in his blood, plus it gives mommy some sleep in time on sundays. Sorry Mack….not me

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    The drinkin pants are safe!!!!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    The cat is out of the bag now!!! SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!
    I knew I was right!!! Shame on you Chappy


    Nope, He was in Rochester standing in a heated pit waiting for some geese! Keep guessing guy’s.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    You just said it was Buckshot! But you are right. Sorry I had to lie at the end there but I could’nt spill the news! Congrat’s Buckshot and the “BRAT”

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