…fish, hunt OH MY
two MUST HAVES – but what about SPORTS(Football, Hockey, B-ball)??
BK – Are you going to be there Sunday? I have something special just for you
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » The Wife wants a divorce so……
…fish, hunt OH MY
two MUST HAVES – but what about SPORTS(Football, Hockey, B-ball)??
BK – Are you going to be there Sunday? I have something special just for you
It’s kinda looking like it…found my tip up…just have to figure out how to use it!
Dan, what kind of bait do I need? I’ve been out of bullheads for a while now?
I hope the rest of you boys realize divorice is contagious. Easely caught when your system is stressed.
And be carefull drowning your sorrows, you might give it real meaning. The ice between first and second lake is always dangerous, even on a good year. There is current there and the lakes like to form ice heaves in the narrows. Seems like more than one car goes through the ice there every winter.
Both good words of caution Warren!
I’m certainly not driving out there! I can’t speak for the rest of them, but I’ll be walking or wheeling the shore line and not going into the narrows themselves.
I can see where this thread could be miss leading and I’m glad you pointed it out.
FYI~ I suspect my “gift” from Nicole will either be a pink hand me down dress…(that might need some explaining in itself!) …. or….an extra finger for giving her a hard time about her getting lost…once in a while.
Briank, just giving you and some of the other guys grief. There are some double digit walleye in Forest Lake. The biggest ones I’ve seen have been in the 8 – 9 pound plus range but heard one was taken over 13 a few years ago.
Yeah, watch the ice in that part of the lake. Its just deep enough to submerge a car in the channel. In fact one year a husband had his wife following in the other car and they both went in next to each other. And they say couples don’t share any more.
Ah ta heck! Missed this one out of town otherwise I would have joined you all out there, just got done going through the same type of junk myself and directly form the McDonalds commercial, IM LOVIN IT!!!!!
YUP! Nothing like a good ol’ divorce to get a bunch of folk fishing! ‘Course don’t need much of an excuse I guess….
Nicole, I want to PUBLICLY thank you for the SPECIAL little Christmas gift….
I don’t know how I ever got along without directions on how to clean a catfish.
Nice meeting you all and the pictures will be up …a little later.
If you were there when sliderfishing lost one on broken dacron then we only missed one after you left…
Glad you could make it for the time you could Mack….
and the pictures will be up …a little later.
Which ones the ones of Nicole going to the bathroom
OR Her eating
At least you can post the pic of her holding the fish.
I had fun meeting people, playing football and of course fishing.
I do need the complain about the FAULTY equipment though.
I’m not sure what the total count was for fish, people or the ball game…but I am sure this is how to watch the ball game!
By the way, who was playing today?
Dan Larson and his friend Brandon (takes all of 3 minutes to register Brandon) had a spread on Forest Lake!
Not only did he have two tip ups per person, but a generator for the 25 in TV, a full size gas grill for the outstanding brats (thanks Brandon!) and a “pile” of beer. I should have taken a picuture of that!
Some of the “younger crowd” had a game of football on the lake, I believe Parker, Brandon’s Lab was the winner.
There were a few northerns caught early, a break off…and a couple of misses. Dan you’ll have to fill in the scores.
Nkrista88 caught the first fish of the day….and later cut her finger on the gill rakes. She was a trooper though…no ambulance or Urgent Care for this young outdoor lady! Nope, she just stuck her finger in the sucker water, then held it in the air to freeze it over. Good job Nicole!
Nicole’s friend Christine (please refer to sign up note above ) is going to be a contender in PDC next month. I notice right away that she had those “pan fish eyes”. You know, the people that really take panfishing seriously…that’s her!
Sliderfishing and I were talking and haveing a good time…but I knew he was on the same wave lenght as me. As we were talking…I was looking around to see the best catfish locations on the lake…and Sider was looking for good pheasant cover…trouble was that no matter how hard we look…we just couldn’t see anything…this accounted for some long delay’s in our conversation..and we both were a little edgy today.
Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Thanks all!
PS (Mr. Bowman…I have a message for you )
I have to hand it to you gals! No cornfields makes it kinda tough…Hope that guy isn’t too surprised when he goes back into his fish house…
For all you “what were they biting on” folk out there…
I “think” we were using 5-6 inch suckers. Dan likes a #4 Gamakatzu treble (with the legal spinner).
“Sounds” like it’s more of an early morning…3 to dark bite going on…
We didn’t work too hard at fishing, after all this was a divorce party…
(Disclaimer: No marrages were actually hurt in the partaking of this event. Do NOT try this a home.)
The only woman I am bringing with is Bob
That’s just not right to take shots at me like that when I am out in the field hunting and can’t fight back
I wish I could have made it out, it sounds like you all had a great time.
Dan Congrats!!!!!
Yes Bob, it would have been nice if you were there…it’s just not the same talking about you and feminine things without you to defend yourself.
Thanks everybody for coming out, I had a great time hanging out on the lake with all of you. Thanks to Nicole for the divorce 12-pack, and Brandon for the grubbin brats. Sorry the fish weren’t cooperating, my bad on the broken dacron. As a side note the good times didn’t end at dark, a select few anglers continued on to some quality bar time, including but not limited to a certain establishment in Harris that offered a unique brand of entertainment! All I can say is I had fun
Sure looks like I missed a good time.
FISH,HUNT,HOCKEY,FOOTBALL (sorry no b-ball) OH MY MY !!!
And holds her own fish for pics. I really missed a good time and new friends.
Hey Krista I am a wild season ticket holder lets go?
Try to keep up Tuck!
Nicole met Brandon on first ice last winter…they dang near melted the whole lake…and it’s been getting hotter ever since!
Congrats you two!!
Hope I can toss sucker minnows at you…er…rice at you after the wedding!
Assuming she doesn’t get lost getting to the ceremony
Alright, I know, uncalled for
Congrats to you both
Thanks everyone! We had a great time on vacation this last week. Although the fishing was tough it weighed out with Nicole saying YES to my proposal. Thanks again Mack for the announcement. We’ll have to get together and have a couple beers to celebrate. Or maybe more??? Dont forget you live within walking distance.
Congrats chief, do I get some sort of finders fee for the love connection. After the fun we had after the fishing, I knew that Nicole wouldn’t be a “Heartbreaker”. I hope you have Sapphire at the reception, otherwise I won’t know what to do with myslef…
Thanks Dan and yes there will be plenty of Sapphire at the reception and probably a lot more before that in times to come.
Hey you two love birds…ever thought about having an on line wedding?? In real time??
This way I would be able to cry…and still keep my manly reputation!
For those off you who are not savvy with the lingo Sapphire is a Brand of GIN…..
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