Salute to Vets

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Just want everyone to take a little time from their busy day to give a moment of silence for each and every Veteran out there. God Bless. Fair Winds and Following seas to those who are still serving in harms way.

    Happy Birthday to the USMC as well!

    Sometimes people forget that freedome isn’t free.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Don’t forget to put your flags out!

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    Thanks to every man and woman who has served our country.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Praise to all that have served! I shall remain forever in your debt!

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 70

    Thank you!

    Rock Falls, WI.
    Posts: 242

    Thank You for your sacrifice and continued service to this great nation!! Lets Roll!!

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    To our hero’s…..

    Posts: 3835

    Upon her hair she wore a yellow ribbon.
    She wore it in the spring time in the merry month of May
    and if you asked her why the hell she wore it
    She wore it for that soldier who was far far away.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Thank you Vets and to them who serve now

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776


    Some veterans bear visible signs of their service: a missing limb, a
    jagged scar, a certain look in the eye. Others may carry the evidence
    inside them: a pin holding a bone together, a piece of shrapnel in the
    leg – or perhaps another sort of inner steel: the soul’s ally forged
    in the refinery of adversity. Except in parades, however, the men and
    women who have kept America safe wear no badge or emblem. You can’t
    tell a vet just by looking.

    What is a vet?

    He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia
    sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers
    didn’t run out of fuel.

    He is the barroom loudmouth, dumber than five wooden planks, whose
    overgrown frat-boy behavior is outweighed a hundred times in the
    cosmic scales by four hours of exquisite bravery near the 38th

    She or he-is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep
    sobbing every night for two solid years in Da Nang.

    He is the POW who went away one person and came back another-or didn’t
    come back AT ALL.

    He is the Quantico drill instructor who has never seen combat-but has
    saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang
    members into Marines, and teaching them to watch each other’s backs.

    He is the parade-riding Legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals
    with a prosthetic hand.

    He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and medals pass him by.
    He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of The Unknowns, whose
    presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the
    memory of all the anonymous heroes whose valor dies unrecognized with
    them on the battlefield or in the ocean’s sunless deep.

    He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket-palsied now and
    aggravatingly slow-who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who
    wishes all day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when
    the nightmares come.

    He is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being-a person who
    offered some of his life’s most vital years in the service of his
    country, and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to
    sacrifice theirs.

    He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness, and he
    is nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the
    finest, greatest nation ever known.

    So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country,
    just lean over and say Thank You. That’s all most people need, and in
    most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been
    awarded or were awarded.

    Two little words that mean a lot, “THANK YOU.”

    Remember November 11th is Veterans Day!

    “It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the
    press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of
    speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us
    the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.”

    Father Dennis Edward O’Brien, USMC

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Good post Fishaholic.

    Many thanks to those who have served.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the
    press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of
    speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us
    the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.”
    Well that passage just made this crusty old desperado reach for a kleenex!

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    My neighbor is a great guy. He’s a Vietnam Vet, former Master Chief in the Navy. You couldn’t ask for a better neighbor. Today he should have been celebrating Veterans Day with his grand kids or enjoying the warm afternoon with a cold one on his deck. Instead he’s in a hospital room recovering from surgery. Prostate cancer. It just isn’t right. Made me mad all day. So when I got home I cleaned up all the leaves out of his yard and hauled them away. Hopefully when he gets home his place will look ship-shape.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You’re a good man Root!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Tell the Masterchief that a fellow Chief is wishing him a rapid recovery. Fair winds and following seas.

    Hats off to you Root, Thats was a class thing you did.

    Apple Valley MN
    Posts: 58

    Have to give thanks to all the vets, but give a big one to all the WW 2 vets, you are this countrys greatest generation, God Bless you all.

    For all the rest of you a great book of WW 2 to read
    ” All American, All the Way the story of the 82ND airborne in WW 2. Best WW 2 book I read And I have read quite a few.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks to ALL the Vets giving us the country we cherish, and the freedom we enjoy.
    I did get quite a few calls from family and friends this weekend. Felt good to receive those calls. I called or emailed all the Vets I know on Fri.
    For all the Vets reading this I salute you, and thank-you.
    Check out this web site, it is pretty great.
    If you know a Vet, email him or her this web address.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey fish,

    that was a great post. it also braught a tear to my eye. I feel the pain of my service every day when I go to play with my boys. I don’t get to wrestle with them as much as I would love to. but I tell you right now, if I had to do it all over again, sign me up!!

    but for all the others that also served, thanks a ton to make this great nation what it is. I know that my kids are going to be living in the greatest nation! I salute those that are no longer with us, and I pray for those that carry them jagged scars with them.


    C co 3/22 25th infantry division light

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