I hate to see good people struggle and it seems Catfishgirl has been having a tough time making her dream come true.Now I have never met her but I can tell she is a nice person by her posts and think we should help.I got $25 that I would just spend on fishing anyway,just let me know where to send it.Allright who else is in.Hey maybe someday she will win the lottery and take us all fishing.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » I think we should help out Catfishgirl
I think we should help out Catfishgirl
November 4, 2005 at 2:15 am #394237
To be honest, The wife and I aren’t doing so well ourselves right now, but I am pretty good with repairs/maintenance and would be willing to donate some time fixing something.
November 4, 2005 at 2:22 am #394241I know something about cheri, about a month ago i sent $250 to help her out because she was ready to loose her place that she loves. She felt bad because i offered to send it too her no strings attached only if i could bunk on the couch once in awhile while up there fishing, she graciously said anytime. She just sold me her never been out of the box 870 deer slug shotgun she won at a raffel for $200 and i told her its still yours anytime you want it back. Shes hanging on but she does need a little help guys. I don’t know her from atom but i have introduced my self and have been talking to her and she is a really nice person that works as hard as she can and owes nobody anything and she still can’t make it working two jobs. Im going up fishing in about a week and her cars not running the best so im going to tune it up for her and fix a few windows in her place. Cheri really is a very nice person and im bringing her up some firewood fore her fireplace this winter incase it gets too cold. She really is a very nice person, we’ve all been down and out at one time or another and sometimes its nice to have a helping hand once in awhile.
November 4, 2005 at 2:51 am #394247I don’t really like the idea of giving her address out publicly when there is somebody trying to scam her like this. Also since shes a female its not best either. So if its ok with her, ok do it anyway, lol, I will give out my address where any donations can be sent and I will see that she gets the money.
For anyone who doesn’t know her here is a very short description of what has happened. She and David, who she was engaged to, decided to move to the Mississippi River area which has been her dream for a long time. She gave up her teaching job, bought a mobile home, and had to try found a job after her daycare idea didn’t work out. David was to move shortly after she did but decided he didn’t want to quit his job and move as he promised. The egagement was broken off and she was left there without enough income to make her dream continue to be a reality. It has been a battle to make this dream of a lifetime come true for her. Normally this doesn’t happen but I also would like to see her make her dream come true. So anyone who would like to help you may sent a check made out to Cheri Lovell to me and I will forward it on to her.
Thanks, BillBill Cadwell
2140 42nd. St. NW
Rochester, Mn. 55901November 4, 2005 at 3:02 am #394250It is very humbling to see such a great family I have here on IDA. I am speechless and in tears over the kindness shown to me. I have spent a sleepless week over all that is going on and it has been a very long and trying road thus far to make this plan of mine work all on my own.
Thank you Castway for this post and your willing to help out.
Thank you Fish for your offer of work.
Thank you Bill for your kind words and support – your PM’s have meant alot to me.
Thank you Mossy Dan for the help you have given already.
Thank you everyone else for all the support and encouragement you have given. I can honestly say that with out all my friends here and IDA, life would be even more unbearable.
Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart.November 4, 2005 at 3:08 am #394252Thanks for all the sharing and posting you have done with everyone. Thanks for for caring enough to take kids fishing. Thanks for sharing fishing with friends.
Thanks, BillNovember 4, 2005 at 4:18 am #394261Bill, I’ll put a check in the mail tomorrow unless you’re going to be at Evert’s Saturday. If you are going to be there I’ll just give you the check in person.
Cheri, we’ve all had some real bumps in the road called life but it will get better one of these days. It sure seems like bad things happen to good people way too often.November 4, 2005 at 12:03 pm #394275Bill, count I Da’ Woman and me in!
As they say in postal chess, “the check is in the mail”!
November 4, 2005 at 12:11 pm #394279Count me in for $25.00
Glad to help you out Cheri. I’ll send payment to ya Bill
November 7, 2005 at 4:16 pm #394797Thank you everyone for the kindness, well wishes, support and the willingness to help out a fellow fishing friend. I has been a very over whelming weekend and will report on it later today.
November 8, 2005 at 3:46 am #394972Today is Monday 11-7-05 and I have received 2 envelopes in the mail for Cheri so far. With my small check that will make three so far. I will be sending these out in the mail to Cheri and if anyone sends something I will forward that to her also. Thanks.
Thanks, BillDestry
Posts: 22November 8, 2005 at 1:30 pm #395015Bill I put a check for 50.00 in the mail today for cheri. Hope it helps.
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