I wish more of you were like real Packer fans, because at least they are understanding of the game and whats happening and true to their team, unlike the rest of you.
I wish more of the Viking players was respectable like Green Bay players.
They’ve had more than their share of embarrassing player issues too, but you never saw or heard any of their fans call the entire organization guilty with one broad swipe of the paint brush, especially before the full, factual story was made public. No, they supported their team and cheered for the rest of them to fight through those times and succeed.
You won’t see that out of most of the people here that like to call themselves Vikings Fans. No, they like to whine and cry about everything. This Viking franchise is one of the most storied franchises in the league, but when they do have a rough season like this year, they want to make all their support conditional. “I’ll support this team when they do this, or fire so and so, or they show me this, or….
“. It is totally sickening. All I see and hear is sarcasim, and cynisism.
The worst part is that some people want to justify it from some moralistic point of veiw. When you disect the Vikings franchise as many people have been doing the last couple weeks, you are disecting a microcosom of this society. I could pass the same moralistic judgments on the moral fiber of any community just by looking at their local highschool and seeing how many of the kids are pregnant, and or have already had kids. Then I could go on the internet and scream its all the fault of the parents in that community for not raising their children right and failing to instill moral character in them! Dam them all to he!! for doing this to my community. PLEASEEEEEE! And actually, those Viking players that….MAYBE…have done something wrong, are adults and are allowed to make those judgements for themselves, unlike the kids in my hypothisis.
In the end, those who are found to have done something wrong will pay the consequences, whatever they may be. Till then, the team deserves everyones support, because their lives have been pure he!! for the last 2 weeks and for all but a couple of them, it just is not justified.