Viking- Packer game thread

  • derek_johnston
    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Any predictions?

    Vikings by -(negative)10

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    the sad thing is that one of the teams is gonna win

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    that theres less than 3,000 people in the stands and the game goes into double overtime with the score tied at 0 im fishing instead

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    With 30% of the fans being Packer fans I can only hope that the Vikings hear the loudest booing possible.

    Ziggy will quickly find out that most Minnesotans will not tolerate that crap. After the game heads will certainly roll if they get pounded by the Pack.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have been a Viking Fan for as long as I can remember but after putting up with all the crap from moss the last few years, the party with the alleged rape, and now the fiasco the team pulled this year I can not stomach them any longer. This has nothing to do with how they are playing lord knows I have stuck by them during some awful seasons, this has to do with just plain common sense and decency. Give me the Bud Grant years when the team had some class, Bud never would have put up with all this crap!!! (Yes I know this will never happen) Some at work have said that this kind of stuff goes on all the time with most NFL teams and that the Vikes were just the ones that got caught, so that makes it all right!!! I have allot of better things to do than waste three hours of my time on Sunday afternoon watching the Vikings Packer game, instead I will be sitting in the deer woods enjoying mother nature. I am done with the NFL.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Well said Steve

    I have felt the same way a long time.


    Wabasha Mn
    Posts: 1096

    Hey Steve I have to say I am in full agreement with you on this one.
    I’m going to see If I can find some more smallies.
    It makes me sick that those young punks are making millions
    to play a game.

    Tomorrow the sign says GONE FISHIN

    Posts: 2294

    27-24 Vikings WIN!

    As far as I’m concerned, all your fair weather, band wagon fans, can take a flying leap into the crapper. When the day comes that the Vikings sit on top of the world, or at least the division, rest assured, I will be the first one to stand up and call B.S. on any of you talking like you are fans, because, YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!!!

    We finally have an owner who is actually devoted to the future of this team and all any of you can do is try to make a joke out of him and the team. He inherited this team. What happens this year basically has to be hung on Red McCombs, and NOBODY ELSE. The future is GREAT for the Vikings!!!!

    I wish more of you were like real Packer fans, because at least they are understanding of the game and whats happening and true to their team, unlike the rest of you.

    Most of you urine me off to no end, and you can just kiss my

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Like I said in my first reply my disgust for the Vikings has nothing to do with how they have played on the field, it’s there actions off the field that make me sick to my stomach I am embarrassed to have them represent MN in any way. I have never been a fair weather fan as I have stuck by them thru thick and thin if you look back at my past replies to Vikings posts you would find that I had made the same comment you did about fans (I wish more of you were like real Packer fans, because at least they are understanding of the game and whats happening and true to their team) I have never been nor will you see me jump on any band wagon, if and when the Vikes are back on top again you will not hear me singing there praises, its not about the game anymore it’s all about money. And by the way just because someone has a different opinion than you does not give you the right to tell them to kiss your You already know how I feel about Randy and the


    As far as I’m concerned, all your fair weather, band wagon fans, can take a flying leap into the crapper. When the day comes that the Vikings sit on top of the world, or at least the division, rest assured, I will be the first one to stand up and call B.S. on any of you talking like you are fans, because, YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!!!

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Watch the Gophers play football guys.Those college kids play hard all the time.To argue or get mad about the Vikings is about the worse thing a person could do .I’m not a fan but I always liked to watch Fran T. at Q.B,Rashad and Chuck.Mr Page and Eller,Krause. They had alot of great players over the years.Myself I still watch the game but it’s nothing like it used to be.
    Oh, Go Pack!!!
    Ryan Hale

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Smart money would be on the Pack, however, the Vikes will rise from the Dead!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    Most of you urine me off to no end, and you can just kiss my

    Well Dunn, Jack!

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    31-7 Pack

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    Are they playing on the new field? “The Viking Ship”
    I heard this was true that one of the players thought they were in international waters. Not a joke.
    Green Bay 44-7

    Oakdale MN
    Posts: 134

    Vikes 10
    Pakers 347

    River Falls WI
    Posts: 24

    The over-paid, classless punks of the Vikings are not a reflection of the fine people of Minnesota or those who call themselves Viking fans anymore than the self-absorbed headliners the Packers (and many other NFL teams), have had in the past. If the new Viking’s owner walks the talk, there won’t be anything to be ashamed of. I’ll watch the game because I like football. GO PACK

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Green Bay Packers, 27, Minnesota Vikings, 10
    Goooooo Pakers

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    I don’t think any team will win this game. When both teams hit the field, it will create a giant blackhole of suckage and the stadium will just collapse onto itself and will never be seen again. By the way…did I mention YAY CHIEFS!!

    Posts: 973

    You can’t expect much from the players when the coach is out in the parking lot scalping tickets. The Vikes are disgusting.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    As far as I’m concerned, all your fair weather, band wagon fans, can take a flying leap into the crapper. When the day comes that the Vikings sit on top of the world, or at least the division, rest assured, I will be the first one to stand up and call B.S. on any of you talking like you are fans, because, YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!!!

    JD, I think you are WAY off in your post. I’ve been a Bengals Fan all my life. I’ve been made fun of for years for liking the “Bungles”. I watched them lose year in and year out….and had to listen to joke after joke..etc…etc…and I stuck with them through thick and thin.

    Everyone above isn’t less of a Fan b/c they would rather do something else than watch their team. I don’t care who’s responsibility you think this falls on, the Vikings have disgraced themselves, their team, and the entire NFL as far as I’m concerned.

    Not rooting for a team b/c they are bad players is one thing, but not rooting for them b/c they are bad people is completely different. That is the case here, and I don’t blame any MN fan for it.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    How ’bout them apples! They have arisen!!

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Now that was a SWEET comeback

    Posts: 2294

    23-20 FINAL! VIKINGS WIN!!

    I’m sure I’m enjoying it alot more than most people.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    How sweet it is and they only had to play one half of the game to win!

    Posts: 2294


    The over-paid, classless punks of the Vikings are not a reflection of the fine people of Minnesota or those who call themselves Viking fans anymore than the self-absorbed headliners the Packers (and many other NFL teams), have had in the past. If the new Viking’s owner walks the talk, there won’t be anything to be ashamed of. I’ll watch the game because I like football. GO PACK

    When all the facts are found, and made public, there will only be 3-4 players that are guilty here, NOT the whole team.

    Unfortunetly, most people just want to lump every member into the same bunch and blame the whole franchise, which is totally wrong. A couple bad apples do not make the whole basket bad.

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    Maybe those guys at Guiness have it right with there new commercial, the limbuger cheese heads, because the pack sure stunk in the second half.

    Saint Paul
    Posts: 156


    I wish more of you were like real Packer fans, because at least they are understanding of the game and whats happening and true to their team, unlike the rest of you.

    I wish more of the Viking players was respectable like Green Bay players.


    Most of you urine me off to no end, and you can just kiss my

    That looks like a quote Randy Moss whould have typed…

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I am very curious how any of you can justify villifying the Vikings organization for the off the field actions of a few players. I don’t think this is appropriate at all. These actions were done on their own time and not sanctioned by the team whatsoever.
    How large of an assumption are we supposed to make in these situations? If a driver with Wisconsin plates cuts me off on the interstate am I to assume that all Wisconsin people are rude drivers? I think not. This is the essence of stereotyping and that is definitely not the way I want to view the world in which we all live.

    My two cents.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Congrats to the Vikes.

    The Great State of MI
    Posts: 14


    If a driver with Wisconsin plates cuts me off on the interstate am I to assume that all Wisconsin people are rude drivers?

    Yes !! Absolutly !!! with out a doubt !!!

    ok just kidding

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