Anti-Fishing Campaign Rejects the Notion that ….

  • cherilovell
    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Anti-Fishing Campaign Rejects the Notion that Father Knows Best-


    Animal rightists have launched a new anti-fishing campaign that disparages dads who teach their children about angling.

    PETA supporters began passing out graphic flyers to youngsters on Sept. 24, a day heralded by sportsmen as National Hunting and Fishing Day but recognized by anti’s as Fish Amnesty Day. The explicit comic, “Your Daddy Kills Animals,” instructs children to “Ask your daddy why he’s hooked on killing.”

    “PETA is seeking out our children and using shocking campaigns to spread its anti-animal use agenda,” said U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance President Bud Pidgeon. “The fact is fishing is a fun, wholesome activity that gives families the opportunity share time in the outdoors.”

    The bottom feeders at PETA are also campaigning against bowfishing. They label the activity as cruel and try to draw comparisons between it and the tracking and impaling of dogs and cats.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Don’t you know, it is easier to sway the opinions of people who don’t know better then to try to get “thinking” people to go along with their crap.

    Just another reason to take a kid hunting, fishing, boating etc. and get them to appreciate the outdoors.

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495


    Just another reason to take a kid hunting, fishing, boating etc. and get them to appreciate the outdoors.

    Amen to that

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    The problem with this is they are extremist nut jobs. They know that by printing this, that some people like us here will post it up, and knock it. By posting this, we are doing just that! Giving their viewpoint a free ride on our web space… Don’t take this the wrong way CFG, we all know of your passion for teaching kids the finer points of angling, but these whacko’s would like all of us to see it their way only…

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Yes, you have a point eye-guide. The very reason I posted this was NOT to start everyone on a bashing session. I posted it as a reminder for everyone to get on the bandwagon and take the kids fishing and hunting. Showe them what it is really all about.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    I am so looking forward to taking my son fishing (at least three years away) but I defy someone at PETA to hand out some garbage literature to my son!!

    Des Moines, Iowa
    Posts: 161

    that’s what lighters are for,

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    My thought exactly Steve!

    Eye-Guide, I know that you weren’t pointing a finger at CFG so forget about who posted this for a moment.

    I understand your point about free ride…but it’s worse to be uninformed. It’s very evident that PITA (miss spelled intentionally)does outlandish things for the free press…but again IMO it’s worse if we don’t know about there little “attacks”.

    What would be helpful is to know how to stop them in there tracks!

    Eat a fish…and send the bones to PITA?

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    I agree I would want to know if some nut was handing my children literature like this. Where is this taking place????? What I am asking is per say, are they doing this when kids are leaving there schools or just hitting them up on the streets

    mazeppa mn
    Posts: 177


    Don’t you know, it is easier to sway the opinions of people who don’t know better then to try to get “thinking” people to go along with their crap.

    Just another reason to take a kid hunting, fishing, boating etc. and get them to appreciate the outdoors.

    Do you mean like airhead blonde actressess?

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