In all reality………………
It took us 100 years to figure out how to use this oil, to the level we are at.
We are not in the “dark ages”.
I can almost assure you that in 100 years, probably 50 years, we won’t be using oil………….
Things mostly will be ran of hydrogen or nuclear power.
look back into history. We had this same crisis 2 other times. The first time was WWII. It wasn’t even our war. However gas was rationed out.
The other time was in the late 70s and early 80s. Gas was rationed out (actually, not rationed, but limited to amount a person could fill at the pump in the 70s). In th early 80s, gas was $1.20 a gal. People back then were making 1/3 the money, if not 1/4 the money they are making today.
In all reality, gas prices have actually caught up to the same inflation that everything else is.
Look at the late 70s in comparison to today.
can of pop: $0.25 per $1.00 today
truck: $10,000 per $40,000 today
House: $60,000 per $240,000 today
Union carpenter: $6/hour per $30 today.
Gas has just caught up with the trend today. Yep it sucks, but it just has finally caught up!
The price of gas ins’t going to break anybody today.
Not when the majority of people own a $1,000 computer
Spend $40 or $50 a month on internet service
Spend $50 a month on cell phone service
Spend $50 a month on bottled water/pop/junk food at the gas station.
Spend $100 a month going out to eat (whether it is McDonalds/Applebees/or high scale resturants)
Point is:
People don’t live consertively with their money today. GOOD GREIF!!!! Today I took my daughter to her first day of school. Holy crap, the girl is in 6th grade and it is a flippin FASHION SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! When I went to school, it was normal jeans, hightops, and some rock t-shirts…….I spent a crap load of money on her cloths this year, just to keep the kid “up with the Jones” (sorry if I offened any “Jones” on this site!!!
“WE” have made life complicated and expensive today. Don’t blame the gas prices for bringing down the economy and community!!!!
Don’t blame high oil prices for our high pump prices. You can blame the past 10 to 15 years of our government for not allowing refineries to be built or expanded to to “environmental impact”. It doesn’t matter if oil goes up or down, the price of gas is due to refineries not being able to refine fast enough for our consumption.