Blazer Problems……Help

  • nkrista88
    Posts: 249

    I’ve known that my transmission was going to go out someday, and I’m pretty sure that day has come.

    I’m wondering if anyone knows of a place where I can buy a transmission that isn’t gonna break the checkbook??

    Also, if anyone knows of a mechanic that won’t charge me an arm and a leg to install. If I knew anything about vehicles I’d do it myself (I knew I should have taken those shop classes in HS)

    If anyone can help please let me know!!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Do not know where you are from.Q transmission and drive line near Rochester is very affordable and has a 2 year warr.Phone # 507-533-6242.His name is Quinten.Very nice guy.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I warned you about buying that hunk of junk Barney ….You won’t find a cheap tranny and mechanic to install it…..SOL…sorry

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    Well there goes the down payment on your new boat!

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    What year is the Blazer? I recently had the tranny rebuilt in my 95 Tahoe from a place down here. It cost me $1200. They were by far the least expensive I could find for my application.
    Let me know if you would like more info.

    Posts: 249

    it’s a 96 blazer v6

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    My buddy has a Shop in Shorievew off of 694 and Vitoria (by the Ramsey County Cop Shop) and usually is cheaper than the big Chain Shops.

    King Pin Transmission

    Curt DeLange

    Shop: 651-484-6225

    Cell: 651-271-7312

    Tell him you know me. I called and told him you might be calling I’m sure he would give you a quote. Him and his Dad have been in business for ALONG time.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Maybe you DONT want to mention Rob’s name…

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Iwas thinking the same thing! LOL

    Wills transmission in Plymouth does good work too!

    Mark is the owner
    Ph. 763-545-7548

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Me too. Last time I mentioned Rob’s name I got punched in the eye.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    No respect

    I don’t blame you. If I meet someone in the bar I usually give them a fake name for in fear of being gangtackled

    Bring it on you guys

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    The good thing is Krista, if you go there directions should be a breeze for you . Since it is just a block down from the Ramsey County Sherriff’s office. I’m sure you know that place well !

    Posts: 249

    LOL….I haven’t been arrested

    I will give them a call after lunch…Did you say Krista would be calling? If so, my name is actually Nicole!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    I will give them a call after lunch…Did you say Krista would be calling? If so, my name is actually Nicole!

    I forgot. I’ll tell him!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Just dont stop in Edina first Nicole..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908

    that thing needs to be fixed with a new set of keys to a Durango !!! its ten years old, let it go in peace.

    Posts: 249

    I can’t let it go….It’s my pride and joy

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    So how do we know the Tranny is bad?

    Could be torque converter or a plugged Catalytic Converter?

    What are the symptoms.

    Posts: 249

    It took almost a min this morning to get to 40mph and wouldn’t seem to go much higher. But this afternoon it seemed to drive alright…I’m confused

    mazeppa mn
    Posts: 177

    You said it took a min to get to 40 mph. Did the trans act like it was slipping(like you put it in nuetral)or was it that it just woudn’t shift. If it slips trans. more than likely is bad if it wasn’t shifting it could be a restricted filter. Is the engine running rough I have fixed many shifting problems on blazers with a tune up, because they are shifted electronically taking in consideration the rpm’s and throttle position.Hope this helps


    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255


    So how do we know the Tranny is bad?

    Could be torque converter or a plugged Catalytic Converter?

    What are the symptoms.

    Sounds more like the plugged Catalytic Converter to me. BEWARE of getting rip off. Maybe you can get one of the guys from the area to go with you. Most shops like to rip woman off. My wife got a coupon for a free oil change in Dubuque this Spring. When she was ready to leave her car wouldn’t start. The guy said it needed some expensive part. She said she would have her mechanic come and tow it back. The guy got it running real quick It shouldn’t be that way, but get you a mechanic you trust or let a male friend take your Blazer for repairs.


    Posts: 249

    It seemed like it just wouldn’t shift like it was stuck in that gear. Kinda hard to explain, but I had my pedal all the way to the floor and it was only going 40mph and the rpm’s weren’t even shooting through the roof…it wasn’t even moving. Should I look for a tranny? or is it something else??? I called 5 different places today, all ones that the guys from this site reccommended, all the quotes were about 1500! There has got to be a place that does it for cheeper than that right??

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    When is the last time you had the tranny serviced? “fluid and filter changed” Time for you or someone to check your fluid, the level of the fluid and the color “should be red/pink not dark or black” also the smell does the fluid smell burnt?

    Let’s not jump into a new transmission just yet, it’s showing signs of a plugged catylic converter.

    You need to find an honest mechanic that can check your Fluid and Converters first.

    Posts: 249

    I already did that….Had the full works done…cost me 168.00

    Not sure if the converter was checked

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Okay…you can check the Catylic converter it’s part of your exaust system it looks like the muffler and it’s located between the muffler and the engine if you have rubber hammer tap on the catylic converter and listen for any loose metal in the converter that could be plugging it up if you don’t have a rubber hammer use a regular one or a stick and tap on it or just have a mechanic do it.

    Lets make sure before we commit to a rebuilt or used tranny job.

    mazeppa mn
    Posts: 177

    I agree seeing you can’t get any rpm’s it is a good sign of the catylic converter being plugged best to tap it cold so you don’t burn yourself and 1500 sound like a fair price if that is a rebuilt tranny and labor

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    No respect

    I don’t blame you. If I meet someone in the bar I usually give them a fake name for in fear of being gangtackled

    By the way, stop leaving my business cards in bathrooms!

    Posts: 249

    I don’t even know what a muffler looks like…

    Do I crawl under the truck or do I just pop the hood?

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