Salmon or CARP?

  • sallie
    Posts: 95

    I was talking to fishing machine this morning. She told me about the 25lb carp she caught and was going to can. I kind of chuckled to myself and thought (she’s going to can a CARP}, wonder what that would taste like. A little while ago she stopped by carrying a pint jar. It really looked like salmon but not quite as pink. She said open it up and drain the juice off and get us some soda crackers. I’ll try about anything except pickled fish. It was better than salmon, not quite as strong as salmon but delicious. I will never say another bad thing about the much maligned CARP. I’ve only been fishing once since our boat’s been out of commision. That,s been about two weeks.
    She said she was maybe going CARP fishing tomorrow. I actually asked to go along. Never thought I,d ask to go fishing for THEM. I always catch them when fishing for walleyes but I,ll bet tomorrow they,ll be hard to find.
    You guys that want her pickled fish at the ice fishing GTG better start asking for canned CARP.

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Hey, Carp fishing is a blast. When I lived on Okauchee Lake, I had it down to a science. My biggest was 36inches at 36 pounds. Had one smoked once, it was so nasty thou that when we threw it out in the yard for the critters, they wouldn’t even eat it.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I did a job for a guy who is czech. and he asked if i ever ate pickled suckers, thier in the rough fish family. He brought out the jar with some crackers and we began to eat . After about 15 minutes he could see i was well on my way of finishing the jar and put it back in the refrigerator lol. If any fish is pickled or canned with the right recipie its great. Im perticular about my fish and this was excellent.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    When I was a kid we would fish Lake Michigan for salmon and perch and see the biggest carp in the world. Never could get one to bite anything but then again my little Zebco 33 probably would have exploded trying to turn one of those brutes.

    I tried smoke carp once. Didn’t care for it. Met a guy from England in Milwaukee. Over there they love carp. He tried eating one from our area and didn’t like it. I guess it is in the eye of the beholder.


    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    My grandpa’s an old boheme’, and he loves carp. He likes the ones big enough that he has to use the hack saw to cut the head off with.

    Sal, I’ll be up in the area tomorow, and I’ll be looking for you guys. You’ll probably be on some nice walleyes, maybe the carp and walleyes are schooled together?

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    Hey Dave
    I will be down in the Winnisheik. Look for us in one of those cuts if your in the area.
    Might even try for a gill too.

    Posts: 95

    I,ve had smoked carp too. Didn’t like it at all.
    The canned carp is really, really good.

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    If we get down that far I’ll drop in and see how you ladies are doing.

    See ya

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I have had carp smoked and canned. Done correctly its great both ways. I have also eaten sheepshead pickled and fried. again, if prepared correctly..its good both ways. Now suckers….only ground up in fish patties so the bones aren’t so bad.

    I have also had shark, stingray and trigger fish.

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    I like fish if it is taken care of properly.
    But if I get any that is strong flavored I’m done on the first bite.
    Was telling Sal that I like tuna salads. But I bought 2 different kinds. One was 4 cans in a pack for 5.49. Opened one can and didn’t even fix it. The cat ate it though as did she the all the rest. Then I bought 2 other cans at 1.00 ea. The cat also got it. So even the smell will turn me off.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    I caught and landed a 22 lbs carp on my fly rod once…I was laughing so hard at trying to land it, I had tears in my eyes.. My uncle smoked it after cutting it in half…nearly a dozen people love it….but me. Smelled great…but there was something about the 1/8 inch of grissle between the flesh that turned me off. Great Grampa always said don’t smoke a carp over 6 lbs.

    Fishing Machine…you’re going to have to make up a 5 gal pail of pickled northern for the PDC GTG…sell it and retire!

    I haven’t had her carp, but I’m telling you, her pickled northern has ruined me! I won’t touch herring anymore!

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5593

    Grandma would take a carp and bone it out, then grind up the meat like hamburger. Then she’d roll it up into patties and cover it with crunched up corn flakes and then deep fry it. Served with mashed potatoes and gravy, it was pretty good stuff!

    This thread also reminds me of the famous quote by Rancid Crabtree: “Smoked carp tastes just as good as smoked salmon if you don’t have any smoked salmon”.


    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495


    This thread also reminds me of the famous quote by Rancid Crabtree: “Smoked carp tastes just as good as smoked salmon if you don’t have any smoked salmon”.
    Trust me, this smoked carp was nasty. When a raccoon won’t eat it, there is something wrong


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5593

    That’s truly funny…it failed the racoon test….I’m still laughing. Thanks!


    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    I have a couple of friends that go snagging for carp and buffalo right after ice out on the Wapsi by Allan’s Grove. It’s the only time of year that they do it. They always try to get me to go and I haven’t made it yet.
    These guys are Master Smokers. They all have there own secret brines and basting sauces for these types of fish. And I tell you one thing, when they offer it up, I’m digging in.

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    You bring up a good point. Carp for smoking are best when they are taken out of cold water. I keep Carp for smoking in early spring only. They get too fishy or muddy tasting once the water warms too much.
    I cut off the head , tail and scale em. I scrub the body cavity with a brush too to get that blackish stuff off the inside of the ribcage if I do whole fish. Mostly I filet then chunk em , brine then bake em for a bit in the oven. Baking them cuts down on the smoking time. Then they go into the smoker = excelent.

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