Driver’s Tests

  • thedeuce
    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    Anybody else out there think that everyone should re-take their driver’s test when they hit the age of 70 (or sooner)??

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Care to elaborate on what prompted this question?

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Yeah Duece, why pick on me all of a sudden?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    There is not a picture of Putz Photoshopped into a car wreck is there?

    Could there be??

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11


    Yeah Duece, why pick on me all of a sudden?

    LOL, sorry herb. Let’s just say I had a few run-ins on the road today. The first one was an old lady that was traveling down the wrong way of a one-way street. She ended up t-boning an SUV and the SUV flipped over.

    And, another old lady in a 1980’s Caprice Classic cut me off and almost got into my front fender when I was coming back from lunch.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Had one yesterday, about that age range, turn from two lanes over no blinker, almost T-bone me as I pulled out of a gas station into the lane next to her. She must of really had to go to the bathroom, or maybe could not see there was a gas station there until she was almost in my grill! I do think I saw Putz next to her saying “Turn HERE! ” Come to think of it SHE looked like Putz! Where were you yesterday afternoon?

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    So maybe I should narrow this down to women that are 70 and older??

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    Hate to start an argument here, but I think EVERYONE should be required to retake the test every 5 or 10 years. I am guilty as anyone of not following proper driving skills occasionally (ie speeding, running “yellow” lights, bad lane changes etc.) and think a little refresher course for all of us would help.

    If we all want to gang up on the plus 70 crowd however, count me in!!J/K

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    Farmboy, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have a recently turned 16 yr old daughter, and she will be taking her test in early September. It’s amazing the number of laws and rules that I take a shortcut on. It’s only a few MPH over the limit, it’s a stop sign that should be a yield sign, it’s following a little too close, etc. It’s really been an eye opener. Have I change my driving habits? No. Would I pass a road test today? I hope so. If I was being watched, and didn’t realize it, I would probably fail.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Duece, if it was the ugliest old lady you’ve ever seen…it was Putz…

    I love it!!!!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Ok, here is one sure to ruffle a few feathers…..

    If you are from Wisconsin and need to drive in Minnesota, you should have to pass OUR drivers test! Especially if you get inside the 494/694 loop!

    Ok, fire back!


    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Hey! Hey! Hey! Take it easy on this OF. I passed my 55 Alive course with flying colors. When’s the last time you two clowns took a drivers test? BTW, if you see a black and silver F-150 heading your way, you had better move it. I know what both of you drive.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    Ok, here is one sure to ruffle a few feathers…..

    If you are from Wisconsin and need to drive in Minnesota, you should have to pass OUR drivers test! Especially if you get inside the 494/694 loop!

    Ok, fire back!


    Jon, I used to think that Wisconsin drivers were bad. That is until I moved to WI. It took me about 10 minutes being back in MN one day, that I said something to my wife about how bad MN drivers are!

    Steve Vick
    New London, MN
    Posts: 428

    I just took the test last week. When I moved from WI to MN, they required it, since my old MN license had expired. Passed with 84%. I was getting a little scared toward the end. It’s on a computer and it tells you if you got it right or wrong as soon as you answer. After a few wrong answers, I thought, “how can I explain not passing this”…..It’s pretty easy, but I “relearned” a few things I had forgot!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Steve, at least you can see the screen! I hear Putz went for a walk last week, and hasn’t found his way home yet! He keeps stopping at people’s houses and asks to sign on their internet so he can keep up on the site! If anyone has seen Putz’s truck, send him a PM. I think he left it in Hudson a couple of weeks ago

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    You want to see some scarey driving try working on a asphalt paving crew. You quickly find out that EVERYONE could use a course in A – common sense and B – driving skills ie: reading posted signs. The sign says ” Road closed ” not ” Road closed except for you ”

    But most of all a course in courtesy and patience. Wish I had a dime for every ( insert your favorite cuss word/hand gesture here ), stuff thrown and near misses or should I say hits. After 13 years I’d now be a rich man. LOL

    Actualy , I’ve found that the elderly drivers are usualy more on the ball so to speak while we are paving streets/roads. It’s the 20 to 30 somthing crowd that more often than not is the biggest problem.

    Yes I’ve seen elderly driver do some crazy things but those incidents are far outnumbered by much younger folks.

    Of course my driving skills are perfect so no need to retest me.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Just went through a motorcycle safety course (100% on the test – thank you!) and while it was good to go over some stuff after all these years of building bad habits, I can now jump in this post and confidently say that…….. my driving sucks! One day…. I could be the best motorist on the road. But if I think I’m in a hurry……. oh man……. I’m as bad as anyone I’ve ever complained about!

    I find that getting older is helping me curb some of my “all about me” attitude (on the road anyway) but I have a long way to go.

    Retesting would be an inconvenience, one more thing to tick us off, cost us more money, one more thing to whine over, and likely a good idea anyway. We all complain about going in for check ups too……. but we know it’s a good idea.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3065

    Go get Putz!! Just holler at me, I’ll make sure to move

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