River Fishing ????

  • Redddave
    Posts: 29

    My wife will not take our 14 month old or the soon to come 2nd child out in the canoe in the river. Its not that we are inexperiance canoers. We have many float trips and 600+ mile in the BWCA. She is worryed that if we have a flip (never had one yet) that our daughters would float down the river and get stuck in strainers. Of course being the typical guy I am I said we would not flip, this did not change her mind. The section of river that I want to fish is the Rum River between Princeton and Cambridge. It is a sandy section that has little to no rocks, a lesser gradiant but it as alot of strainers. She said she would fish it from a more stable boat, so I instantly thought of a Jon Boat. So I asked my a friend that as some experiance in rivers and he was concerned about a few things. First, a 14 ft jon boat has a capaity 3 people, I will have four very soon. Second, in his experiacne with the PA Fish and Boat commission they have alot of fatalities with Jon Boats due to the the little free board they have. He indicated that if a Jon boat gets upstream and sidways to a strainer they can and usally do flip very quickly. I told him I have seen small 14 ft semi-v boats on this section of river and he thought that might be a safer route. Since I am on a very tight budget, those 14 ft semi-v are easyer to purchase. I would really apprecaite the advice any of you have, so please post your thoughts and opinions.


    Posts: 604

    old boston whaler on ebay…they are always on there, practically a flat bottom boat and you can get them up to about 15 feet before you get into the bigger ones that wouldn’t run the rum very well.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    My advice would be not to take a toddler in a canoe or small fishing boat. Seems pointless and risky but that’s just my opinion.

    Posts: 29


    My advice would be not to take a toddler in a canoe or small fishing boat. Seems pointless and risky but that’s just my opinion.

    Really the daughter has been in the canoe since she was 12 weeks and her first BWCA trip was then. Its not being in a water craft that wife worries my wife,its the moving water.

    A boston whaler, do they sell them in MN, I had never heard of one.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    First, a 14 ft jon boat has a capaity 3 people, I will have four very soon.

    I have a Crestliner 14 ft Jon shown in the link below. It has a 4 person capcity. If 2 are kids, you will have plenty of room.

    Crestliner – 14 foot Jon Boat


    I want to fish is the Rum River between Princeton and Cambridge.

    I spent this last weekend fishing the Mississippi river north of Aitken in this boat. No problem running a lot of 2-3 foot water to get to the deeper sections upstream. If you do consider a jon boat, make sure it has at least a 48 inch floor. The 36 inch floors make the boat “Tippy”. Also, the 1448 show in the link above has a standard 20 inch transon. So lots of freeboard.


    Jon Boats due to the the little free board they have. He indicated that if a Jon boat gets upstream and sidways to a strainer they can and usally do flip very quickly.

    Don’t get upstream and sidways to a strainer! I think the same would be said for any small boat.


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    In my opinion they should not go with you. Leave your daughter home until she is older. The thought of bring a new born into any small boat of any kind seems crazy to me.

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