After reading your post, it really got me thinking.
I had the same exact experience as you are having now, back in the later part of the 90s. I went fishing with buddies who I considered “good fisherman”. They always knew where to go, what do to, how to do it. I just listened and followed suit. I learned techniques very well and built confidence in doing so.
However, what bothered me what “where to go”. I had no idea how to pattern fish. I felt that I had learned how to deer hunt successfully very well over the years, put in my time, did my homework and done well. But when it came to finding walleyes and muskies, I struggled seriously bad on my own.
A few things helped me greatly. One was getting the book “Critical Concepts” on walleye locations. This book actually taught me how to find walleyes in any lake/river/reservoir and it really makes a ton of sense. In my honest opinion, I pulled more info out of that book, than I did with 4 years of subscribing to the walleye insider. I don’t subscribe to the rag anymore, for in my mind, it is just a repeating cycle of the same info every 3 years.
Also, buying some good musky books (Muskies on the Shield, by Dick Pearson) taught me how to find fish.
I recommend that you really read into these reports that the guys here post. Not so much on technique, but on location!
The biggest leap is being able to find fish. Once you have the fish found, then it is just a matter of figuring out what they want to eat.
No matter what the species are, you just have to find them. Once you find them………don’t leave!!! Look at the river, 10% of the water holds 90% of the fish. Always think of that when you launch your boat. Where are the fish at, then stick it out.
River fishing is brutal, especially in August. Absolutely brutal!!!! With the rising and falling water levels and the dog days of summer, well……..That isn’t the best time of the year for fishing……..BUT, those fish HAVE to eat, and they ARE eating!!! So, find them and give them what they want.
I really have to give credit where credit is due. Thus far, I’ve been in the boat with James 4 times. Three of those times have been on the river. James has taught me where to find fish on the river. Today (actually 2 weeks ago) I caught some good eater eyes on the river. I was fishing about 10 minutes before the first fish made it to the boat. I’m not bragging here, but what I’m saying is that there is a ton of info here to learn. 2 years ago, I couldn’t have done this. James, in what he taught me about river fishing is the reason for my success. Today, I can find fish. The key thing is being able to find the fish, then just FISH THEM!!!!
Another thing I learned, is that most of the fish will “live together” in the same general locations. For example, fishing LOTW on shallow reefs will give you walleyes, smallies, & Muskies. Fishing the north breakline of Mille Lacs will give you walleyes, pike, & muskies. Go to Myr-Mar reef and you can add smallies to that mix. They are there to eat food.
On the river, you can catch a huge mix of fish, all in the same location. So the key concept is targeting the species with what that species likes to eat.