My fishing liquidation sale coming soon

  • mnfish
    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    Am, mossydan is right. Go after another species until the conditions are right for the eyes. Blue gills, bass, cats, sheepies?? All are fun and mostly plentiful (until you fish a tourney and they seem to disapear!!!!) White bass can be a hoot and pretty easy to find this time of year. Anywhere behind wing dams with a crank bait or spinnerbait. If you hit enough of them you’ll eventually hit the motherload. I have the same problem you do with your kids (and wife.) No fish it gets boring. Plus my boat is a bass boat and not much of a “family” boat. Might be something I’ll worok on for next year. But in the mean time..take out the family when it’s not hot, bring lots of food, other things like games and stop often to take walks or a break. When you’re out with them it is about them not you. Keep the “you” time when you’re out by yourself. That’s only way I keep from going crazy. And also, look at some of the stats in some of those tourneys this time of year. Lots of pros zero…both days!!! And also place yourself in the right place at the right time. Get off he water by 9 or 10 in the morning and or get on late and fish into dark. If all else fails…you’ve got the board here..I’m sure there are plenty of people here that would love to go out with you. I’m not from your area but if I was I’d take you out. Not sure that I could find an eye either but I’d give it a try!!! PM me if need anything else. We’re here for ya!

    Posts: 973

    Nothing wrong with Sheepshead. Doing mostly catch and release I always take a few dozen crawlers with me in case the Walleyes aren’t biting. And, I have been doing this since the 1950’s. Bottom line is don’t get so hung up on Walleye. Take a few dozen crawlers anchor above a wingdam and catch some fish. Or try the rock piles, etc for Sunnies.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    It is frustrating but hang in there, it is still a good time. For example, I haven’t been getting out anywhere near as much as I used to thank to the birth of my first child. Fished the Rock River three times straight and skunked on all there (didn’t catch anything period). I was tired, frustrated, upset, you name it. But all it took was an outing with a coworker who has been asking me to go fishing with him. I sat back let him drive the boat and we had a good time forgetting about walleye and pounded some northerns. Take a break from fishing if you need to but don’t give up on the most relaxing hobby a person can have (at least in my book)


    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180


    I have’nt been doing that good myself lately. But I still would not give it up. I took this picture this morning. It’s the best thing that I have caught lately. It’s good for the soul.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    It’s all about the sunsets

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    See……how can you be having a bad time when you’re sittin on the river at this time of year

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    OK I’ll play also How could you not want to be on the river for a site like this

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Well heck, remember this one then?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    After reading your post, it really got me thinking.

    I had the same exact experience as you are having now, back in the later part of the 90s. I went fishing with buddies who I considered “good fisherman”. They always knew where to go, what do to, how to do it. I just listened and followed suit. I learned techniques very well and built confidence in doing so.

    However, what bothered me what “where to go”. I had no idea how to pattern fish. I felt that I had learned how to deer hunt successfully very well over the years, put in my time, did my homework and done well. But when it came to finding walleyes and muskies, I struggled seriously bad on my own.

    A few things helped me greatly. One was getting the book “Critical Concepts” on walleye locations. This book actually taught me how to find walleyes in any lake/river/reservoir and it really makes a ton of sense. In my honest opinion, I pulled more info out of that book, than I did with 4 years of subscribing to the walleye insider. I don’t subscribe to the rag anymore, for in my mind, it is just a repeating cycle of the same info every 3 years.

    Also, buying some good musky books (Muskies on the Shield, by Dick Pearson) taught me how to find fish.

    I recommend that you really read into these reports that the guys here post. Not so much on technique, but on location!

    The biggest leap is being able to find fish. Once you have the fish found, then it is just a matter of figuring out what they want to eat.

    No matter what the species are, you just have to find them. Once you find them………don’t leave!!! Look at the river, 10% of the water holds 90% of the fish. Always think of that when you launch your boat. Where are the fish at, then stick it out.

    River fishing is brutal, especially in August. Absolutely brutal!!!! With the rising and falling water levels and the dog days of summer, well……..That isn’t the best time of the year for fishing……..BUT, those fish HAVE to eat, and they ARE eating!!! So, find them and give them what they want.

    I really have to give credit where credit is due. Thus far, I’ve been in the boat with James 4 times. Three of those times have been on the river. James has taught me where to find fish on the river. Today (actually 2 weeks ago) I caught some good eater eyes on the river. I was fishing about 10 minutes before the first fish made it to the boat. I’m not bragging here, but what I’m saying is that there is a ton of info here to learn. 2 years ago, I couldn’t have done this. James, in what he taught me about river fishing is the reason for my success. Today, I can find fish. The key thing is being able to find the fish, then just FISH THEM!!!!

    Another thing I learned, is that most of the fish will “live together” in the same general locations. For example, fishing LOTW on shallow reefs will give you walleyes, smallies, & Muskies. Fishing the north breakline of Mille Lacs will give you walleyes, pike, & muskies. Go to Myr-Mar reef and you can add smallies to that mix. They are there to eat food.

    On the river, you can catch a huge mix of fish, all in the same location. So the key concept is targeting the species with what that species likes to eat.

    Posts: 502


    i sent you a pm.let me know if you got it. after you read it then tell me your experence is bad.

    Posts: 5130

    All right, all right, I will keep everything for one more week
    All replies were great responses and encouraging.
    Gary-I whole heartedly agree with your post. I have always went with the theory that even if fishing was a little tough, the fish still had to eat. The problem is trying to find the active fish and then giving them what they want. I also need to learn different techniques to be more rounded. I usually get outfished by the people I fish with, and really hate it. I am going to try and find the book you mentioned and get educated. that is more my problem right now, I really do not know the patterns of walleyes once the spring run at the dam is over.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey wats,

    that is good news to hear. glad to hear that you are not going to sell your stuff. I don’t know much about tonka bass, but I am out there every weekend fishing the only way I know how, because I don’t know any better. I am having a huge rut. i showed my wife’s cousin how to fish top water and in our contest this year, he is leading with 10 pounds 11 ounces to my 2 pounds 2 ounces. now this is frustrating. I have alot of plastics that I think would work great for fishing them, but have no clue on what color to use on what day, how to rig them other than texas style, but most of all, where to use them plastics at. but to no avail, I still go out and try to fish them just as hard as I do with my top water. maybe some day, I can hold up fish like Mike does on his posts of tonka.


    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362


    I usually get outfished by the people I fish with, and really hate it.

    You kicked my butt on the eyes when I took you out You are a good stick, don’t forget it

    The bite is going to pick back up, trust me

    Posts: 31

    Hey Wats lets go fishing. I love chasing the walleyes this time of year. Send my a pm if you want to go.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    When you get that book, also look for the Critical Concepts #3 book: PRESENTATION.

    The LOCATION was again, the best book I’ve ever read. It basically teaches you how to find walleyes. Not to brag, but today, I feel I can go to any lake and find walleyes, any time of the year. Again, not bragging, but this book taught me how to do it and I’ve practiced it quite often with GREAT results.

    I recommend that when you read it, don’t read it front to back. Read it in the sections that apply to your bodies of water first, where you can relate to where you have fished in the past. Try and figure out with what you read, why fish were at where they were.

    Also, I used a highlighter to mark up what was important, so I could go back and reflect on it.

    Probably the hardest two parts on figuring out where to find fish was reservoirs and rivers. That is honestly why I had James take me out a couple of times. Now, when I go back to the book, and read it, where James took me makes total sense…..

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    Hey Wats!
    I Had a great big long windy response for you; but I deleted it. Just get out and have some fun! Fishing or whatever you want to do. I’m trying to have/be fun. Mostly its working. Ask the kids what they want to do and then do it (within reason of course). Good luck sir!


    Posts: 973


    I replied to your comments before, but after spending yesterday on Pools 5A and 6, and not catching a single walleye I wouldn’t get to depressed if I was you. Maybe other guys on the pools below 4 are catching Walleyes right now, but I never even caught a little one.

    I did catch some fish, however, including some of the biggest Sunfish I have seen in awhile. Being shutout on Walleye I anchored right on top of the wingdams and would flip a crawler piece with a small split shot on the line right on top of the rocks. The result was a decent day and some nice sunfish, albeit there were more then a few sheepshead that also bit. Deeper sloughs and fishing right along the banks also produced a few nice sunfish. I also managed a few Smallies and a decent catfish; however, in total I was on the water for at least 7 hours yesterday, so it was hardly a great fishing day.

    Obviously nothing to brag about, but a few dozen night crawlers can turn a bad day into something decent.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603



    When you get that book, also look for the Critical Concepts #3 book: PRESENTATION.

    The LOCATION was again, the best book I’ve ever read. It basically teaches you how to find walleyes.

    Where could one find this book in stock or is it an online thing, sounds like a must read.

    Thanks Pier.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432


    I have had it and decided to throw in the towel. I will be selling my boat, rods, and tackle. I will be selling everything right down to the last tiny split shot I can’t seem to find or catch the eyes, bass, or gills so I am going to not waste my time anymore. I will post in the classifieds with pics very soon. There will be something for everyone in the sale

    I will take it all. Got change for a 10 spot


    Posts: 5130

    I forgot about that one Since then I have had at least 3 different boats, “accumulated” twice as much tackle, and STILL can’t find fish Just goes to show, it isn’t the price or the name on the boat, fancy looking clothes, or high dollar rods and tackle that make a good fisherperson. It is all about time on the water and applying learned knowledge. But, I ain’t quite ready to give up just yet

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    When you feel that way again just call and I will take you up to Mille Lacs. It seems that everyone can catch fish there, just look in the reports


    Posts: 5130

    I would hack my left arm off with a spoon to be able to go to Mille Lac and chase smallies or walleye From my house, I can make it to the south end of the lake in a little over 4 hours, so it is not very far really

    Posts: 5130

    I am in a writing mood this evening
    I would like to take a moment to expand on a few things from a few post back on this thread. Many of you know, alot of things have changed for me since this post was put up.

    First and foremost, were quite a few people from this site offered me seats in their boats. This gave me the opportunity to learn many new techniques and I got to fish for different species. Don Hanson took me out on Pepin and showed me the ropes concerning lead core and long lining. This guy really knows his stuff and is very willing to share with members if you ask. Bret Clark also offered to take me walleye and catfishing. I learned how to run 3-ways with Raps and also what type of areas he looks for. We also got out one night for some flathead fishing I can still remember that night like it was yesterday Bret took me to one of his best spots and I landed a HUGE flattie Bret is also an awesome angler and a super nice guy to boot We now have fished open water as well as ice on a regular basis. Blue Fleck-where do I start This guy is an all around great angler We have spent quite a bit of time on the water looking for bass, walleye, and gills. He is very good at telling you what to look for without telling you exact spots. I have learned alot from him, but still look forward to every chance I get to go again

    I have also learned something I didn’t have before…..patience and persistence Patience is a virtue and a great one to have. I have also learned to slow life down a little and enjoy what we have all around us. Before, I used to judge the day by how many fish were caught. Now, I am happy if I catch a few, but learned something on the water that day, or saw something that many never get to see.

    As far as catching fish goes, I had one of my best springs ever for walleye this year. And, without a doubt, I can definitely say, my success came about when I found B-fish-N tackle. I caught and released more 20″ fish this year than all my years combined I am a firm believer in this product because it works very effectively.

    Last, but not least , is all the great members and their contributions to this site. If you take the time to read the reports and the discussions, as well as talk to other members, be it fact to face or PM’s, I can guarantee you will also catch more fish, but more importantly, you will become a member of an awesome “extended” family

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Ya know Mike…with the exception of fishing with Bret or Tom (distants problem), I could have wrote the above.

    This web site is amazing…and it’s really the people that make this web site!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    The IDA family ROCKS

    Thanks to this site, I have made some great friends and fishing partners It has also helped me fine tune many fishing techniques

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Mike, Don’t hesitate to go up to Mille Lacs on your own if you don’t have a host.I went up last week and with the info I got from here was able to put fish in the boat. It was a blast, even the 4 to 5 ft rollers were fun. I can’t wait to get back. Isle is just under 4 hrs from Alma. I even caught perch on a #5 jointed shad rap. Go today if you can.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057




    When you get that book, also look for the Critical Concepts #3 book: PRESENTATION.

    The LOCATION was again, the best book I’ve ever read. It basically teaches you how to find walleyes.

    Where could one find this book in stock or is it an online thing, sounds like a must read.

    Thanks Pier.

    Go to In-Fisherman website. It is book #2 of Critical Concepts for walleyes…Location.

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