My fishing liquidation sale coming soon

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    I have had it and decided to throw in the towel. I will be selling my boat, rods, and tackle. I will be selling everything right down to the last tiny split shot I can’t seem to find or catch the eyes, bass, or gills so I am going to not waste my time anymore. I will post in the classifieds with pics very soon. There will be something for everyone in the sale

    casey walters
    Mapleton, MN
    Posts: 107

    It’s not that bad. A day on the water is still better than work.

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Yes, AM, don’t do this. See your PM I just sent you.

    So. St. Paul
    Posts: 125

    Say it aint so! I have felt that way before when the fish just are too hard to find! But a few weeks away from the water and I find myself looking at boats out on the lakes and rivers and get that itch again. I would try a new body of water or find a different partner, whatever. I bet you would regret it. This season has been particularly trying for me as I can’t BUY a walleye. But I’ll just target something else for a while. DON”T DO IT!!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Don’t do it buddy

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I know how ya feel! I was at that point a while back. Hang in there, life and fishing always gets better!

    Posts: 13

    Waste of time?


    Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~Henry David Thoreau

    I think you SHOULD sell everything. You obviously aren’t in touch with the connection you had and lost or maybe never understood you had with fishing and the outdoors. I say this not to be hurtful, only to hurry you back towards a possible and eventual happiness out on the water. Nothing clears the mind and lines up priorities faster than losing something. Even if you give or throw it away yourself. Having to build yourself back to where you are now, one lure at a time, will make the journey all the more meaningful to you. And once you have returned, you will never take it for granted again.

    Or you can take your boat and park it on a beach. Throw out a worm on the bottom and relax while trying to take in the real reason being on the water is so attractive to you and I promise you its not the size and number of fish you catch.

    Western North Carolina
    Posts: 91

    Since early March I’ve averaged being on the lake at least once per week …. minimum of 10 hours each trip …. I’ve only caught 2 legal eyes this year …. yep, I’m a novice, but the solitude is reason enough to be there … fish are a bonus …. I’m often in my most relaxed state on the lake …. I even prefer cold weather, cause the crowd is smaller.
    So go Sie, sit, think, even leave the rods in the locker, take a few weeks off if you must, or better, find someone from the list to go with …. its easiest to relax and talk with someone who doesn’t know you very well ….. I’d volunteer in the blink of an eye, but …. I’m in NC, and it’s 1100 miles to S. MN ….
    You are getting better ….. talking with others is a big part of that and we are all here to listen.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey wats,

    when we start to feel pressured into catching fish, we don’t find them or even come close to getting any into the boat. but when you are out there to relax, the fish just seem to be there bitting on your line. take a few weeks off and then look at what you have for fishing stuff and see if you really want to get rid of it all. look at all of the hard earned money that you spent to aquire this stuff and how empty you would feel without the ability to go fishing.


    Posts: 5130

    Maybe I have lost touch with the real reason we all fish and hunt. I started off this year hell bent to become a better walleye fisherman. I started off the year pretty good when Bret took me out to some of his honey holes. Then I started going on my own and went downhill from there. The challenge has finally taken its toll on my confidence and patience. Sure, catching is a bonus, but let’s be realistic. Many will say they enjoy just being out there on the water. But, I can assure you that going out time after time, and getting skunked, you will get discouraged. There comes a time when you figure all the money that is going toward bait and gas is all in vain. I have fished every technique that I know and in many different areas, and cannot find any eyes. I would settle for sub-legal size just to catch them. I am not in it for the meat, I very rarely keep anything. I haven’t taken the kids out in quite awhile because they get bored real fast when we are not catching fish. You try and tell a kid, ” Remember, catching isn’t everything” I would like them to at least catch a few to keep them interested.
    Beleive me, I worked for every thing I own, so that is not an issue. I am thinking maybe I am not cut out to be a fisherman, I suck. I suppose I could hire a guide, but I live paycheck to paycheck with very little left over for “fun” spending. I am not sure what ticks me off more, the fact that a fish is smarter than I am, or that I am letting the fish outsmart me
    I think I will sell out and take up basket weaving or golf

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417


    I think I will sell out and take up basket weaving or golf

    If you think fishing is difficult and frustrating…just wait until you take up GOLF! You’ll be WISHING YOU WERE FISHING! Trust me.

    To me, the excitement of catching a fish would not be there if they were easy to catch. And one more thing, if you think there are fisher-people on here who catch good numbers EVERY time they go out, think again. Everyone struggles at times and the guys who say they don’t are full of it!

    Consider your last few fishing outings as being “in-a-rut” and bare-down and get yourself out of it!

    Posts: 82

    Send me a pm and I will give you a couple good GPS coordinates for the Croix… better yet hook up with me and DrewsDad and we will go get some… has not always been “great” but we have managed a limit or close to for walleyes and sauger…

    Posts: 87

    when you take your kids out fish for sunfish they dont care if there big or small there catching something.bring lots of food and my kids have a bag full of toys they keep in the boat all the time when they get board they play with there toys for awile then want to fish more.

    Wahkon, Mn
    Posts: 254

    Last July after a pitiful round of golf, I drove by a boat show “JUST TO LOOK” and came home with a new Lund! By far the best thing I’ve done. Fishing is relaxing, golf-not.When fishing goes south you can change tatics,golf-not.You can find excuses why the fish don’t bite, cold front, to hot, to cold. When you suck at golf, you just suck!

    That’s just my 2 cents

    The Empty Stringer

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Don’t sell your stuff dude. I’ve known a couple guys over the years that have done ( sold thier stuff ) what your contemplating. Both regreted thier decisions after a short while and it cost them more $ replacing what they sold.

    If the fish are getting the best of you lately then give it a rest and do somthing else for a while. I think you’ll find that in time you’ll get the bug to get out after them eyes again. Falls not that far off now and that’s my favorite time of year for walleyes here on the river. Funny how a good bite makes me forget about previous skunkings earlier in the season.

    Sure it’s frustratimg not catching fish but if you keep after it sooner or later things are going to click and you’ll start hooking up. And when you do put it together ( how to get em to bite ) it’s one of the best feelings in the world. Believe me , I’ve taken quite a few beatings on the water chasing eyes over the years ( still do actualy )and know exactly how you feel. The thought of actualy giving up the sport has crossed my mind in the past too. Fortunately I have just enough stubborn German in me to not give up.

    Hang tough dude , take a break for a while then go from there. Personaly , I think you will regret selling your stuff if you decide to go that route.

    Posts: 412

    You gotta look at it this way wats. The stuff that you have in your posession is already paid for!!!! If you sell it all and decide that you want to get back into fishing you would have to go out and buy everything all over again I feel your frustration as my sucess lately hasn’t been all that hot . Hang in there and whatever you do don’t sell your stuff. Makes me think of a poster i saw about drunk driving showing a geeky guy on a nice motorcycle saying:”If you drive drunk your brother in-law get your bike”
    Good luck and hang in there
    “Happier than a carp in a septic tank”\

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    When I was young eyes was all that was fished and much like you are talking about they were elusive to the end of my line. I gave up on them and concentrated on panfish, almost gauranteed to catch something every time you go, now when I go walleye fishing it seems most every time I go I end up catching at leaast one of them critters. Maybe like others are saying its time to give it a rest or try a different species, dont let your free time get the best of you bud

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    One last thing – when not catching walleyes gets the best of me (happens often) I go back to the simplest form of fishing – carp! They are fun to catch and easy to release and best of all, pretty simple to catch too. My 20 year old son doesnt remember the walleyes he’s caught, the Northerns hes caught…but he does remember a 20lb carp on a snoopy pole! Even sheephead are fun to a child – just dont get caught cleaning and eating them!

    Des Moines, Iowa
    Posts: 161

    heck I know exactly what you mean, I say it every year after deer hunting, and a lot of fishing days, then I go sit on a bank and catch a mess of gills, big or small, with my kids and remind myself, the real reason to fish.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    I just got off of tonka and I was there at 5 this morning and manages a whole lot of nothing, just like the last 3 times i have been out there. I mostly fish for bass, and according to the “eye” guys, anyone can catch bass, well not me, i can’t seem to get them to bite the lure that i am tossing at the time, I have tried everything that I can think of as well, but I am not going to sell my stuff because I can’t manage a few bass in the boat. but I am getting that same feeling that you are, I want to quit and hang it up because I feel that I can’t buy a bite, and don’t have the money to have someone take me out and show me what I am doing wrong, and the magazine articles that I am reading arn’t helping me much neither, so I guess I am screwed. maybe someday I will be able to put a string of nice fish in the boat, but it will probably be well after the fall is in season and the hot weather slows down.

    heck, even at the ARM event, when everyone was pulling eyes in all day long, I was sitting there drowning my worm, or well atleast giving it a long bath and I didn’t even catch an eye until sunday morning right before leaving. so I know how you feel, don’t do it!! you will regret it after it is all gone.


    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Hey AM, Please indulge me in a little unsolicited advice, “DON’T”! Fishing is therapeutic and catching fish just makes it more so!

    West Salem,WI
    Posts: 211

    If you really want to give up fishin,give all your stuff to someone you trust,so it’ll get some use,and then when the urge hits[and it will]you can get some of you’re stuff back,if not all.Not catchin fish sucks,but the water always calls ya back.

    Posts: 5130

    Guess what? I went fishing again today for eyes. Guess what I caught???????????? One single freakin sheepie


    Calgon, take me awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    I hjave had it!!! I quit!!!

    Son of a *&^%$#@, %$#@ walleyes, friggin &^%$#@,

    WHEW, I think I got that out of my system. I am pretty sure anyway No good pieces of ^%$#, I suck, fishing sucks, the Mississippi is overrated and has no walleyes in it, &^%$ tournament fisherman caught them all, freakin bass boats racing over all the wingdams, pleasure boats making too many waves, the moon is in the wrong phase, too much sun, too windy, water is too warm, sheepies and cats took over.

    I am sure I missed quite a few excuses, trust me I will find more. Now, I think I am better

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Dude… you need to take a deep breath and chill before you drop over from a coronary. Fishing is fun and should be relaxing. You’re making it “not fun” for yourself. I wouldn’t suggest you sell anything or take up any new hobbies until you settle out a little so you can make a sound descision. Right now you sound like you’re vibrating in place.

    Posts: 5130

    Sorry, the last post was not meant to be taken seriously
    I was just getting it out of my system.
    Maybe I just need to take 2 “happy pills” a day for awhile, maybe then I can focus a little better
    i will try to remember and chant over and over “Fishing,Fun”, “Fishing is fun”, “Relax, Fishing is Fun”, “Fishing is fun AND Relaxing”. Ummmmm, how often should I be repeating this. because so far it isn’t working

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Hey wats I fished 13hours straight saturday and caught one eye about 10inches,we caught some smallies though.Sometimes this walleye thing can be hard on a guy.This last two weeks have been really tuff well actually all summer but i know the sun will shine anouther day.If read some of the post heck this whole year as been tuff on alot of fishermen.Keep your chin up and hang in their .

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    jimmny christmas…If I had to report on how many no-fish fish reports i have had…there would be many more than I have up now !!

    give it some time “Chili Cheese Fries” you will see what were talking about !!!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362


    Hang in there Wats. It will start picking up again in a few weeks

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    July and August are harder months to catch fish for everyone, not just you Bud. Remember its called ”fishin not catchin.” Its fun and relaxing just being on the water. Read what Catfishes signature say. it says ALOT!
    Thanks, Bill

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey Watson, don’t sell your equipment, it isn’t worth it and welcome to walleye fishing and the heat of the summer and the dogdays of late summer. When the water starts too cool down about 10 degrees it’ll start going again. Im waiting till the end of august for a fishing trip up there especially because the waters pretty warm right now, happens almost every summer when theres a thermocline. Go get some chicken liver and small bluegills and fish catfish at night, that’ll help you get it out of your system.

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