Zoom Trick Worms, float?

  • Dungeonhawk
    Posts: 4

    Good afternoon all.. I realize the zooms trick worms do not float, but I hear alot of people commenting on them floating… Are they just saying float in the regard that they sink slower than a yamamoto worm or something of that sort?
    Just kind of confusing.. Im going to give them a shot here soon.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Caught 3 LGs last night on White Bear in about an hour on a deadsticked 6″ black Zoom trick worm. They sink REALLY slow…the bigger trick worms actually wiggle as they sink…the 6″ one didn’t but the bass liked it anyways.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 200

    hook size and wt. will make a difference,I fish them on a 3/0 with no swivel.This works well for me.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to IDA Dungeonhawk!!!

    Posts: 4

    thanks steve in fact I just bought a st croix last night broke my fenwick golden wing the night before

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