Looking for bass info on Pool 4

  • dhnitro
    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Can anyone point me out where to find some info on catching bass on Pool 4. Coming up next weekend to visit some friends and would like to go bass fishing. What should I target Largies or smallies…this time of year I mean. Do you have a slop bite up there? I love fishin frogs…any info would be great? One last thing, is the water alright to travel? Not to low I mean…Thanks

    Posts: 251

    I was out last night,(little windy)but got some nice fish,Both smallies and Lg mouth. You can drift along the riprap by camp lacuplis or maple springs and catch smallies, But with all the boat traffic this weekend you might want to go into back waters like Indian slough accross from wabasha, the Lg Mouth are hitting slop, Water level is going down its been really high. Good Luck!~!!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Not sure what the bite is at the moment. But I know you won’t need to worry about water levels. The sippi has a full belly!

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