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  • adexecutiv
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    Slop Bass asked the question: ‘Why was it dangerous?’
    Both boats came BETWEEN my boat and a cruiser going the
    other way. These boys were apparently wanting to get to
    the weigh-in in time. I followed them through the no-wake
    zone to the landing where the tournament was held. My
    wife told me to let them go and not start a fight. I run
    a Lund, but I slow down for EVERY boat I get close to
    that’s fishing, but these boys were darn STUPID for running
    so close. The tournament officials ought to eliminate
    them from any tournament. Their the kind of guys I called

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    You have every right to turn them in to the tournament director…There is a sportsmanship ‘clause in most rules that we are supposed to follow. If you see them break a rule, odds are, you have a good chance of DQ’ing them. Don’t hesitate next time. I know I probably would’ve been DQ’d for the altercation that would’ve followed

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    Slop Bass: Those two boats got to the Clinton Street
    Landing at 2:06 PM. I’d appreciate it if you’d talk to
    your group at the next outing. Maybe these idiots can be
    culled out or at least a greater awareness of safety can
    be learned. I don’t hate all bass fishermen. I even had
    one pull back and idle by me while I was fishing. But
    these guys were Jerks. They had plenty of room to pass me
    on the east side of the Black River before the railroad
    bridge but they went right between our two boats. One
    went airborne due to the wake from the cruiser. I’m certainly not a perfect boater, but I do know the rules
    of the water and the safety and courtesy issues. I just
    wish some others would learn.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    I’d appreciate it if you’d talk to
    your group at the next outing

    I wasn’t in LAX this weekend, nor was I on the water, they have NO affiliation w/the Slopster

    If this happened on Sunday??, I do know whoever who to contact about reinforcing the rules etc..etc…and can shoot them a note about the deal.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    Yes, It was Sunday, Father’s Day. Appreciate whatever
    you can do and I didn’t mean to assume you were in the tournament, it’s just that you’re apparently a bass
    fisherman and I needed to rant to a bass fisherman. So
    I picked you. You’re just lucky I guess!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    I would first like to apologise for my rant yesterday. This is obviously a heated subject for everyone involved.

    I think that this is a topic that needs to be adressed and patroled. For all of the other Bass guys out there. We are very close to loosing tournaments on the best waters in our states. I am a minnesota angeler and would hate to see Tonka, Gull, White fish and many other lakes taken off the schedule because we couldn’t manage our time. We all know when we need to be on the beach. Be there and don’t push your luck! I am not perfect. I have pushed my time to the limit. Lets police one another and make sure that our kids can ride shot gun until they get there own rig. Wouldn’t it be great to have our next generation KICK OUR [censored] in an IDA fauther son event!

    I know that there are many Bass men out here. This is real and we all know it. We can’t fix what other types of boaters do. But we can make sure that one another are held accountable. I run a Blue and White Stratos 201/ If anyone sees me do somthing stupid. Give me a 1oz jig to the head. I will deserve it.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this. Run hard when you can. But pick time that make sence.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    A lot of good points in this thread. Just posting this will make many people think about how they run their boats…not that all will change.

    One thing that I noticed since I placed two quite large IDA decals on my truck and boat (moving bill boards) is that I try to be more considerate than in the past. I hold myself to a higher standard than I did before (not to be confused with “better than the next person”). The last thing I would want is for someone to come online and say…”this IDA blew by me can cut my fishing line” ect describing my truck or boat. It would be a black eye to us all. Sort of like the guy with a Ranger giving bass guys (and gals) a bad name. *Sidebar: I know many bass fisherpeople and they are all good considerate folk…although Slop Bass maybe questionalbe .

    I’ve been sent emails and PM’s from folk registered and non register asking me if I was in this or that area at a certain time, because they spotted my decals. I’ve been stopped in fast food restaurant parking lots, at Fleet Farm and once at the Doctors office…I was wearing my hat.

    No, I wear my PDF because I can’t walk on water. My point is that when people you don’t know can recognize you, you hold yourself accountable.

    Maybe it’s time we all put our names on our boats and cars…along with a phone number…”How’s my driving”?

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776



    I also chased down an inconsiderate tuna boat this past weekend and “discussed” his lack of common courtesy and respect for others.

    What did he have to say?

    Not so much what he had to say, as I did most of the talking…I made it PERFECTLY clear in my best career sailor voice and language exactly what I think of him.

    Posts: 7

    Could have been you!

    The biggest nightcrawler bed in all of Minneapolis
    Posts: 189

    I was on a popular lake Saturday, anchored in the general vicinity of a few other boats who were also fishing. Several boats came flying by at breakneck speeds and way too close to a couple of the fishing boats. They happened to all be high powered bass boats. I don’t have anything against bass anglers or fast boats, but what they did was down right dangerous AND stupid. I know for a fact there was a bass tournament that day and it appeared they were all in a race to get to the same spot. As a nuetral outsider, I would say this makes bass tournaments and bass anglers look pretty careless.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    As a nuetral outsider, I would say this makes bass tournaments and bass anglers look pretty careless.

    Correction: It makes those bass tournament anglers look pretty careless. I’m really getting sick of hearing about one or two bass anglers, assuming this was them, running the gauntlet, and then having someone say that all bass anglers are like that. Come on, we know better than that. When I was on the Mississippi this spring by the Red Wing dam, there were plenty of people who would bomb up the middle of the river flying around boats both anchored and drifting. I never heard one person complain about those d#$n walleye guys. Lets not be hypocritical. There are bad boaters in all types of fisherman. Sterotyping isn’t good. Let’s stop.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    If it’s Main channel or Main body type water, no need to slow down IMO, but DO try not to get too close to an anchored boat.

    I think if you’re hanging out in these Main body areas, you should expect boats to be zinging by and a few waves.

    I’m not saying this is the case, and i’m sure most of you think i’m a horror on the water(cause i’m not), but I’m not gonna let this be a one sided conversation.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5603

    While we’re on the subject, how can we explain to the “cabin people” in their pontoon boats that it’s perfectly legal for them to float around out in the MIDDLE of the lake? WHY do they have to cruise around 20 feet from shore? Last week I had pontoons cut between me and shore (while I was bass fishing) thre different times. Yes, I called them on it and every time I was met with blank stares. It would have been funny if it wasn’t so frustrating.

    So pay attention now, Pontoon boat evening cruiser types: You don’t have to stay next to the shoreline, especially if I’m in front of you pitching jigs at docks, OK?

    OK, I feel better now.


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    LOL…i think it boils down to this

    Flatbottoms hate anybody bigger than them, which is everybody

    Walleye Boats/BassBoats/Pontoons hate each other.

    We all Hate Tuna Boats and Barges…

    Sounds about right?

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417


    I don’t have anything against bass anglers or fast boats, but what they did was down right dangerous AND stupid. I know for a fact there was a bass tournament that day and it appeared they were all in a race to get to the same spot. As a nuetral outsider, I would say this makes bass tournaments and bass anglers look pretty careless.

    It’s only dangerous and stupid if you’re not the lead boat during the race to the best spot! Jumping wakes from the lead guys is not much fun. So my advice would be to get the fastest bass boat you can so you’re always in front running on nice, clean water!

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    It sounds like the boaters were careless,but as pointed out by other post,it takes all kinds,but the comments about the boats comeing out of the water ,don’t forget that these boats are made for performance and until you have driven one,it is hard to understand what they are capable of,
    I do feel that this is a case of reclaess driveing.
    I’m sick of being singled out,example pool3 by in prescott going thu no wake zone and haveing cabin cruisers passing me and haveing the sheriff on his load speaker telling me to slow down?
    Another: Rum River on plane and haveing every pontoon yell at me to slow down,only doing 30mph.
    Another:lake Waciona,D.N.R checking us while we are fishing and asking if we are fishing a tournament,no tournaments on the lake that day and they checked no other boats in the area.
    There are many more,but my boat is well mark with Team Supreme decals and it would be dumb to break any regs. or be noncourtious so there is an atmosphere out there that bass boats are the bad guys,and I for one am sick of it and one more thing if lakeshore owners don’t want me to fish there docks get your dock off our lake.{all just a rant]

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    I hope someone has fun on our lakes and rivers!

    Slop Bass…Everyone loves the Catfisherman…you guys never see em. No wakes…they just sneek in and sneek out under the cover of darkness. Per-T quiet out there on those busy waterways and 2 a.m.!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    From the Iowa boating regs:


    Reckless Operation:

    No vessel shall be operated within Iowa in a reckless or negligent manner. Examples of reckless or careless operation include:

    Excessive speed in regulated or congested areas

    Operating in a manner that may cause an accident

    Operating in a swimming area with bathers present

    Bow riding or riding on the gunwale or transom where no seating is provided

    Operation of a personal watercraft which endangers life or property

    Now, “reckless” is a hard charge to prove, but certainly:


    Speed Limits and Horsepower Limitations:

    You are responsible for your wake. Do not exceed 5 mph within 100 feet of any boat going 5 mph or less.

    When two boats are operating at over 5 mph they should stay at least 50 feet apart.

    You should not exceed 10 mph unless vision is unobstructed more than 200 feet ahead.

    On inland lakes and federal impoundments: Do not exceed 10 mph within 300 feet of shore (except in specially zoned areas).

    Violation of any of those would constitute a provable offense. If it happens on Iowa waters, turn them in. Please refrain from taking up a beef with the bass fishermen of IDA. They may be the black sheep of our little web-community, but they’re ours nonetheless, and will be defended with rigor.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    ok guys, I am going to add my 2 cents worth. I remember last year when we where having the gtg, we had a boater that had his boat completely submerged in the water still tied to the dock at Everetts. I know that there were 4 or 5 cruzers that just locked through the damn and that is whay happened. even though we tried to slow other cruzers down until we got the boat floating, they seen us but chose not to shut the throttle down.

    how others drive their boat is thier decision, but I know that we all have been guilty of doing something stupid since we have owned our boats. I have learned alot since owning my boat and I always try to treat other fisherman/boaters the way I would want to be treated. as far as what we fish for, I think is not the issue, it is just who is driving the boats.

    as far as the pontoons running the shore line, they like to do that to see what is happening around the lake at other homes. it is just a way for them to keep up the gossip for the lake. I had to ask my grandpa why they do that. that was his answere.


    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792



    I hope someone has fun on our lakes and rivers!

    Slop Bass…Everyone loves the Catfisherman…you guys never see em. No wakes…they just sneek in and sneek out under the cover of darkness. Per-T quiet out there on those busy waterways and 2 a.m.!

    Unless we have to smell you guys at the landing in the morning. Pee-U.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    Alright guys. I opened up a real can of worms but I did
    it to make awareness of the carless drivers out there that
    we have to educate BEFORE someone else REGULATES. We’ve
    blamed jon boaters, walleye fishermen, bass fishermen,
    cruisers, jet skiers, pontoon boaters, etc. Isn’t it
    funny that it’s the other guy? I hate walleye tournaments,
    because the walleye fisherman suddenly turns stupid and
    careless and yes I talk to them when they do it, because I
    can catch up with them. The fact in my first post was simple. These were 4 guys in two bass boats fishing a
    tournament, and wanting to get to the weigh-in on time,
    and damn anyone else. I couldn’t get thier numbers, and
    all I could read was the 200 & 225 hp decals on the motors.
    If I could have caught up with them it would have been
    crazy to confront them. My wife and I against 4 guys that
    didn’t give a [censored] about me or my wife a few minutes before.
    It would have just gotten into a big p…… contest and I
    would have gotten madder. We can argue all we want, but if
    you and I and everyone doesn’t correct this problem and
    regulate ourselves, big daddy is going to do it for us.
    I don’t want to play sheriff and control other boaters
    and I don’t belong to a club, but I would think it easier
    for clubs and tournaments to REMIND our boaters that WE
    need to set the example. Let’s go to work…together!

    The biggest nightcrawler bed in all of Minneapolis
    Posts: 189

    Adman–I thought your posts were well written and unoffensive. I said what I did because that’s what I saw happen on the water. I wasn’t trying to indict tournament bass fisherman but since that’s who was involved I said so. Gianni showed in legal terms (although for a different state) what I was trying to say in layman’s terms. It was just a rude and dangerous thing to do and it was done by (apparently) tournament bass fisherman on their way to their spot.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Based on Gianni post, reffering to Iowa regs,(I’m sure MN’s and WI are very similiar) it looks as if we have all been in violation of the law. Like many have said, we all need to be responsible for our own boats and what wake or problems we could create. No matter we all say or do, there will always be someone who does something inconsiderate. Pointing fingers at certain groups only causes more problems and divides us as fisherman. In my opinion, based on going to the CCP meetings, that is exactly what the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would like us to do.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    Maybe IDA can help! I’d be willing to put an IDA sticker
    on my boat to help declare that I promise to be a better
    boater. It might be a start.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    I’m in. Not sure how to get one. What is the easiest way.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Depends on where you live… Click on “IDA Gear” to the left of your screen for credit card or check orders by mail.

    I carry a supply for the folks in the Mpls/St Paul/Hudson area. I believe there are others south of here that have them on hand too.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Thank you. I am a Minneapolis guy. If I remember you are on the east side. I may purchase a few. That way there are a few available on the west side.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417


    Maybe IDA can help! I’d be willing to put an IDA sticker
    on my boat to help declare that I promise to be a better
    boater. It might be a start.

    I will not mention any names, but I can prove that an IDA sticker will not be a cure-all…

    Last year at the Everstart tournament ran out of Red Wing, MN, our lock back to pool 3 was held up by a fellow contestant. The boat was floating in the middle of the lock instead of grabbing a wall. The lockmaster yelled repeatedly for him to grab a rope and the guy in the boat ignored him for at least a minute or two. Others started to say stuff to him and he FINALLY began his 1 minute crawl over to a wall (which he never grabbed hold of as if to say, “I’m still not going to follow your rules”). Well as the boat idled by I couldn’t help but notice the 15″ long sticker across the back of his motor that read “”. I was a bit shocked!

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    Here’s a plug for all you bass fisherman and bass boat owners – 2 years ago we were up for our annual week on Rainy Lake and happened to be there the week of the Canadian Bass Championship. Now granted it is 220,000 acres, but a couple times we were fishing in some narrower channels when some of the entrants blew by at 60+ and they always went out of their way to give us a wide berth. My hat is off to guys who have the class and respect to do that even when 1st place and all that implies is on the line.

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