Rain Gear

  • Reefhawg1
    Posts: 30

    I’m looking for some recommendations for rain gear that is used in warm weather. Not worried about price, just want something that will keep me DRY !!!

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    FLW Rain Gear…I have a set and it works great. Only at Walmart Super Stores. $80. But I have to believe Cabela’s or Gander’s gear is better. The Guide Wear at Cabela’s is around $400 but insulated and some even have layers…like Ogars.

    North Dakota, USA
    Posts: 360

    Scheels outfitters makes a real nice set if your anywhere near one of there stores.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Reef Hawg, what temperatures do you call warm weather? I wear my Guide Series from Cabelas most of the time. At least even when it is in the 70’s and below. That I believe is the best stuff on the market hands down. As Buckshot says below, there is un insulated guidewear. Nothing beats the price of staying dry and out on the water longer because of it!

    Otherwise I have a pair of Frogg Toggs for when it really gets warm. These are really lightweight and surpisingly keep the water out and if you are just fishing with them, they seem durable enough for that. I just picked up a pair from Minnkota’s (Trolling Motor) website FROGG TOGGS that are Gray for the Girlfriend. I have only had mine 2 years but they have taken some abuse and seem to keep the water out well. They do not seem like much when you pick them up, but they can handle fishing activities. Good Luck

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    The uninsulated Guidewear from Cabelas is great. It is expensive but it is great stuff. Now that I have had some….if I ever need new stuff I will be getting Guidewear again.

    For any testimonial….just look at pictures from any FLW or PWT tournament where it is raining or cold….I would bet 85-90% of the field uses guide wear and these are guys that fish hundreds of days a year.

    Anoka, MN
    Posts: 216

    I agree with buckshot. I did the same post last year and bought the guide wear after most said it was the best. I had the Gander Mountain gear and it didn’t do the job. With the weather we have had this spring, the Guide Wear is by far been the best I’ve ever tried.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    The Rainy River series from Cableas is light weight. I have had a set for years and continue to use it when the weather is moderate to warm. I generally only use my guidewear when it’s cooler.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Frogg Toggs

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